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Projects/Oxygen/Missing Icons: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
TMG (talk | contribs)
General purpose icons: add insert-horizontal-rule
Jpetso (talk | contribs)
General purpose icons: dmiller added insert-link and insert-horizontal-rule - cool, thanks :)
Line 29: Line 29:
|| actions/transform-move (ArtLibreSet) || move action [[http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/3.5/kdelibs/pics/crystalsvg/cr16-action-move.png?revision=438982&view=markup]]  || Done || ruphy
|| actions/transform-move (ArtLibreSet) || move action [[http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/3.5/kdelibs/pics/crystalsvg/cr16-action-move.png?revision=438982&view=markup]]  || Done || ruphy
|| actions/insert-link (naming spec) || Icon for inserting a hyperlink into a rich text document such as html email. Needed by KMail and KJots, at least. Now needed by kdelibs. ||<span style="color: red">No</span> || Leeo
|| actions/insert-link (naming spec) || Icon for inserting a hyperlink into a rich text document such as html email. Needed by KMail and KJots, at least. Now needed by kdelibs. || Done || dmiller
|| actions/insert-horizontal-rule || Icon for inserting a horizontal line (<hr> in HTML) into a text edit. Used by KRichTextEdit in kdelibs, which is used by Kopete, KMail and KJots. || <span style="color: red">No</span> ||  
|| actions/insert-horizontal-rule || Icon for inserting a horizontal line (<hr> in HTML) into a text edit. Used by KRichTextEdit in kdelibs, which is used by Kopete, KMail and KJots. || Done || dmiller
|| devices/media-optical-video || icon for DVDs and video CDs, from [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/solid/solid/backends/hal/haldevice.cpp?view=markup HalDevice::icon] ||<span style="color: red">No</span> ||
|| devices/media-optical-video || icon for DVDs and video CDs, from [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/solid/solid/backends/hal/haldevice.cpp?view=markup HalDevice::icon] ||<span style="color: red">No</span> ||

Revision as of 09:49, 13 May 2008

The page will help Oxygen team to track and produce icons that are currently missing in KDE4. Additionally it will help developers to make requests for icons that they need for KDE4 related projects.

Instructions to fill out the request

  • This page, being a wiki, obviously does not validate your request. Please take care when providing information about the icons. Note that this page is mainly for the team to know where is mostly needed the work, we'll do our best to fullfill your requests for 4.0 but however we can't guarantee that. =)
  • When providing icon names please try to make them compatible with the actual naming scheme.
  • Please provide clear but short descriptions about the icons, it needs to help the artists in imagining a good metaphore to make your icon. This point is extremely important. You may obviously also link your description if it's going to be lengthy. This will help us to manage icon requests, and check if there are any possible duplicates. The most descriptive you are, the best it is for us.
  • Screenshots are sometimes a better way to easily show the usage of the icon. Provide metaphores when possible this will help the artist to visualize our reqest faster and give a better understanding of the reqest.
  • As someone already noted, this is not the right page to complain or make suggestions about existing icon, this is just to know the remaining work.
  • Please sort by module/application/priority

Missing Icons Table

General purpose icons

For icons like the folder, or the desktop.

Icon Name Description / Where can be found? Done? Assigned To
actions/transform-move (ArtLibreSet) move action [[1]] Done ruphy
actions/insert-link (naming spec) Icon for inserting a hyperlink into a rich text document such as html email. Needed by KMail and KJots, at least. Now needed by kdelibs. Done dmiller
actions/insert-horizontal-rule Icon for inserting a horizontal line (
in HTML) into a text edit. Used by KRichTextEdit in kdelibs, which is used by Kopete, KMail and KJots.
Done dmiller
devices/media-optical-video icon for DVDs and video CDs, from HalDevice::icon No
mimetypes/application-x-chm Icon for *.chm (application/x-chm). No

