Projects/Mobile/Meego development with KDE
This is a page to help developers get up and running for KDE development on Meego.
Beginning Links
use Xephyr if you have an Intel graphics card, else use Qemu:
how to use QtCreator to build meego software
Maemo, not Meego:
Getting Started
There are three ways to get a full MeeGo GUI running:
- using QEMU (emulating a device)
- using Xephyr (using a chroot)
- Note: only works if you have an Intel graphics card.
- using a real device
To build stuff you can either use one of the above three options, or as a fourth (and probably) easier option, you can use qt-creator with madde and its Meego plugin. A problem with this is that there apparently is something wrong if you try to use libmeegotouch.
Using QEMU
If you don't have an Intel graphics card you need to use this method.
Using Xephyr
- Use xhost: set it to allow connections to everyone from everywhere if you have problems, yes this is bad security "xhost +"
- In chroot, to be non-root, su to user "meego".
- It has a small partition, but you can mount external things via:
mount --bind <source> <path/to/chroot/target>
Using a real device
Dynamic Languages
This is based off an article on The Irish Pengiun, I've put together the following how-to to get Qt Ruby working on Meego. Note, to aid in rapid development, we'll be using the netbook edition.
First, get VirtualBox OSE installed on your system. Once that is installed, download the Meego 1.0 Netbook image.