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Projects/Mobile/Meego development with KDE

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 00:27, 1 November 2010 by Blauzahl (talk | contribs) (Getting Started: 4 ways to get stuff)

This is a page to help developers get up and running for KDE development on Meego.

Beginning Links

use Xephyr if you have an Intel graphics card Else use Qemu: http://wiki.meego.com/MeeGo_SDK_Development_Options

Getting Started

There are three ways to get a full MeeGo GUI running:

  • using QEMU (emulating a device)
  • using Xephyr (using a chroot)
    • Note: only works if you have an Intel graphics card.
    • Use xhost: set it to allow connections to everyone from everywhere if you have problems, yes this is bad security "xhost +"
  • using a real device

To build stuff you can either use one of the above three options, or as a fourth (and probably) easier option, you can use qt-creator with madde and its Meego plugin. A problem with this is that there apparently is something wrong if you try to use libmeegotouch.

Dynamic Languages