KDE main modules

For apps in trunk/KDE/

Module Application Icon Name Description / Where can be found? Done? Assigned To
kdelibs phonon actions/player-volume-muted This is needed by all Phonon related apps, that show a mute/unmute button near to the volumeslider. No
kdebase konqueror actions/edit-undo-close-tab konqueror undo closed tab [jpetso says: low priority, has a fallback to edit-undo] No
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-system-network-proxy konqueror configuration dialog Proxy Done Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-web-browser-identification konqueror configuration dialog Browser Identification Done Pinheiro
kdebase kickoff actions/system-shutdown Shutdown (Turn off the computer) Done Pinheiro
kdebase kickoff actions/system-reboot Restart (restart the computer) Done Pinheiro
kdebase kickoff actions/system-suspend and system-suspend-hibernate Hibernate Done Pinheiro
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect Generic effect icon In progress Pinheiro
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-desktop-effect Desktop effects config module No
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect-boxswitch Boxswitch (alt-tab) effect (low priority) No
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect-desktop-grid Desktopgrid (desktop switcher) effect (low priority) No
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect-presentwindows Presentwindows effect (low priority) No Leeo
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect-shadow Shadow effect (low priority) No
kdebase kwrite actions/window-duplicate An icon to duplicate the current window so that the new window contains the same contents as the current one. Probably keep it visually similar to the "tab-duplicate" icon. Done jpetso
kdebase kwrite apps/preferences-plugin-word-completion-ktexteditor KWrite word completion plugin No
kdebase systemsettings apps/preferences-desktop-launch-feedback Launch feedback config module In progress Pinheiro
kdebase drkonqi apps/drkonqi icon for the kde crash manager No
kdenetwork kopete (misc) (various) Emoticons for Kopete, See Projects/Oxygen/Missing_Emoticons No
kdenetwork networkmanager (various) Status Icons for the NetworkManager applet. Specifically icons to represent the signal strength of a wifi device and icons to represent the stage of connection (stage1-3). device-wireless would be a good candidate to also serve as a signal strength icon given that it has four rings around it (25%, 50%, etc). An icon is also needed to show when a wifi card is in Ad-Hoc mode. No
kdemultimedia kmix kmix icons KMix icons No
kdegraphics okular actions/view-table-of-contents-ltr / view-table-of-contents-rtl An icon (in both LtR and RtL versions) representing the table of contents. To be used for indicating the "Contents" tab in the okular sidebar. No
koffice koffice icons (various) See http://wiki.koffice.org/index.php?title=Icons various. icon names listed there are badly broken at the moment, take that wiki with a grain of salt. No
koffice kthesaurus apps/kthesaurus - bug #49983 application icon for the application that suggests similar words for a given one No
koffice Text Tool plugins/textshape Icons to replace the text on the tabs: one for formatting, one for paragraph styles, one for character styles, one for bullet settings. (perhaps some Abc in rich text, the paragraph sign, the T symbol and a bullet icon -- these icons will not be used on buttons or in toolbars) No
kdeedu kalgebra apps/kalgebra Application Icon kdeedu/kalgebra/icons No
kdeedu kig apps/kig Application Icon for Kig (kdeedu/kig/kig), a geometrical drawing program. No
kdeedu klettres klettres_kids & klettres_grownup Application Icon for Klettres [2], a letter learning program. my idea was this: http://www.bdgraue.de/files/images/klettres_kids.svg http://www.bdgraue.de/files/images/klettres_grownup.svg i think, someone can do it better . here is a screenshot from klettres where you can see the old icons for 'mode kids' and mode 'grown up': http://edu.kde.org/klettres/ No
kdeedu parley action/insert-row & action/insert-column Add a new entry in parley In Progress (jpetso: done already?) Leeo
kdepim kmail mail-download-now See this screenshot. The icon is displayed on the column header for the pop filter dialog. If the user clicks the radiobutton of the icon's column, the message will be downloaded with the current mail check. In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kmail mail-download-later See this screenshot. The icon is displayed on the column header for the pop filter dialog. If the user clicks the radiobutton of the icon's column, the message will not be downloaded with the current mail check. The user still can download the message with a later mail check. In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kmail kmmsgfullyencrypted Status icon, displayed in the message list. Indicates that the whole message is encrypted. In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kmail kmmsgpartiallyencrypted In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kmail kmmsgundefinedencrypted Status icon, displayed in the message list. Indicates that it is not known if the message is encrypted. In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kmail kmmsgencryptionproblematic Status icon, displayed in the message list. Indicates that the message is encrypted, but there is some problem with it. In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kmail kmmsgsignatureproblematic Status icon, displayed in the message list. Indicates that the message is encrypted, but there is some problem with the signature (for example, the key might be expired). In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kmail actions/mail-mark-junk Action to mark one or more mails as spam (= junk). [jpetso says: high priority, also required by the icon naming spec] No dmiller
