Projects/Usability/HIG/SOU Workspace/Administer Objects Final Pattern
The user has a set of objects each with the same user-definable attributes available to them. Objects can be added to or deleted from the list.
- Use a [rich list] if the set of objects require more detail than the name of the item.
- If the list is editable, place controls at the bottom of the the list. Controls may include new, save, copy, delete, remove, rename, default, import, export, move up/down.
- If the sequence can be re-ordered, use up/down icons placed with any other edit controls at the bottom of the list. Drag and drop may also be utilized in addition.
Factors that influence the pattern
- Use the Administer Objects pattern if there are potentially three or more objects in the list. If there are only two or less ever available, show both the objects and their attributes in the dialog.
- If there are three or less configuration options for each object, use a Rich List with a drop down (a single click anywhere along the item should expand it).
- If there are four or more configuration options, place them in a configuration zone to the right of the list of objects in the dialogue.