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From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 10:45, 30 July 2012 by Vishesh (talk | contribs) (Remove the TODO section)

About Nepomuk

Nepomuk serves as a cross application semantic storage backend. It aims at collecting data from various sources - file indexing, the web, applications, etc, and linking them all together to form a cohesive map of data.

To know more about Nepomuk from a user's point of view, head over to the Nepomuk page on UserBase. To know more about the Nepomuk community and getting involved in Nepomuk, head over to Nepomuk page on Community. This page is dedicated to 3rd party documentation for Nepomuk.


The following links provide good reads for getting used to the Nepomuk system and its APIs.

As Nepomuk is highly dependent on its data in the RDF store and the used ontologies, one might consider to read up on RDF and the Nepomuk ontogies:

Development status

See Projects/Nepomuk/DevelopmentStatus.


Subpages of Projects/Nepomuk