kdepim kmail addressee-distributionlist (or something like that) KMail has an addressee selector, where you can select the receivers of the mail you write. Each addressee has a little icon which indicates whether that addressee is a single person or a group of persons (also named distribution list). The old icon for this was kontact_contacts, and showed three heads. The other icon for a single person shows a single head (user-identity, not the best choice probably, but there is nothing else). No In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kmail actions/mail-message-new-list Creates a new message, which will have the mailing list of the current folder as the recepient. Can be found in the context menu of a folder in KMail, but only after activating "Folder->Mailing List Management". [jpetso says: low priority, mail-message-new already exists as fallback.] In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kmail mail-reply-custom Action to reply to a message with a custom template (made by the user). Note that there either is no fallback or the fallback does not work. [jpetso: You're right, there's no fallback. Possible fallbacks in the 4.0 Oxygen set would be mail-reply-sender, mail-reply-all and mail-reply-list. So that would make mail-reply-sender-custom, for example.] In progress Pinheiro
kdepim kalarm apps/kalarm System tray icon, indicating alarms are enabled. Current icon is still the hicolor one. No
kdepim korganizer actions/appointment-new The icon for the "New Event" action. Very important, and even in the icon naming spec. No
kdepim korganizer actions/task-new The icon for the "New Todo" action. No
kdepim korganizer actions/journal-new The icon for the "New Journal" action. I guess view-pim-journal overlayed with the plus icon should do. No
kdepim korganizer actions/address-book-open An icon for viewing, opening or selecting from an address book. Also used somewhere else (KAlarm, I believe), and combined with a plus icon it would be possible to get the specified address-book-new icon. [jpetso: Should we just use (copy) mimetypes/x-office-address-book?] No
kdepim korganizer apps/preferences-calendar-freebusy An icon for configuring free/busy time. No
kdepim korganizer status/appointment-recurring An icon to show a recurring event. No
kdepim korganizer status/task-recurring An icon to show a recurring incidence (event, to-do or journal). No
kdepim korganizer status/task-complete An icon to show a completed incidence (event, to-do or journal). No
kdepim korganizer status/task-inprogress An icon to show an incidence (event, to-do or journal) is in-progress to being completed. No
kdepim korganizer status/task-needsattention An icon to show incidence (event, to-do or journal) needs attention or action. No
kdepim korganizer status/appointment-reminder An icon for an event with a reminder. See the note for status/task-reminder below. No
kdepim korganizer status/task-reminder An icon to show an incidence (event, to-do or journal) with a reminder. Perhaps could be similar or identical to apps/preferences-desktop-notification-bell - we're using this one for now as a temporary replacement (jstaniek 16:52, 12 March 2008 (CET)). No
kdepim korganizer actions/meeting-attending An icon to show that you will attend a meeting No
kdepim korganizer actions/meeting-attending-tentative An icon to show that you are tentatively scheduled to attend a meeting No
kdepim korganizer status/meeting-organizer An icon to show that you are the person who organized and is in charge of a meeting No
kdepim korganizer reminder daemon korgac An icon for the KOrganizer reminder daemon that is used almost exclusively in the system tray No
kdepim korgac actions/suspend-reminder(s) suspend a calendar reminder(s) No
kdepim korgac actions/dismiss-reminder(s) dismiss calendar reminder(s) No
kdepim korgac actions/enable-reminder(s) enable calendar reminder(s) No
kdepim kontact status/event-birthday maybe a cake with candles to represent someone's birthday No
kdepim kontact status/event-anniversary to represent a wedding anniversary No
kdepim kontact planner to represent a daily planner (show your appointments, stuff to-do, meetings, etc in an organized way) [jpetso: I think view-pim-summary (already in Oxygen) is the right icon for this.]
kdepim kontact status/event-special to represent a general special occassion. examples: holidays, birthdays, graduation, etc No
kdepim kontact status/event-holiday a non-religious holiday. examples: independence day, new years, etc No
kdepim kitchensync actions/sync-start The action to initiate a synchronization between to devices. No
kdepim akregator actions/feed-fetch The action to fetch a newsfeed (RSS, Atom, ...), quite similar to fetching mails actually. [jpetso says: low priority, probably post-4.0 stuff - they're already using icons that are not too far off) No
