Before you start to add or change content, please read:
- Contributing to TechBase
- Wiki Structure
- Translation into other Languages
- Migrating Content
- List of active contributors, also contact points
Wiki Syntax
To get started with the MediaWiki syntax, read:
- Syntax highlighting
- Wrap your C++ Qt/KDE code snippets in <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">, <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp" line="">, <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp-qt"> and </syntaxhighlight> to get syntax highlighting (cpp for C++, cpp-qt for Qt) and numbered lines (line=""). Replace cpp with the language used, e.g. ruby for Ruby and python for Python (soon). Use ini for .desktop files, xml for XML files.
New Templates
To get a list of pages using a template, go to corresponding template page (e.g. Template:movepage) and click "What links here" in the toolbox.
- {{movepage|url}}
- Use this template to mark a page as not finished.
- {{improve|explanation}}
- Pages which need cleanups or contain empty sections and/or todos are marked with this template. Add an explanation if you want (optional)
- {{tip|text}}
- Use this template to add a tip for the reader.
- {{note|text}}
- Use this template to add an explanatory note.
- {{warning|text}}
- Use this template to add a warning.
- {{qt|class-name}} and {{qt3|class-name}}
- Use this template to generate a link to a Qt class, e.g. QWidget. For Qt3 classes use {{qt3|class-name}}
- {{class|class-name}}
- Use this template to generate a link to a KDE class, e.g. KDialog.
- {{path|path-or-filename}}
- Use this template for paths and filenames, this way all of them have a consistent style.
- {{bug|123456}}
- Use this template to automatically create a link to KDE's bugzilla.
- {{KDE3}}
- Use this template to mark the content of a page as applicable for either KDE 3. Don't tag technology agnostic pages. For KDE4 content, use [[Category:KDE4]].
- {{TutorialBrowser|series|name|pre|next|reading}}
- A template for tutorial navigation
- {{Box|caption|text|width|float}} - Deprecated, please use Box1
- Use this template to create a box with a caption and a text. The width parameter is optional and can be specified absolute (400px) or relative (50%). The last parameter is the float value, which is also optional and defaults to center.
- {{Box1|text|caption|icon image|color code}}
- Use this template to create a box with a caption and a text. The color colde parameter is optional. Normally you would use one of the partial instantiations of Box1, such as Template:Info, Template:Note, Template:Tip, Template:Warning, or Template:Remember; each of these take a title as an optional second argument.