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{{Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar|Projects/Marble}}


== About Marble ==
== About Marble ==
;[[/Devices_and_Use_Cases|Devices and Use Cases]]
;[[/FAQ|Marble FAQ]]
;[[/FAQ|Marble FAQ]]

Line 13: Line 12:
;[[/MarbleDesigner|with Qt Designer]]
;[[/MarbleDesigner|with Qt Designer]]
;[[/MarbleWindows|On Windows, with Qt Creator/Qt Designer]]
;[[/MarbleWindows|On Windows, with Qt Creator/Qt Designer]]
;[[/MarbleCPlusPlus|with C++]]
;[[/MarblePython|with Python]]

;[[/MarbleDBus|via a shell script]]
=== With C++ ===
==== Intro ====
;[[/MarbleCPlusPlus|Hello World]]
;[[/MarbleMarbleWidget|Changing basic map properties]]
;[[/MarbleSignalsSlots|Creating a window with controls]]

== How to become a Marble developer ("Marblehead") ==
==== GeoData ====
;[[/Runners/DisplayGeoDataPlacemark|Displaying GeoData Documents]]

=== So you are new to Marble development ... ===
==== Online Services ====
;[[/OnlineServices|Creating new Online Services]]

==== Routing ====
;[[/Routing/BasicRouting|Basic Routing]]

Here you'll get all the information you need to start Marble development:
==== Runners ====
;[[/Runners/Search|Searching for Points of Interest]]
;[[/Runners/ReverseGeocoding|Reverse Geocoding]]
;[[/Runners/Parse|Parsing Files]]

;[[/GoMarble|How to become a Marble Developer]]
==== GeoPainter ====
;[[/MarbleGeoPainter|Painting onto the map]]
;[[/LayerInterface|Drawing in Custom Layers]]
;[[/Runners/PaintingGeoDataLineString|Painting LineString]]

== Compiling Marble ==
=== With Python ===
;[[/LinuxCompiling|Compiling on Linux]]
==== Intro ====
;[[/WindowsCompiling|Compiling on Windows]]
;[http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Marble/MarblePythonInstructions Installing Marble's Python bindings]
;[[/MaemoEnvironment|Compiling on Maemo]]
;[[/MarblePythonHello|Hello World]]
;[[/MeeGoEnvironment|Compiling on MeeGo]]
;[[/MarblePythonMarbleWidget|Changing basic map properties]]
;[[/PlasmaActiveEnvironment|Compiling for Plasma Active]]
;[[/MarblePythonSignalsSlots|Creating a window with controls]]
;[[/MacCompiling|Compiling on Mac OS]]
;[[/QtCreator|Setting up QtCreator for Marble Development]]

== Packaging Marble ==
==== Loading Files ====
;[[/Runners/MarblePythonLoadingKML|Loading KML files into Marble]]
;[[/Runners/MarblePythonLoadingOSM|Loading OSM files into Marble]]

;[[/NewMarbleMoldules|New Marble Modules]] (future packaging advice)
==== GeoData ====
;[[/Runners/MarblePythonDisplayGeoDataPlacemark|Display GeoData Placemark]]
;[[/Runners/MarblePythonVehicleTracking|Vehicle Tracking]]

Here is some advice about how packaging is supposed to happen on the various platforms that are supported.
==== Routing/Runners ====
This part of the Python API has not yet been ported and the tutorials could not be completed. [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=329364 see this bug for more info].

