Development/Tutorials (ko)
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튜트리얼은 KDE를 통해 무엇을 할 수 있으며, 어떻게 사용할 수 있는지를 찾는 빠른 방법이다.
여기에는 현재 사용가능한 (KDE4를 위한)튜트리얼이 목록화되어 있다.
KDE3와 KDE2에 대한 것을 살펴보려면, 이 페이지의 하단부에서 찾을 수 있을 것이다.
Tutorials are the fastest way of finding out what KDE will do for you, and how to do it. Here is a list of currently available tutorials for KDE4. Material for KDE3 and KDE2 is available on the bottom of this page.
KDE 4 프로그래밍 소개
당신은 KDE4 어플리케이션을 작성하는데 흥미가 있습니까? 이 튜트리얼 시리즈는 KDE 프로그래밍에서 완멱히 새로운 것들에 중점을 맞춰 다룹니다.
- Hello World
- KDE4 프로그래밍의 기초가 되는 예비 소개
- A preliminary introduction to the very basics of KDE4 programming
- 메인 윈도우 생성하기
- 이 튜트리얼에서는 어플리케이션의 가장 중요한 마술(메인 윈도우)을 보여준다.
- This tutorial shows you the magic of an application's most important thing: The main window.
- KActions 사용하기
- 어떻게 메뉴와 툴바에 액션을 추가할 수 있는지에 대하여 설명한.
- How to add actions to the menus and toolbars.
- Saving과 Loading
- 어플리케이션에서 loading과 saving을 지원하게 하는 KIO 라이브러리의 소개한다
- Introduces the KIO library while adding loading and saving support to our application.
- 커맨드 라인 인자
- 커맨드 인자 라인으로부터 우리의 텍스트 에디터에서 열 파일을 결정하는 기능을 추가한다.
- Adds the ability to specify which file to open from the command line to our text editor.
- 어플리케이션 포팅하기
- Qt3/KDE3에서 Qt4/KDE4로 어플리케이션을 포팅하는 것을 돕는다.
- Help Porting Applications from Qt3/KDE3 to Qt4/KDE4
- Introduction to CMake
- KDE4에서 사용되는 CMAKE 빌드 시스템을 사용하는 방법
- How to use the CMake build system used by KDE4.
- 공통된 프로그래밍 실수들
- Qt와 KDE 어플리케이션 개발 도중에 만드는 다양하고 공통된 실수와 이것을 피하는 방법에 대하여 다룬다.
- Various common mistakes made while developing Qt and KDE applications and how to avoid them.
- 유저 인터페이스를 생성하는 Qt 디자이너 사용하기
- 어떻게 디자이너로 UI 파일을 생성하고, 이것을 KDE 프로그램에 통합하는가에 대하여 다룬다.
- How to create UI files with designer, and how to integrate them into a KDE program.
- 커맨드 라인 옵션 사용하기
- 커맨드 라인 인자를 KDE의 터맨드 라인 인자 클래스를 사용하여 쉽게 처리하고 접근한다.
- Processing and accessing command-line arguments the easy way with KDE's command line arguments classes.
테스트와 디버깅
- 당신의 어플리케이션 디버깅하기
- 당신의 KDE 어플리케이션을 디버깅할 때 지원하는 도구와 기술에 관한 팁
- Tips, tools and techniques to apply when debugging your KDE application
- QTestLib로 Qt4와 KDE4를 위한 Unitest 작성하기 (Original link)
- QtestLib 프레임워크를 사용하여 유닛 테스트를 어떻게 작성하는지 설명하는 튜트리얼(by Brad Hards). 이것은 튜트리얼 기반의 예제를 제공하며, 아직 개발 중이다.
- Tutorial by Brad Hards that describes how to write unit tests using the QTestLib framework. It is presented as an example based tutorial, and is still under development.
- 코드 에러를 찾는 반자동화적인 방법들
- KDE 코드에서 에러를 찾는데 사용할 수 있는 기술들
- Techniques you can use to detect errors in KDE code
KConfig로 Configuration Data 관리하기
- KConfig 소개
- KConfig 클래스 개요와 당신의 어플리케이션 코드에서 이것을 사용하는 방법을 다룬다.
- An overview of the KConfig classes and how to use them in your application code
- KConfig XT 사용하기
- 효율적으로 KConfig XT 프레임워크를 사용하는 방법에 대한 튜트리얼
- Tutorial on how to efficiently use the KConfig XT framework.
- Updating KConfig Files
- 기존에 존재하는 유저의 config 파일에서 동기적으로 어플리케이션 config 파일 포맷 변경점을 유지하는 업데이트 스크립트를 어떻게 작성하는가에 대한 튜트리얼
- Tutorial on how to write an update script to keep changes in your application's config file format in sync with the user's already existing config file
Services: 어플리케이션과 플러그인
- Service 프레임워크 소개
- KDE에서 Services 프레임워크의 개요와 어플리케이션 개발자에게 무엇을 재공하는지에 대하여 설명한다. 시스템 구성캐시(SyCoCa), 소스 데이터 파일, 그리고 사용가능한 인덱스 데이터 정보가 무엇이지에 대한 내용을 포함한다.
- An overview of the services framework in KDE and what it provides the application developer. Covers the system configuration cache (SyCoCa), the source data files and what the indexed information can be used for.
- Trader Queries를 사용하여 Services 찾기
- 플러그인이나 mimetype과 같이, Trader Query 문법을 사용하는 SyncoCa에서 인됙스된 서비스를 찾는 방법
- How to find services, such as plugins or mimetypes, that are indexed in the SyCoCa using Trader Query Syntax
- KService를 사용하여 플러그인을 생성하고 불러오기
- custom 플러그인 타입을 어떻게 정의하고, 설치된 플러그인(3rd party 플러그인을 포함하여)을 찾고, KService를 이용하여 쉽고 이식성있게 이것들을 불러올 수 있는지를 배운다.
- Learn how to define custom plugin types, find installed plugins (including 3rd party plugins) and load them in an easy and portable fashion using KService.
- Introduction To Unicode
- An introduction to what Unicode is as well as how to handle Unicode data in KDE applications.
- Writing Applications With Localization In Mind
- This tutorial covers what localization is, why it's important and how to ensure your application is ready to be localized. A must read for all application developers.
- Avoiding Common Localization Pitfalls
- There are several common mistakes that prevent applications from being properly localized. Find out what they are and how to easily avoid them in this tutorial.
- Building KDE's Localization Module
- Building and installing language support from KDE's localization (l10n) module is a good idea for those working on applications in the main KDE repository. Doing so will allow you to test your application in another language and spot problem areas. Learn how to do just that in this tutorial.
- Incorporating i18n Into the Build System
- Once your application is ready to be localized, the next step is to ensure that translation files are built automatically and kept up to date. This tutorial covers the necessary CMakeFiles.txt additions as well the process of distributing the resulting message catalogs with your application.
- Common i18n Challenges and Solutions
- This tutorial covers challenges that you may eventually run into such as translating handbooks and other data that exists outside of the source code, merging and handling obsolete .po files, dealing with freezes, coding in languages other than English and creating independent releases of or moving applications between KDE modules.
- Semantic Markup of Messages
- To ensure consistent presentation and more meaningful representations of messages in applications, semantic markup can be applied to messages marked for translation using the KUIT system. This tutorial describes how this system works.
- Automated i18n Code Checking
- The Krazy code checker scans KDE's code and reports common i18n mistakes.
- API Documentation
- This tutorial explains how to document your APIs properly.
- Man Pages
- Writing and Generating Reference Manual Pages.
Application Automation and Scripting
- Introduction to D-Bus
- A straight-forward introduction to the core concepts in D-Bus from an application developer's perspective, this tutorial covers what D-Bus is and how it can be used by applications.
- Accessing D-Bus Interfaces
- A step-by-step guide to calling D-Bus methods and connecting to D-Bus signals using QtDBus.
- Intermediate D-Bus
- Tips to make use of QtDBus when faced with problematic real-world interfaces.
- Creating D-Bus Interfaces
- Learn how to expose functionality in your application by creating and using custom D-Bus interfaces. Covers generating the XML descriptions, instantiating interfaces at run time and setting up the build system with CMake.
- D-Bus Autostart Services
- Turn your application into a D-Bus autostart service with this tutorial. This D-Bus feature, also known as "D-Bus service activation", will ensure that even when your application isn't running that D-Bus calls made to it will work by relying on the D-Bus daemon itself to start your app if and when needed.
- Porting from DCOP to D-Bus
- Port your applications from DCOP to D-Bus with this handy guide.
- Creating Konqueror Service Menus
- This tutorial shows you how to create mimetype-specific actions in Konqueror's context menu (aka "servicemenus").
- Introduction to Kross
- An introduction to the Kross Scripting Framework.
- Hello World
- A first application with working kross code.
- Connecting Signals and Slots in Kross
- Simple demonstration of connecting object signals with script slots
- Scripts as Plugins with Kross
- This tutorial provides a step-by-step introduction how to integrate scripts as plugins into a KDE application.
- KOffice Overview
- This document shows an overview of the different KOffice plugin types and tells you what each of their purpose and strengths are. If you are new with KOffice plugins, this is the place to start.
