A vision describes the goal of the project. It can be emotive and a source of inspiration, for instance by outlining how the final product makes the world a better place. It is roughly similar to purpose or aim, and guides through the development.
- Describe the project's final goals with your vision.
- Explain who will use the product, and how he or she will make advantage of it.
- Make sure the vision is shared over all stakeholders, developers and users.
- Write the vision with enough room for creativity.
- Keep the vision as short as possible.
- A good starting-point to describe the vision is the elevator pitch:
- FOR <target customer>
- WHO <statement of the need>
- THE <product name>
- IS A <product category>
- THAT <key benefit>
- UNLIKE <primary competitor>
- OUR PRODUCT <further differentiation>
Best Practice
- Consider the KDE vision in your project.