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== Getting Started on TechBase ==

{{Warning|3=Varoitus| Näitä sivuja kirjoitetaan parhaillaan kokonaan uudelleen kuvaamaan uutta KDE-infrastruktuuria ja ne eivät ehkä ole yhtenäisessä tilassa. Joidenkin sivujen tiedot ja komennot eivät ehkä ole enää ajan tasalla ja niitä pitäisi käyttää varovasti.}}
The KDE community is perhaps best known for its Plasma desktop workspace as well as its rich collection of applications but the community has also produced libraries and tools to make software development more enjoyable or, at the very least, less painful. Whether you're looking to write you first KDE application, make your existing Qt project more awesome, or get involved with one or more of the great KDE projects, this is a great place to get your journey started!

{{Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar|Getting_Started}}

== Johdanto ==
To contribute to KDE, see [https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved the Get Involved page on the Community Wiki].

On monia eri tapoja osallistua KDE-yhteisöön alkaen yksinkertaisesti ohjelmiston käyttämisestä aina ydinalustan kehittäjänä olemiseen.
If you are looking for build instructions, [https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source up-to-date build instructions] are available  on the Community Wiki, and we also have [[{{BASEPAGENAME}}/Build/Historic|historic ones]].

Voit löytää lisätietoja KDE-aloittamisesta seuraavissa linkeissä:
== Setting Up ==
* [http://kde.org/community/getinvolved/ Kuinka aloitetaan KDE:ssa]
Getting started can be as simple or as involved as you need it to be. As much as possible, use your distro's packages to simply and speed up development unless you really need to get the latest source code version. And no, you don't need to "compile all of KDE" just to use a single framework. Not convinced? Check out our [[Development/Tutorials/Setting_Up|Setting Up Guide]] to see how easy it can be.
* [[Contribute|Osallistu KDE:hen]]

Tämä KDE Techbase -luku on suunniteltu auttamaan siinä, kuinka aloitetaan osallistuminen KDE-yhteisön tekniseen puoleen. Se selittää sinulle, millainen KDE-ohjelmisto on rakenteeltaan ja kuinka se on rakennettu, ja kuinka itse voit osallistua KDE:n rakentamiseen.
== KDE Frameworks ==
'''[[Frameworks|KDE Frameworks 5]]''' is built on top of the excellent Qt application framework to provide more functionality and power to your next big project. KDE software developers will also find classes that help them better integrate their applications into the Plasma workspace and with other KDE products.

{{Note|3=Huomaa| '''Pikaohje:''' Jos olet kärsimätön aloittamaan ilman, että ymmärrät, mitä olet tekemässä, voit hypätä tämän yli käyttämällä [[/Build#Scripted_Builds|Rakentamisskriptiä]], mutta suositellaan, että luet ensin tämän dokumentaation.}}
* [https://www.kde.org/products/frameworks/ KDE Frameworks Product page]
* [[Development/Tutorials#Basics_of_how_to_develop_with_KDE_Frameworks|Tutorials to get started with KF5]]
* [https://api.kde.org/frameworks/index.html KDE Frameworks 5 API Documentation]
* KDE Frameworks on [[Frameworks|TechBase]] and the [[Community:Frameworks|Community Wiki]]

== KDE-ohjelmiston käyttäminen ==
== Kirigami ==
Named after the Japanese art of cutting and folding paper to create beautiful objects, the '''[[Kirigami|Kirigami framework]]''' offers components to let your piece together a beautiful and responsive application. Expanding the Qt Quick framework, Kirigami empowers developers to create apps that look and behave well on desktop, mobile, and more.

Jos haluat vain käyttää stabiilia KDE-ohjelmistoa jokapäiväisiin tietokonetarpeisiisi, silloin sinun ei tarvitse rakentaa KDE-ohjelmistoa itse. Sinun pitäisi sen sijaan käyttää Linux-jakeluversiosi tarjoamaan KDE-pakkauksen asentamisohjelmistoa.
* [https://kde.org/products/kirigami/ Kirigami landing page]
* [https://api.kde.org/frameworks/kirigami/html/index.html Kirigami API documentation]
* Kirigami on [[Kirigami|TechBase]] and the [[Community:Kirigami|Community Wiki]]

Paras paikka tämän oppimiseksi on normaalien jakelukanaviesi kautta, vaikka saatat havaita joitakin hyödyllisiä tietoja seuraavilla sivuilla:
== Tutorials ==
* [http://www.kde.org/download/distributions.php Jakeluversiot, jotka sisältävä KDE:n]
Get your feet wet or dive head first into coding with KDE's collection of '''Tutorials'''. From writing your first application using the KDE Frameworks to developing applets for the Plasma workspace, these bite-sized guides will get you up and running in no time.
* [[/Build/Distributions|Asenna KDE-ohjelmisto Linux- ja BSD-jakeluversioissa]]
* [[Projects/KDE_on_Windows/Installation|Asenna KDE-ohjelmisto Windows-käyttöjärjestelmässä]]
* Mac OS X -käyttöjärjestelmässä ei ole nykyisin KDE-ohjelmistolla tarkoitettua asennusohjelmaa, mutta voit yksinkertaisesti rakentaa sen käyttäen [http://mac.kde.org/?id=build MacPorts tai Fink]

== Opastuksen saaminen ==
* [[Development/Tutorials|Development Tutorials]]
* [[Development|TechBase Development Hub]]
* [[Community:Get_Involved|Get involved with the KDE Community]]

Jos etsit opastusta KDE-työtilan tai KDE-sovellusten käyttämisessä, vieraile silloin sivustolla [http://userbase.kde.org/ KDE UserBase].  
== Plasma ==
KDE's world-famous workspace for desktops and mobile, '''Plasma''' provides a rich set of building blocks to help developers create rich, beautiful, and productive user experiences on different devices, form-factors, and use cases. [[Projects/KWin|KWin]] is one of the most powerful and most flexible window managers around, providing advanced functionality and control on both X11 and Wayland systems.

Jos sinulla on mitään kysymyksiä tai pulmia KDE-ohjelmiston rakentamisessa ja kehittämisessä, ole vapaa [[Development/Getting_Help|kysymään opastusta]]. Ole kuitenkin kärsivällinen vastauksen odottamisessa, ja yritä ratkaista pulma itse, me emme tee sitä ''kaikkea'' sinulle.  Työskentelemällä koko tien lävitse ja ymmärtämällä miksi jokin ei toimi on hyvä tapa oppia, kuin asiat tehdään oikein.
* [https://kde.org/plasma-desktop.php Plasma Desktop website]
* [[Development/Tutorials/Plasma5|Plasma Tutorials]]
* [https://www.plasma-mobile.org/ Plasma Mobile website]

== KDE-ohjelmiston rakentaminen ja suorittaminen lähdekoodista ==
== It's just the beginning ==
These are just the large tips of the KDE iceberg. The community has developed many libraries for more specific needs and use cases that developers can also use to simplify their projects.

On useita mahdollisia tapoja rakentaa ja asentaa KDE-ohjelmistoa ja valitsemasi metodi riippu siitä, mitä haluat tehdä ohjelmistolla. Erityisesti jos haluat rakentaa ja kehittää yksittäisen sovelluksen, sinun ei ehkä tarvitse rakentaa koko KDE-kehitysalustaa sen tekemiseksi. Voit lukea lisää tästä [[Getting_Started/Build/Methods|Rakentamismenetelmät-sivulta]].
* Need an easy and cross-platform way to handle audio and video? [[Phonon]]'s API will be very familiar to Qt developers and supports multiple backends, including GStreamer, VLC, and anything else you might want to develop.
* If you need a privacy-respecting way to display maps and even the whole world, [[Marble]] provides data models and widgets to make that a walk in the park.
* If you need libraries for handling email, events, and more, the [[KDE PIM]] libraries have withstood not only the test of time but also the test of enterprise customers.

