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Prospective Upcoming Conferences

Gran Canaria

July 3-11 2009

See Akademy 2009

FrOSCon(Free and Open Source Software Conference)

Place: Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

  1. Date: 22 - 23 August 2009
  2. Languages: German and English
  3. URLS:
    German: http://www.froscon.de/startseite/startseite.html
    English: http://www.froscon.de/en/home/home.html
  4. Deadlines: Call for papers: 23 May 2009
  5. KDE Booth:
  6. KDE Devroom:
  7. KDE Speakers List:
  8. Event Contact: Inga Herber <inga.herber@froscon.org>
  9. KDE Contact for Meeting:
  10. Ready to go/ needs volunteers
  11. Meeting report:

OpenExpo Winterthur

September 23 - 24 2009

Booth registered on Jun 19th, still waiting for confirmation...

I just registered an Amarok booth for that event too, specifying to put it with KDE so we could get more space (2 tables instead of one!)

Please, fill in your name, attendance, which specific booth (KDE and/or Amarok) and if you need accomodation (A), so I can get things planned.

Name EMail Booth 22rd 23th 24th Comments
Myriam Schweingruber myriam@kde.org KDE/Kubuntu A A + + option 2 confirmed
Mark Kretschmann kretschmann@kde.org Amarok A A + + option 2 confirmed
Sven Krohlas sven@getamarok.com Amarok A A + + option 3 confirmed
Eckhart Wörner ewoerner@kde.org KDE A A + + option 3 confirmed
Andi Fischer andi.fischer@hispeed.ch KDE +
Adriaan de Groot groot@kde.org KDE / FSFE + +
Pascal Mages pascal.mages@project21.ch KDE/FreeBeer + +

There are at least three hotels in the vicinity, with various room prices. Please check the place where you would like to stay and put it in the comments.

* Option 1: http://www.hessengueetli.ch/

Is right around the corner, very quiet, no traffic nearby, rooms start at 76 € single, 95 € double and they have a 4-bed room for 155 €

* Option 2: http://www.ibishotel.com/frm_fiche_hotel.svlt?code_hotel=3561,

The name says it all, approx 65 €

* Option 3: "Pfadilager organized by Carlos Diener, sFr. 20.-/day with breakfast, simple dormitory, sleeping bags needed.

UPDATE: I have reserved two double rooms for now with the organizers, with copy to the participants.

UPDATE2: Since this didn't work with the organizers, I reserved at the "Pfadilager" for Eckhart and Sven, + 1 room at the Ibis for Mark and me, option 1 being sold out since.

Past Conferences

See http://techbase.kde.org/Events as well

Sites with Linux Event Listings

Information about them

  1. Name
  2. Place
  3. Date
  4. Language(s)
  5. URLs
    • Homepage
    • Meeting Schedule
    • Topics
    • Speakers
  6. Deadlines
    • Booth
    • Devroom
    • Speaker Slots
    • Attendees
  7. KDE Booth (yes/no)
  8. KDE Devroom (yes/no)
  9. KDE Speakers List (names/topics)
  10. Event Contact
    1. Name
    2. E-mail
  11. KDE Contact for Meeting
    1. Name
    2. E-mail
    3. Mailing List, Website, etc. for status updates
  12. Ready to go / needs volunteers
  13. Meeting reports