;[[/LinuxPackaging|Packaging for Linux]]
==== GeoPainter ====
;[[/WindowsPackaging|Packaging for Windows]]
;[[/Routing/MarblePythonGeoPainter|Painting onto the map]]
;[[/MaemoPackaging|Packaging for Maemo]]
;[[/MarblePythonLayerInterface|Drawing in Custom Layers]]
;[[/MeeGoPackaging|Packaging for MeeGo]]
;[[/MacPackaging|Packaging for Mac]]

== Tools for Marble ==

Here are some tools and checks that are performed on marble code:
;[[/MarbleDBus|via a shell script]]
;[https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&product=marble&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&cmdtype=doit&order=Importance Marble Open Bugs]
;[http://reviewboard.kde.org/groups/marble/ Review Board]
;[http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdeedu-apidocs/marble/html/index.html API Docs (KDE Trunk)]
;[http://www.englishbreakfastnetwork.org/apidocs/apidox-kde-4.x/kdeedu-marble.html APIDOX reports]
;[http://www.englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/kde-4.x/kdeedu/marble/index.html Krazy reports]
== Programming Coordination ==
Here are a few links to various issues we are working on:
;[[/Gsoc2010| Gsoc Students projects 2010]]
;[[/GsocGit| Use of git(orious) for GSOC]]
;[[/TODO|TODO list]]
;[[/MaemoTODO|Maemo specific TODO list]]
;[[/GSoC2011| GSoC Students' projects 2011]]
;[http://community.kde.org/SoCiS/2011/Ideas#Marble_Virtual_Globe ESA SoCIS 2011 ideas]
=== Translation ===
;[[/MapTranslation|Map Translation]]
;[[/UiTranslation|UI Translation]]
;[[/GeoDataCoordinatesTranslation|GeoDataCoordinates Translation]]
=== User Interface ===
;[[/IconStatus|Icon Status]]
=== Texture Mapping ===
;[[/TextureNG|Texture Mapping]]
=== GeoData Library / KML ===
The base classes to manipulate geographic data
;[[/GeoData|GeoData Presentation]]
;[[/GeoData/GeoDataUse|Use cases for GeoData classes]]
;[http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/lib/geodata/data/README.html GeoData API Description]
;[[/GeoData/GeoDataParsing|Parsing GeoData]]
;[[/GeoData/GeoDataWriter|Writing GeoData]]
;[[/GeoData/PointerVsImplicitShare|Pointer vs. Implicit Share]]
;[[/KMLStatus|KML Status]]
;[[/GPXStatus|GPX Status]]
Using GeoData:
;[[/Placemark|Placemarks Management]]
;[[/ModelView|Review of Model-View use in marble]]
=== Geo Graphics View ===
;[[/GeoGraphicsViewOverview|Overview of the GeoGraphicsView]]
;[[/GraphicsViewGeoParser| Interaction between GeoData and GeoGraphicsView]]
=== GeoPainter / DGML ===
=== Plugin Interfaces ===
;[[/Plugins|Plugin interfaces]]

=== Marble Runner ===
=== Marble Runner ===
Line 114: Line 68:
;[[/RunnerHOWTO|Runner HOWTO]]
;[[/RunnerHOWTO|Runner HOWTO]]

=== Online Services ===
=== Documentation ===
;[[/OnlineServices|Creating new Online Services]]
Creating '''Custom Marble Map Themes'''
;[[/ListOfPossibleOnlineServices|List of possible Online Services]]
;[[/OSMSlippyMaps|How to integrate OSM "slippy" maps into Marble]]
;[[/HistoricalMaps|How to create Historical Map Themes]]
;[[/CustomPlanetMaps|How to create maps for other planets, moons etc.]]

=== Projections ===
;[[/CustomMaps|Reference: How to customize maps]]
;[[/WinkelIii|Winkel III]]
;[[/RobinsonProjection|Robinson projection]]
[http://www.radicalcartography.net/?projectionref A little overview of map projections]

=== Tile Download ===
;[[/PalaeoMaps|Global Palaeogeography]]
;[[/TileDownload|Tile Download]]

=== Documentation ===
;[[/CustomMaps|How to customize maps]]
;[[/PNTFiles|How to change the PNT files used by Marble]]
;[[/PNTFiles|How to change the PNT files used by Marble]]
;[[/MarblesSecrets|Marble's Secrets]]
;[[/MarblesSecrets|Marble's Secrets]]
;[[/ProxyConnection|How to use the Proxy]]
;[[/ProxyConnection|How to use the Proxy]]

