Development/Tutorials/Using KXmlGuiWindow (pt BR)
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Tutorial Series | Beginner Tutorial |
Previous | Tutorial 1 - Hello World |
What's Next | Tutorial 3 - KActions e XMLGUI |
Further Reading | KXmlGuiWindow |
This tutorial carries on from First Program Tutorial and will introduce the KXmlGuiWindow class.
No tutorial anterior, o programa criava uma caixa de diálogo pop up, mas nós agora iremos andar alguns passos em direção ao funcionamento de uma aplicação.
KXmlGuiWindow fornece a visão de uma janela principal inteira com barra de menus, barra de ferramentas, uma barra de status e uma área no centro para um widget grande. Muitas aplicações KDE derivam desta classe já que ela fornece um jeito fácil de definir o layout do menu e barra de ferramentas através de arquivos XML (esta tecnologia é chamada de XMLGUI). Por enquanto não usaremos o XMLGUI neste tutorial, mas nós o usaremos no próximo.
In order to have a useful KXmlGuiWindow, we must subclass it. So we create two files, a mainwindow.cpp and a mainwindow.h which will contain our code.
- include <KXmlGuiWindow>
- include <KTextEdit>
class MainWindow : public KXmlGuiWindow
MainWindow(QWidget *parent=0);
KTextEdit* textArea;
- endif
First we Subclass KXmlGuiWindow on line 7 with class MainWindow : public KXmlGuiWindow.
Then we declare the constructor with MainWindow(QWidget *parent=0);.
And finally we declare a pointer to the object that will make up the bulk of our program. KTextEdit is a generic richtext editor with some KDE niceties like cursor auto-hiding.
- include "mainwindow.h"
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : KXmlGuiWindow(parent)
textArea = new KTextEdit();
First, of course, on line 1 we have to include the header file containing the class declaration.
On line 5, we initialise our text editor with an object. Then on line 6 we use KXmlGuiWindow's built-in setCentralWidget() function which tells the KXmlGuiWindow what should appear in the central section of the window.
Finally, KXmlGuiWindow::setupGUI() is called which does a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff and creates the default menu bars (Settings, Help).
Back to main.cpp
In order to actually run this window, we need to add a few lines in main.cpp:
- include <KApplication>
- include <KAboutData>
- include <KCmdLineArgs>
- include "mainwindow.h"
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
KAboutData aboutData( "tutorial2", 0,
ki18n("Tutorial 2"), "1.0",
ki18n("A simple text area"),
ki18n("Copyright (c) 2007 Developer") );
KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );
KApplication app;
MainWindow* window = new MainWindow();
return app.exec();
The only new lines here (compared to Tutorial 1) are 5, 18 and 19. On line 18, we create our MainWindow object and then on line 19, we display it.
The best way to build the program is to use CMake. All that's changed since tutorial 1 is that mainwindow.cpp has been added to the sources list and any tutorial1 has become tutorial2.
project (tutorial2)
find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED)
kde4_add_executable(tutorial2 ${tutorial2_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(tutorial2 ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS})
Compile it
To compile, link and run it, use:
mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make ./tutorial2
Moving On
Now you can move on to using KActions.