kdepim akregator actions/feed-fetch-all The action to fetch all newsfeeds (RSS, Atom, ...). [jpetso says: low priority, probably post-4.0 stuff - they're already using icons that are not too far off) No
kdegames katomic katomic Apps main icon No
kdegames kbattleship kbattleship Apps main icon No
kdegames kblackbox kblackbox Apps main icon No
kdegames kbounce kbounce Apps main icon No
kdegames kgoldrunner kgoldrunner Apps main icon No
kdegames kiriki kiriki Apps main icon No
kdegames kjumpingcube kjumpingcube Apps main icon No
kdegames klines klines Apps main icon No
kdegames kmahjongg kmahjongg Apps main icon No
kdegames kmines kmines Apps main icon No
kdegames knetwalk knetwalk Apps main icon done johann_ol & trouvnez
kdegames kolf kolf Apps main icon Done
kdegames konquest konquest Apps main icon No
kdegames kpat kpat Apps main icon No
kdegames kreversi kreversi Apps main icon No
kdegames ksame ksame Apps main icon No
kdegames kshisen kshisen Apps main icon No
kdegames kspaceduel kspaceduel Apps main icon No
kdegames ksquares ksquares Apps main icon No
kdegames ktuberling ktuberling Apps main icon No
kdegames kfourinline kfourinline Apps main icon No
kdegames lskat lskat Apps main icon No
kdenetwork kget status/network-connecting Shown while trying to connect to a server. --Uwolfer 21:05, 29 October 2007 (CET) No
kdenetwork kopete apps/im-aim Icon for the AIM instant messaging protocol No johann_ol
kdenetwork kopete apps/im-icq Icon for the ICQ instant messaging protocol No johann_ol
kdenetwork kopete apps/im-jabber Icon for the XMPP/Jabber instant messaging protocol Yes johann_ol
kdenetwork kopete apps/im-msn Icon for the MSN instant messaging protocol Yes johann_ol
kdenetwork kopete apps/im-yahoo Icon for the Yahoo! instant messaging protocol No johann_ol
kdenetwork kopete more protocol icons [jpetso: no time for retrieving the whole list right now] Icon for the [blah blah blah] instant messaging protocol No johann_ol
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-desktop-user-privacy Configuring privacy settings No davigno
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-plugin-text-effect-kopete Configuring text formatting special effects No davigno
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-text-autocorrection Configuring text autocorrect rules No davigno
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-text-highlighting Configuring text highlighting - icon exists but only in a low resolution No davigno
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-pipes-kopete Configuring piping settings - Probably like the old 'pipe' icon No
kdenetwork kopete status/dock-kopete-flashing icon flashed in system tray when new messages are received No davigno
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-status-manager-kopete Icon for Status Manager No
kdesdk kapptemplate apps/kapptemplate generates KDE 4 templates to start programming No
kdeutils kjots actions/insert-horizontal-rule icon for inserting a horizontal rule line (for the HTML <hr> tag) such as this No
kdeutils kjots apps/kjots Icon for note taking application kjots. No
kdeutils kjots actions/edit-delete-book Icon for deleting a book. Currently I use edit-delete. Probably like x-office-address-book but with a X. No
kdeutils kjots actions/edit-delete-multiple Icon for deleting a mutliple objects (pages, books). Currently I use edit-delete. No
kdeutils kjots actions/address-book-new Icon for creating a new book. Probably like the mimetypes/x-office-address-book, but with a (+) on the top right like document-new. (High priority, also required by the naming spec.) No
kdebase plasma plasma's toolbox Toolbox icon to replace the wrench icon. The toolbox (on the top right of the desktop, remember all the screenshots) will allow users to zoom in and out of the desktop, add widgets, configure the desktop, lock the desktop, run commands, etc. From what I understand it's a replacement of the right click menu. Several plasma developers suggested a 2D palette similar to plasma's techbase icon. ~Craig No
kdebase plasma battery.svg Battery applet uses battery to present different types of batteries. We would need overlay's in svg, similar as existing AC adaptor indicator, that could be used to present different types of icons. We need indicators for following types: primary/notebook (no indicator is OK), mouse, keyboard, mouse+keyboard (not sure if used), pda.
kdeaccessibility ktts apps/ktts(d?).png App icon for ktts is needed, and will be used for kttsmgr in menus, and for "Speak Page" icon in konq toolbar. Will probably also likely be used for ktts settings in accessibility system-settings page. Old icon was a parrot which fits I think.
kdeutils Okteta program icon Program (a hex editor) is currently in kdereview, heading to kdeutils. Uses the old KHexEdit icon for now
kdeutils Okteta readonly/readwrite status icon The loaded file can be set to readonly, by a toggle. Readonly would be the exception, so the icon could be a striked pen, a pen in a prohibition sign (round white with red border) or similar.
kdeutils Okteta actions/bookmark-remove icon remove the bookmark from the current location
kdeutils Okteta actions/bookmark-remove-all icon remove all bookmarks
kdeutils Okteta actions/bookmark-go-next or go-next-bookmark icon go to the next bookmarked location
kdeutils Okteta actions/bookmark-go-previous or go-previous-bookmark icon go to the previous bookmarked location
kreview autostart autostart Apps main icon