=== GeoClue / GPS ===
== Maps ==
;[[/GeoClue|GeoClue support in Marble]]
=== OSM Vector Map ===
;[[/OSMVectorCompile|How to compile Marble with vector support]]
=== XDG Base Directory Specification ===
;[[/OSMVectorTileCreation|How to build tiles]]
;[[/xdg|XDG Base Directory Specification]]
== Mapping Coordination ==
Possible maps we could use:
* [http://www.unearthedoutdoors.net/global_data/true_marble/download TrueMarble Global 250m images]
* [http://onearth.jpl.nasa.gov/ OnEarth NASA satellite images]
* [http://worldwindcentral.com/wiki/Add-on:ZoomIt! ZoomIt! (in parts proprietary)]
* [http://sos.noaa.gov/datasets/ NOAA Science on a Sphere]
* [http://efele.net/maps/tz/world/ Olsen Time Zone map in Shapefile format].  Public Domain.  Scripted to generate from current tz file.
=== Natural Earth Vector Map ===
;[[/NaturalEarth|A proposal to use the Natural Earth vector map]]
=== Documentation ===
;[[/HistoricalMaps|How to create Historical Maps]]
;[[/CustomMaps|How to create Custom Maps]]
;[[/PalaeoMaps|Global Palaeogeography]]

== Routing ==
== Routing ==
;[[/OnlineRoutingImplementation|Implementation of Online-Routing]]
;[[/OnlineRoutingImplementation|Implementation of Online-Routing]]
;[[/MaemoOfflineRouting|Installation of Marble and Gosmore on Maemo]]
;[[/MaemoOfflineRouting|Installation of Marble and Gosmore on Maemo]]
;[[/RoutingRoadmap|Routing Roadmap]]
;[[/RoutingInstructions|Routing Instructions]]
== valgrind  ==
if you want to fix memory leaks, you can run valgrind with:
valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --num-callers=30 marble 2>&1 | tee MARBLE_MEMCHECK
== Meetings ==
Summaries and logs of scheduled Marble meetings can be found on the following pages:
;[[/MarbleMeeting20081029|Wednesday Nov. 10th, 2008]]
;[[/MarbleMeeting20101107|Marble Weekend Sprint, Nov. 5-7]]

Latest revision as of 10:27, 21 October 2016

About Marble

Marble FAQ

Success Stories: 3rd party applications using the Marble Library

Software that makes use of Marble

Tutorials: How to use the Marble Widget in your application

with Qt Designer
On Windows, with Qt Creator/Qt Designer

With C++


Hello World
Changing basic map properties
Creating a window with controls


Displaying GeoData Documents

Online Services

Creating new Online Services


Basic Routing


Searching for Points of Interest
Reverse Geocoding
Parsing Files


Painting onto the map
Drawing in Custom Layers
Painting LineString

With Python


Installing Marble's Python bindings
Hello World
Changing basic map properties
Creating a window with controls

Loading Files

Loading KML files into Marble
Loading OSM files into Marble


Display GeoData Placemark
Vehicle Tracking


This part of the Python API has not yet been ported and the tutorials could not be completed. see this bug for more info.


Painting onto the map
Drawing in Custom Layers

via a shell script

Marble Runner

Coordinate Runner
OSM Runner
Runner HOWTO


Creating Custom Marble Map Themes

How to integrate OSM "slippy" maps into Marble
How to create Historical Map Themes
How to create maps for other planets, moons etc.
Reference: How to customize maps
Global Palaeogeography
How to change the PNT files used by Marble
Marble's Secrets
How to use the Proxy


OSM Vector Map

How to compile Marble with vector support
How to build tiles


Implementation of Online-Routing
Installation of Marble and Gosmore on Maemo