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Revision as of 09:18, 20 July 2013 by Fweng322 (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

目前這個頁面上的某些資訊已經過時。所有的貢獻者相關的工作,包括線上與離線翻譯,都有 HOWTO 可以參考,您也可以在 工作與工具頁面中找到相關連結。

When editing pages that are already marked for translation, you will see section markers similar to < !--T:1-- >. Usually each paragraph is one section. You should not change the markers, unless you fully delete a section, in which case you should simply remove the old marker. When adding new sections, you don't need to add marker to it – the marker will be added automatically when your changes are approved for translation. If you want to move a section, move also the section marker with it. That is the only time when you touch the markers - the system will do the rest.

General guidelines

Expressions, jargon, and humor
As you translate, you may encounter expressions, puns, or jargon that are specific to the original language and may be difficult to translate effectively.
In such cases, translate the concept or point the article is trying to convey and not the exact words. : Take care to ensure you capture the overall message, and don't worry about losing the humor or the colloquialism.
Proper names
Company names and product names should never be translated. Proper company names and product names should always remain in English, no matter what language you are translating for.
People's names should remain in English for Latin-based languages, but you may transliterate them for non-Latinbased alphabets.
For help with translating tricky constructions or technical terms, consult the translation-sharing site to: TAUS.
Simply enter your desired text and then choose which language to translate it from and to. Not all terms are included for all languages, but this can be a helpful tool for completing accurate translations.
Titles of works
When you run across the title of a book, program, feature, distro, or other public work, check to see if that title has already been officially translated for your language (by the publisher or distributor), and if so, use that translation.
If you cannot find a translation for that particular title in your language, do your best to translate it as accurately as possible.
Units of measure
Convert units of measure to make them relevant for the intended language or region.
User interface terms
Translate user interface terms as appropriate for your language.

See here for more information:

1. http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/guide/start

2. Glossary: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/guide/glossary

3. Another Glossary: http://www.glossary.com/category.php?q=Computer

Guidelines specific to a Language

UserBase proposes to have Team Leaders for each language. Techbase may, at a later date, do the same. As we get leaders appointed, they will take charge of a page of guidelines for their specific language, where they will be named. They will have final say on any question relating to their language. The guidelines will be linked from Language-specific guideline pages.

Keeping up to date with development

I propose that the Discussion page attached to this page should be used for orderly debate about general issues noted, particularly issues where existing markup is causing problems. I would ask you to put a Watch on Talk:Translation_Workflow.

Getting a Better Understanding of the Process

For a fuller description of the Translate extension, read the description on the developers' website

Monitor the status of your language statistics by monitoring the page http://techbase.kde.org//your-language-code or simply Special:LanguageStats if you have your own language set as the interface language of TechBase.

Language-specific guideline pages

Volunteer Team Leaders, please link your page from here (or ask for help)