Applications in Playground

For apps in trunk/playground/

Module Application Icon Name Description / Where can be found? Done? Assigned To
network kopete-bonjour bonjour_protocol The icons to be replaced are here: playground/network/kopete/protocols/bonjour/icons.
base emoticonskcm You can found it in kdereview, for now i'm using the face-smile icon but it's too small, i think it would be enough to have a bigger version
edu step application icon Application icon should be something that assosiates with physics and mechanics.
edu step icons for physical objects in Step Screenshots of current (quite ugly) icons is available on step homepage.

Other 3rd party Application Icons

For all the other applications

Application Icon Name Description / Where can be found? Done? Assigned To
KSystemlog KSystemLog icon App icon - Made by a non-graphic designer developer ;-) Done (utilites-log-viewer) dmiller
Tagua tagua-movelist toggle movelist Done - use actions/view-history
Amarok apps/amarok

App icon. Needs Oxygen colors, we don't really want to change design.

Done - Jul 24 2007
Amarok status/media-track-repeat An icon for the "repeat the current track" state. No
digiKam application icon An icon to be used in splash screen, tool bar, help/about, taskbar etc. Old app icon yes
We want to change completely and get rid of the pinguin. Here is a basig design I tried, but I'm not happy with it. Any help is higly appreciated.

Done. see here. digikam's icon has been done for a very long time - Djmdave 15:07, 10 February 2008 (CET) ||

KPlayer, Amarok status/media-playlist-repeat

Option to loop through the current playlist. See screenshot, it's the next-to-last button in the second row.