Seuraavat luvut selittävät vaiheet, jotka sinun on ymmärrettävä ja antaa ohjeita, joita sinun on noudatettava rakentaaksesi KDE-ohjelmiston onnistuneesti lähdekoodista:

* [[/Sources|Mikä on KDE-lähdekoodin rakenne]]
Check out the other KDE Projects that provide libraries and APIs that you can use to boost your own projects. The KDE Community is also welcoming not just new contributors but also new projects that want to be part of one of the biggest free software communities on the planet.
* [[/Build|Kuinka rakentaa ja asentaa ohjelmisto]]
* [[/Run|Kuinka ohjelmisto suoritetaan]]

== Kehitysmalli ==

TODO: Yleisiä tietoja kehitysmallista, julkaisujaksoista, jne.
* [[Schedules/Release_Schedules_Guide|KDE-julkaisuaikataulu]]
* [[Development/Software_Engineering_Framework|KDE-ohjelmistonkehityskehys]]
* [[Policies|KDE-kehityskäytäntöjä ja noudatettavia proseduureja]]
* [[Policies/Application_Lifecycle|Uuden sovelluksen kehityselinkaari]]
== Kehitystyökalut ==
On lukuisia [[Development/Tools|Kehitystyökaluja]], jotka ovat joka vaadittuja tai hyödyllisiä KDE-ohjelmiston rakentamisessa. Näissä haluat tavallisesti käyttää jakeluversiosi tarjoamia stabiilia versioita.
Saatat haluta käytää kehitystyössäsi graafista IDE-käyttöliittymää:
* [http://www.kdevelop.org/ KDevelop 4]
* [[Development/Tools/Eclipse|Eclipse]]
* [[/Using_an_IDE_with_KDE4|IDE-käyttö KDE4:ssa]]
== KDE-osallistuminen ==
Kun sinulla on rakennettuna kopio KDE:sta, voit aloittaa osallistumisen KDE:hen.  Alla olevat sivut opastavat sinua kuinka voit auttaa tekemään KDE:stä vielä parempaa.
* [[Contribute|Osallistu]]
* [[Contribute/Send_Patches|Lähetä korjauksia]]
* [[Contribute/Bugsquad|Vikapartio]]

Latest revision as of 15:58, 7 September 2020

Getting Started on TechBase

The KDE community is perhaps best known for its Plasma desktop workspace as well as its rich collection of applications but the community has also produced libraries and tools to make software development more enjoyable or, at the very least, less painful. Whether you're looking to write you first KDE application, make your existing Qt project more awesome, or get involved with one or more of the great KDE projects, this is a great place to get your journey started!

To contribute to KDE, see the Get Involved page on the Community Wiki. If you are looking for build instructions, up-to-date build instructions are available on the Community Wiki, and we also have historic ones.

Setting Up

Getting started can be as simple or as involved as you need it to be. As much as possible, use your distro's packages to simply and speed up development unless you really need to get the latest source code version. And no, you don't need to "compile all of KDE" just to use a single framework. Not convinced? Check out our Setting Up Guide to see how easy it can be.

KDE Frameworks

KDE Frameworks 5 is built on top of the excellent Qt application framework to provide more functionality and power to your next big project. KDE software developers will also find classes that help them better integrate their applications into the Plasma workspace and with other KDE products.


Named after the Japanese art of cutting and folding paper to create beautiful objects, the Kirigami framework offers components to let your piece together a beautiful and responsive application. Expanding the Qt Quick framework, Kirigami empowers developers to create apps that look and behave well on desktop, mobile, and more.


Get your feet wet or dive head first into coding with KDE's collection of Tutorials. From writing your first application using the KDE Frameworks to developing applets for the Plasma workspace, these bite-sized guides will get you up and running in no time.


KDE's world-famous workspace for desktops and mobile, Plasma provides a rich set of building blocks to help developers create rich, beautiful, and productive user experiences on different devices, form-factors, and use cases. KWin is one of the most powerful and most flexible window managers around, providing advanced functionality and control on both X11 and Wayland systems.

It's just the beginning

These are just the large tips of the KDE iceberg. The community has developed many libraries for more specific needs and use cases that developers can also use to simplify their projects.

  • Need an easy and cross-platform way to handle audio and video? Phonon's API will be very familiar to Qt developers and supports multiple backends, including GStreamer, VLC, and anything else you might want to develop.
  • If you need a privacy-respecting way to display maps and even the whole world, Marble provides data models and widgets to make that a walk in the park.
  • If you need libraries for handling email, events, and more, the KDE PIM libraries have withstood not only the test of time but also the test of enterprise customers.

Check out the other KDE Projects that provide libraries and APIs that you can use to boost your own projects. The KDE Community is also welcoming not just new contributors but also new projects that want to be part of one of the biggest free software communities on the planet.