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From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 13:57, 24 August 2015 by TheOneRing (talk | contribs)


- Windows Toast Notification

- OSX Notification Center

- Free Desktop Notifications

- Growl

- Snarl

- Integrated Notification Backend

- System Tray

Secondary Backends

- Windows Phone - Toasty - Android - Notify my Android - Android and IOS - Pushover - Playback of sound filles


Windows Toast Notifications

Windows 10

[![Windows 10](http://patrick.von-reth.de/other/snore/wiki/screenshots/windows-toast-win10.png)](http://patrick.von-reth.de/other/snore/wiki/screenshots/windows-toast-win10.png)

Integrated notifications backend

[![Integrated notifications backend](http://patrick.von-reth.de/other/snore/wiki/screenshots/snore-win10.png)](http://patrick.von-reth.de/other/snore/wiki/screenshots/snore-win10.png)



Basically all backends when used locally (some support forwarding) should be relatively safe.

- Snore is build in and no information is passed to outside applications. - Windows Toast, SnoreToast is a command line application and the information is passed as arguments. - Freedesktop, local inter process communication (dbus) is used. - Snarl, local inter process communication is used. - Growl, local network communication, MD5 encryption is supported.

Secondary Backends

- Toasty is **UNSAFE**, it is using http to communicate with a server.

- Notify My Android is using https to communicate. Notify My Android Privacy

- Pushover is using https to communicate. Pushover Security