Projects/Usability/HIG/SOU Workspace/Rich List Workspace
A rich list is a list of items with any additional information and/or interaction to the name of the item.
(may include: check box, icon, name, brief description, link or button to information, link or button to configure selection, a means to visually distinguish between list items)
More examples:
(Do not repeat buttons, favor a global button for interactions)
Use a rich list when the user requires additional information when selecting an item or can do more with an item than just selecting it.
- There might be a checkbox and Icon in the same line
- Some meta-information might contain much text, requiring the item's row in the list to be very high when displayed
- Each item can have one or more commands associated with it
Solutions (including rationale) / Examples
[[place mockup here]
The elements of the list are (from left to right)
- Checkbox or radio button (optional)
- Icon indicating if additional information box is collapsed or expanded (only needed if additional information is available. Use this only when there is no checkbox. Otherwise, use an about-button (second from the right) to display additional info in a popup)
- Icon representing the item or graphical preview (optional)
- The item's name/title
- Below: Item's short description
- Additional information (longer description, long meta information etc.) that wouldn't normally fit in the row (optional)
- "About"-button displaying an about box (used weh there are checkboxes and additional information)
- Action/Combo button (optional if checkbox/radio button is present)