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From KDE TechBase

The Sprint

Location: The Nokia office in Redwood City

Time: 30th to 31th of October (for the sprint), followed by 1th to 3th of November (for Developer Days) - housing isn't arranged yet, if you can host someone, please contact me.

Topic: Meego in KDE and KDE in Meego


Nokia has offered access to Qt Developer Days Munich 2010 for the participants in this sprint.


To sign up, please email Alex/blauzahl with your full name, your irc nick (if you've got one), and your travel cost estimate. Include if you have a pass and hotel room paid for by somebody else. If you are local to the area, can you offer help in car transit/etc? Also please include a short introduction to yourself if you aren't sure if I know you personally. You might want to poke me on irc as well. Blauzahl

  • Alex Spehr/blauzahl (already have a pass) Blauzahl
  • Marijn Kruisselbrink/Mek
  • Jeff Trull (attending Dev Days, local) jaafar
  • Gary Greene greeneg

Discussion points

Please enter points you have which you would like to take up at the sprint here: (for ideas see: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Mobile/Pre_Devdays_Sprint_Munich_2010)

  • Ovi Contacts, Calendar, Notes sync with Akonadi


In addition to Developer Days itself, they have offered more tickets to community members who wish to attend the training sessions on Nov 1:

  • Qt Essentials
  • Qt Quick
  • Qt Mobile Development for Nokia Devices


Signup for this is separate to the sprint itself, and we cannot offer accommodation to those attending only the training. But, this is a really big deal still! The website has the information you need to decide.

So, sign up the same way as for the sprint - send Alex/blauzahl an email with your name and irc nick, and which module you would like to take part in. Add yourself here then as well.

  • Alex Spehr/blauzahl, module
  • Marijn Kruisselbrink/Mek, mobile module
  • Jeff Trull/jaafar, mobile