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Flujo de trabajo de traducción

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 09:32, 9 August 2011 by Caig (talk | contribs) (Created page with ";Terminología : Para obtener ayuda en la traducción de construcciones difíciles o de términos técnicos, consulte el sitio web donde se comparten las traducciones en: [http:/...")

Some of the information that was on this page is now outdated. How-Tos exist for all the common contributor tasks, including translation, both on- and off-line, and can be found linked from Tasks and Tools.

When editing pages that are already marked for translation, you will see section markers similar to <!--T:1-->. Usually each paragraph is one section. You should not change the markers, unless you fully delete a section, in which case you should simply remove the old marker. When adding new sections, you don't need to add marker to it – the marker will be added automatically when your changes are approved for translation. If you want to move a section, move also the section marker with it. That is the only time when you touch the markers - the system will do the rest.

Directrices generales

Expresiones, jerga y humor
A medida que traduce, puede encontrar expresiones, juegos de palabras o jerga que son específicos del idioma origen que pueden resultar difíciles de traducir de manera convincente.
En esos casos, traduzca el concepto o el argumento que el artículo intenta transmitir y no las palabras exactas.
Asegúrese de que capta el mensaje en su conjunto y no se preocupe de que se pierda el humor o las expresiones coloquiales.
Nombres propios
Los nombres de empresas y nombres de productos no se deben traducir en ningún caso. Los verdaderos nombres de empresas y de productos siempre deben permanecer en inglés, independientemente del idioma hacia el que esté traduciendo.
Los nombres propios de personas deberán permanecer en inglés en los idiomas basados en el alfabeto latino, pero puede transliterarlos en el caso de los idiomas que no se basan en el alfabeto latino.
Para obtener ayuda en la traducción de construcciones difíciles o de términos técnicos, consulte el sitio web donde se comparten las traducciones en: TAUS.
Simplemente, introduzca el texto que desea traducir y después elija los idiomas origen y meta. No están incluidos todos los términos en todos los idiomas, pero puede resultar una herramienta útil para realizar traducciones adecuadas.
Titles of works
When you run across the title of a book, program, feature, distro, or other public work, check to see if that title has already been officially translated for your language (by the publisher or distributor), and if so, use that translation.
If you cannot find a translation for that particular title in your language, do your best to translate it as accurately as possible.
Units of measure
Convert units of measure to make them relevant for the intended language or region.
User interface terms
Translate user interface terms as appropriate for your language.

See here for more information:

1. http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/guide/start

2. Glossary: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/guide/glossary

3. Another Glossary: http://www.glossary.com/category.php?q=Computer

Guidelines specific to a Language

UserBase proposes to have Team Leaders for each language. Techbase may, at a later date, do the same. As we get leaders appointed, they will take charge of a page of guidelines for their specific language, where they will be named. They will have final say on any question relating to their language. The guidelines will be linked from Language-specific guideline pages.

Keeping up to date with development

I propose that the Discussion page attached to this page should be used for orderly debate about general issues noted, particularly issues where existing markup is causing problems. I would ask you to put a Watch on Talk:Translation_Workflow.

Getting a Better Understanding of the Process

For a fuller description of the Translate extension, read the description on the developers' website

Monitor the status of your language statistics by monitoring the page http://techbase.kde.org//your-language-code or simply Special:LanguageStats if you have your own language set as the interface language of TechBase.

Language-specific guideline pages

Volunteer Team Leaders, please link your page from here (or ask for help)