- Creating KOffice Flake Plugins
- This tutorial shows you how you can build a plugin for KOffice applications to allow you embed content in ODF documents using Flake.
- KWord Scripting
- This tutorial shows how to script KWord with Python, Ruby or JavaScript using Kross.
- KSpread Scripting
- This tutorial shows how to script KSpread with Python, Ruby or JavaScript using Kross.
- Krita Scripting
- This tutorial shows how to script Krita with Python, Ruby or JavaScript using Kross.
- SuperKaramba Tutorial
- This tutorial provides an overview of SuperKaramba, theme files and scripting with Python, Ruby and JavaScript.
Search and Metadata
- Writing file analyzers
- File analyzers extract data from files to display in the file dialogs and file managers. The data gathered this way is also used to search for files. KDE4 allows the use of multiple analyzers per file type. This tutorial describes how you can write new analyzers.
- Nepomuk first steps
- Nepomuk is the KDE library which provides easy access to metadata in the Nepomuk-KDE system. Learn how to make your application create and read metadata using the Nepomuk system.
Hardware Awareness (Solid)
- Introduction to Solid
- An introduction to using the Solid hardware discovery and interaction system in KDE applications.
- Accessing Network Information
- How to use the Solid system to get information about the network
Multimedia (Phonon)
- Phonon
- How to start with the multimedia API
- How to compile and use Phonon and its GStreamer backend on Linux using Qt 4.3.x
- This article gives you a quick brief of how you can use checkout, compile Phonon and its GStreamer backend on GNU/Linux with just Qt 4.3.x. Towards the end, the article also describes how a developer can make use of Phonon to create simple audio and video players. You can read the article here. You can download the editable OpenDocumentText file from here.
- Getting Started With Plasmoids
- Creating your first Plasma widget, or Plasmoid, in C++ with an SVG background, an icon and some text
- Writing A DataEngine
- DataEngines provide a standardized interface to various data sources for visualizations to use. Learn what a DataEngine is and how to write one of your own.
- Using DataEngines in Plasmoids
- With a DataEngine, it is possible to retrieve data for display in a simple and standard way. This tutorial covers the topic of how to use DataEngines for this purpose in Plasmoids.
- Creating Runners
- Runners are plugins that provide action-based search functionality in the Plasma workspace "run command" dialog. These plugins can be used by any application that links again libplasma.
Kate / Kwrite
- Getting Started With KTextEditor Plugins
- Creating your first KTextEditor plugin
- Hello World
- Introduction to the KDE printing system
- Print Dialog
- Using the KDE print dialog
Get Hot New Stuff
- Introduction to Get Hot New Stuff
- An introduction to the developer-friendly network update system that allows KDE applications to fetch new application data at runtime in a user friendly manner.
- KNewStuff Secure (Original Link)
- Tutorial showing how to share resources in a secured way (KDE 3.4 and later). By András Mantia <>.
Rapid Application Development
- 101 Introduction to signals and slots
- A simple introduction to Qt's signal and slot architecture.
- KDE Ruby Korundum tutorial
- A ruby version of Antonio Larrosa Jiménez's KDE tutorial by Richard Dale. See the Ruby Developers Corner for Qt tutorials and other info.
- Qt4 Ruby Tutorial
- Trolltech's fabulous introductory tutorial to Qt, translated to Ruby.
- Shell Scripting with KDE dialogs (Original Link)
- Tutorial by Brad Hards that describes how to use KDE dialogs in shell scripts with kdialog. It is presented as an example based tutorial.
Other tutorials
Using the KDE Games Library
- KStandardGameAction
- Using libkdegames to make your game fit the kdegames standard
- Highscores
- Implementing a simple highscore table into your game
- Theme Selector
- Using the libkdegames theme selection dialog
2D Plotting (KPlotWidget)
- Using the KDE data-plotting widget
- This tutorial introduces KPlotWidget, which is used for 2-D data plotting. It includes information on simple usage of the widget (including adding and modifying data sets, and customizing the plot axes and labels), and advanced customization (including extending the widget through sub-classing).
Spelling and Grammar Checking (Sonnet)
- Adding spell-checking or grammar-checking to KDE applications
- This tutorial introduces Sonnet and how one may use it to add language correction to your KDE application. Sonnet's auxiliary features shall be described in a separate tutorial.
Pixmap cache (KPixmapCache)
- Using the KDE pixmap cache
- This tutorial shows how to use KPixmapCache to cache e.g. pixmaps generated from SVGs or some data.
KDE2 and KDE3 Materials
- KDE3 Tutorials
- These tutorials cover topics related to KDE3.
- KDE2 Tutorials
- These tutorials cover topics related to KDE2.