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From KDE TechBase

Prospective Upcoming Conferences

Gran Canaria

July 3-11 2009

See Akademy 2009

FrOSCon(Free and Open Source Software Conference)

Place: Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

  1. Date: 22 - 23 August 2009
  2. Languages: German and English
  3. URLS:
    German: http://www.froscon.de/startseite/startseite.html
    English: http://www.froscon.de/en/home/home.html
  4. Deadlines: Call for papers: 23 May 2009
  5. KDE Booth:
  6. KDE Devroom:
  7. KDE Speakers List:
  8. Event Contact: Inga Herber <[email protected]>
  9. KDE Contact for Meeting:
  10. Ready to go/ needs volunteers
  11. Meeting report:

OpenExpo Winterthur

September 23 - 24 2009

Booth registration deadline is June 10th 2009, so please do not forget that!

I just registred an Amarok booth for that event too, specifying to put it with KDE so we could get more space (2 tables instead of one!)

Passed Conferences

See http://techbase.kde.org/Events as well

Sites with Linux Event Listings

Information about them

  1. Name
  2. Place
  3. Date
  4. Language(s)
  5. URLs
    • Homepage
    • Meeting Schedule
    • Topics
    • Speakers
  6. Deadlines
    • Booth
    • Devroom
    • Speaker Slots
    • Attendees
  7. KDE Booth (yes/no)
  8. KDE Devroom (yes/no)
  9. KDE Speakers List (names/topics)
  10. Event Contact
    1. Name
    2. E-mail
  11. KDE Contact for Meeting
    1. Name
    2. E-mail
    3. Mailing List, Website, etc. for status updates
  12. Ready to go / needs volunteers
  13. Meeting reports