Prospective upcoming ones
Northwest Linuxfest
April 25-26 2009
in Bellingham, WA (south of Seattle)
- see Dan's page for planning
- we have a booth
- working on speakers, etc.
May 1-3 2009
in Romulus, Michigan
- This one is just goofy: a science fiction convention mixed with an open source convention. Nixternal went one year and had a blast. We've missed getting on the program, though, and this isn't something where you'd do a booth.
Gran Canaria
July 3-11 2009
just noting....
O'Reilly's Oscon
July 20-24 2009
in San Jose, California
- we have a booth, maybe can get someone to do unconference talks?
- This is probably big.
LinuxWorld (SF)
August 12-13
in San Francisco, CA
- This is now called "open source world"; very corporate
- Big, but not as big as it once was
- more disorganized... Still trying to get in touch with a real person to get us a booth
Ohio Linuxfest
Sept 26 2009
in Columbus, Ohio
- speaker [email protected]
- sponsor [email protected]
- general [email protected]
Locals nearby willing to help? People who are familiar with it and have been? We currently have nothing set up.
LWN list of
Information about them
- name
- place
- date
- URLs
- homepage
- meeting schedule
- topics
- speakers
- deadlines
- booth
- devroom
- speaker slots
- attendees
- KDE booth (yes/no)
- KDE devroom (yes/no)
- KDE speakers list (names/topics)
- event contact
## name ## email
- KDE contact for meeting
## name ## email ## mailing list, website, etc. for status updates
- ready to go / needs volunteers
- meeting reports