No (...jpetso: used an interim copy of the playlist icon, but without nice "repeat" arrows)
KPlayer, Amarok status/media-playlist-shuffle

Option to shuffle the current playlist. See screenshot, it's the last button in the second row.

Kind of... copied the "roll" icon to that location
KPlayer status/audio-volume-muted

This icon already exists in Oxygen, but in only one size, 22x22 I believe. Would like to have a scalable version. [note from jpetso: please also a scalable version for the other audio-volume-* icons]

KPlayer, Dragon Player video-contrast

Button that pops up the slider that lets you change the video contrast. See screenshot, it's the fourth-to-last button in the first row.

KPlayer, Dragon Player video-brightness

Button that pops up the slider that lets you change the video brightness. See screenshot, it's the third-to-last button in the first row.

Firefox apps/firefox Firefox logo No
GIMP apps/gimp GIMP logo No
kopete-cryptography status/signature-bad An icon like the 'signature' icon, but it indicates that a digital signature cannot be verified. See websvn for a quick version that I made. This icon is intended to be displayed at 16x16, so I think the red color alone isn't enough to made it's intention quickly obvious, it should have more distinction from 'siganture'. No longer needed, using 'security-low'
ktorrent media-playback-all-start and media-playback-all-stop For starting and stopping torrents we want to use media-playback-start and media-playback-stop, so we would like some matching icons to start and stop all torrents. No Leeo
ktorrent apps/preferences-system-network-ip-filter-ktorrent Icon for KTorrent's IP Filter plugin. This is a blocklist for bad peers. No (jpetso says: hmmm... have i replaced this with view-filter already? ...) Leeo
ktorrent apps/preferences-plugin-scan-folder-ktorrent Icon for KTorrent's folder scanner plugin. This plugin monitors directories for torrent files, and when a new one is detected, it is loaded into ktorrent. No Leeo
ktorrent apps/preferences-system-network-upnp-ktorrent Icon for KTorrent's UPnP plugin. No Leeo
ktorrent apps/preferences-system-network-discovery Icon for KTorrent's zeroconf (DNSSD) plugin, also used by the "Network Discovery" page in the System Settings (which makes for the slightly different icon name). No Leeo
Minirok (and other media players?) actions/list-clear An icon for the "clear (play)list" action. Previously used "view_remove" from crystalsvg, which is now gone. please use edit-clear - Djmdave 15:07, 10 February 2008 (CET)
QLandkarte apps/qlandkarte QLandkarte application (Garmin GPS tool for mapping/tracks/waypoints...) currently uses 16x16 world icon from Nuvola and author would be interested to get nice SVG icon for application.
KMess Main Icon We are porting our MSN client for KDE and we'd appreciate a lot an oxygenized version of our hummingbird logo Done - Feb 28 2008
KMess MSN Status icons If possible, oxygenized msn status icons.. it shouldn't be very long since they could be all color variants of just one image: Online, or with very little changes: Lunch please see user-* icons in status. if there are others that are needed, then please state them individually - Djmdave 15:07, 10 February 2008 (CET)
KGrab Main Icon Its a extragear fork of KSnapshot. At the moment i use the old Ksnapshot icon. We need a new oxygen Icon for KGrab. Tanks
qtPacman status-installed, status-notinstalled status-upgradeable action-update We would are using the Oxygen-Icons in our program, but we can't find any status-icons which fit good :( No

Misc Icon Requests

Update:Thanks Djmdave, for moving this here. Now the KWrite icon is totally missing. See: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/pics/oxygen/128x128/apps/kwrite.png?view=markup and other corresponding directories (scalable 64x64 etc). My request for two distinct icons for Kate and KWrite stands. Please see bug for more details and discussion.

  • Partly fixed in svn commit r733637 (fabo), missing all unmount icons and some others (MO Device and ZIP Device) used in *.desktop files:


List of missing icons with screenshot

List of missing icons from applications with related screenshot:
