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Policies/Kdelibs Coding Style/pt-br

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 22:41, 28 April 2012 by Aracele (talk | contribs) (Created page with "// errado")

Esse documento descreve o estilo de código recomendado para kdelibs. Ninguém é forçado a usá-lo, mas para ter uma formatação consistente dos seus arquivos de código-fonte é recomendado fazer uso dele.

Em síntese: O estilo de código da Kdelibs segue o estilo de código do Qt 4.


  • Sem abas
  • 4 espaços ao invés de uma aba

Declaração de variável

  • Cada declaração de variável em uma nova linha
  • Cada nova palavra no nome de uma variável começa com uma letra maiúscula (o chamado camelCase)
  • Evitar abreviações
  • Usar nomes significativos. Não use nomes curtos, exceto:
    • Nomes de variáveis com um único caractere podem indicar contadores e variáveis temporárias cujo propósito é óbvio
    • Variáveis e funções começam com uma letra minúscula


// wrong
KProgressBar *prbar;
QString prtxt, errstr;

// certo
KProgressBar *downloadProgressBar;
QString progressText;
QString errorString;

Espaço em branco

  • Use linhas em branco para agrupar comandos
  • Use somente uma linha em branco
  • Use um espaço depois de cada palavra-chave
  • Para ponteiros ou referências, use um único space antes de '*' ou '&', nenhum depois
  • Não use espaço após um cast


// errado
QString* myString;

// correct
QString *myString;
if (true) {


As a base rule, the left curly brace goes on the same line as the start of the statement.


// wrong
if (true)

// correct
if (true) {

Exception: Function implementations, class, struct and namespace declarations always have the opening brace on the start of a line.


void debug(int i)
    qDebug("foo: %i", i);

class Debug

Use curly braces even when the body of a conditional statement contains only one line.


// wrong
if (true)
    return true;

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    qDebug("%i", i);

// correct
if (true) {
    return true;

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    qDebug("%i", i);

Switch statements

Case labels are on the same column as the switch


switch (myEnum) {
case Value1:
case Value2:
    // fall through

Line breaks

Try to keep lines shorter than 100 characters, inserting line breaks as necessary.

Qt Includes

  • If you add #includes for Qt classes, use both the module and class name. This allows library code to be used by applications without excessive compiler include paths.


// wrong
#include <QString>

// correct
#include <QtCore/QString>

Artistic Style (astyle) automatic code formatting

You can use astyle (>=1.23) to format code or to test if you have followed this document. Run the following command:

astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=linux \
       --indent-labels --pad=oper --unpad=paren \
       --one-line=keep-statements --convert-tabs \
       --indent-preprocessor \
       `find -type f -name '*.cpp'-or -name '*.cc' -or -name '*.h'`

With astyle (>=2.01) you need to run the following command:

astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=linux \
       --indent-labels --pad-oper --unpad-paren --pad-header \
       --keep-one-line-statements --convert-tabs \
       --indent-preprocessor \
       `find -type f -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.cc' -or -name '*.h'`

A related shell script could be found for unix in kdesdk/scripts/astyle-kdelibs and for windows in kdesdk/scripts/astyle-kdelibs.bat.

Emacs and Vim scripts

The "scripts" directory in the kdesdk module contains, among other useful things, some useful additions to the Emacs and Vim text editors that make it easier to edit KDE code with them.


The kde-emacs directory contains a set of key bindings, macros and general useful code. It is compatible with both GNU Emacs and XEmacs.

To start using kde-emacs, add the following to your .emacs:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/kde-emacs")
(require 'kde-emacs)

Many settings can be changed by editing the "kde-emacs" group via M-x customize-group.

For more information, including what the key bindings are and what additional settings you could add to your .emacs, please check kde-emacs.el itself.


You can find a vim script in kdesdk/scripts/kde-devel-vim.vim that helps you to keep the coding style correct. In addition to defaulting to the kdelibs coding style it will automatically use the correct style for Solid and kdepim code. If you want to add rules for other projects feel free to add them in the SetCodingStyle function.

To use the script, include it in your ~/.vimrc like this:

source /path/to/kde/sources/kdesdk/scripts/kde-devel-vim.vim

Document started by Urs Wolfer. Some parts of this document have been adopted from the Qt Coding Style document posted by Zack Rusin on kde-core-devel.