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Projects/Usability/HIG/SOU Workspace/Rich Manipulation List

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Rich Lists: Rich Manipulation List


A list of objects offering more detailed information and options to manipulate the objects, or make a selection for when a lot of information is needed.



Rich Manipulation list with modal buttons, split buttons, collapsed and expanded items.

All elements of a rich list (beyond the item's name) are optional and should only be used if necessary information for the user. The elements of the list are (from left to right):

  • Right arrow icon indicating if additional information box is collapsed or expanded (only needed if additional information is available).
  • Icon representing the item or a graphical preview. Icons or images are optional; be sure to use only if each item has a discrete icon/preview.
  • Item name.
  • Short description of item (below item name). Include a description that is more telling than the title. The maximum length is two lines of text.
  • Additional information (below short description and hidden until item is expanded). A longer description or long meta information etc that is more than two lines of text. It is not advised to go beyond six lines of text.
  • Action/Split button(s)
    • If there are two related and mutually exclusive actions, display them in one modal button
    • If there are two actions that are not mutually exclusive, use two action buttons
    • If there are three or more actions that are not mutually exclusive, use a split button
    • Action buttons execute the action immediately

Related Patterns

Rich Lists; Rich Selection List