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Revision as of 15:56, 8 September 2009 by Finex (talk | contribs) (Created page with '== Old Konqueror File Management bugs & wishes == Konqueror in KDE 3 is no more supported and mantained. The file management part has been substituted by Dolphin in KDE 4. Now a...')
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Old Konqueror File Management bugs & wishes

Konqueror in KDE 3 is no more supported and mantained. The file management part has been substituted by Dolphin in KDE 4. Now all the old reports against it has been closed as unmantained.

This page lists bugs which could affect Dolphin in KDE 4 and interesting wishes which could be implemented. The list indicate the old bug report and some thoughts about it.

Bugs & Wishes

  • bug #81615 - File with long names could display only the first and the last part of the file name in one short row. In the half an icon could indicate that the file has been shortened and clicking on the icon the user could see the complete file name. I think this is unuseful now that we have tooltips and information panel which works well.

  • bug #89467 - Reading this bug report I've discovered that on KDE 3 when a file was renamed (inline) and the focus was moved out from the konqui window, the rename operation was cancelled. Now using Dolphim, when a file is renamed inline, if the focus is moved to another window the rename operation is "accepted". This behaviour should be considered. Remember that if the old behaviour is intended to be restored (undo the rename when the window loose the focus), attention has to be given to non standard focusing policy like "focus follow the mouse" which could interfer with renaming.
  • bug #88260 - The details view could display a column with icons for describe the file permissions (read/write/no rights). The reporter said that it could be useful for new users. I'm thinking about how could be the icons for visually indicate the rights that the user have to a file.
  • bug #95656 - When using "multicolumn" (icon view with columns arrangement), the column are fixed with even if we have only one column. If a filename is longer than the fixed with it is cropped even if there are no column on the right. Anyway having dynamical column in "multicolumn" should fix this, look at bug *******BUGNUMBER********