KDE TechBase:Contributors
Welcome to the contributors page.
This site contains a list of active contributors. It should help to build teams which maintain KDE TechBase's content. If you have questions about KDE TechBase you can ask/email the corresponding person.
Please add yourself to the list where appropriate. If you are inactive, please remove yourself again.
This is a list of KDE TechBase administrators.
- Danimo, <danimo at kde dot org>
- Dhaumann, <dhaumann at kde dot org>
- Tstaerk, <thorsten at staerk dot de>
Reviewers and Article Writers
If you are continuously reviewing KDE TechBase changes or writing articles add yourself to the list.
- Dhaumann, <dhaumann at kde dot org>
- Milliams
- James Tyrer, <tyrerj at acm dot org> author of KDE 4.x
- name, <email>
Translation Teams
KDE TechBase is translated into many languages. If you translate pages please add yourself to the right translation team.
Chinese(simplified) Team
- Liangqi, cavendish.qi at gmail dot com
- HualiangM, hualiang.miao at googlemail dot com
- Yifan, enthumelon at gmail dot com
- name, <email>
Spanish Team
- Martin J. Ponce, mjp dot ttc at gmail dot com
- Eduardo Delgado Díaz (edumardo), aesalemolo at gmail dot com
- name, <email>
German Team
- DrSlowDecay, kde at metalhorde dot de
- rememberme redict dot info at gmx dot net
- Steffen Schloenvoigt, steffen at schloenvoigt dot de
- bluesnik nano at bluesnik dot de
- name, <email>
Italian Team
- Thunder Teaser, totokid at gmail dot com
- Panda84, panda84 at inwind dot it
- Fresbeeplayer, fresbeeplayer at gmail dot com
- name, <email>
Tamil Team
- Shriramadhas, shriramadhas at gmail dot com
- name, <email>
... Kerala Amrita
- Name Arun v Pillai, <email>[email protected]
- Name Arun Jyothi S, <[email protected]>