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Projects/Oxygen/Missing Icons

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 22:03, 2 December 2007 by Jpetso (talk | contribs) (Add some icons that KMail should really have, partly also specified by the naming spec.)

The page will help Oxygen team to track and produce icons that are currently missing in KDE4. Additionally it will help developers to make requests for icons that they need for KDE4 related projects.

Instructions to fill out the request

  • This page, being a wiki, obviously does not validate your request. Please take care when providing information about the icons. Note that this page is mainly for the team to know where is mostly needed the work, we'll do our best to fullfill your requests for 4.0 but however we can't guarantee that. =)
  • When providing icon names please try to make them compatible with the actual naming scheme.
  • Please provide clear but short descriptions about the icons, it needs to help the artists in imagining a good metaphore to make your icon. This point is extremely important. You may obviously also link your description if it's going to be lengthy. This will help us to manage icon requests, and check if there are any possible duplicates. The most descriptive you are, the best it is for us.
  • Screenshots are sometimes a better way to easily show the usage of the icon. Provide metaphores when possible this will help the artist to visualize our reqest faster and give a better understanding of the reqest.
  • As someone already noted, this is not the right page to complain or make suggestions about existing icon, this is just to know the remaining work.
  • Please sort by module/application/priority

Missing Icons Table

General purpose icons

For icons like the folder, or the desktop.

Icon Name Description / Where can be found? Done? Assigned To
actions/transform-scale (ArtLibreSet) an icon for an image resize action. In progress (See discussion page) dmiller
actions/transform-move (ArtLibreSet) move action [[1]] No
mimetypes/application-javascript Icon for *.js (application/javascript) files just like we have them for e.g. Python and Ruby. Done davigno
mimetypes/application-x-php Icon for *.php (application/x-php). Done davigno
actions/help-hint KStandardAction for "Tip of the Day", for example seen in the help menu of KMail [jpetso says: I think it would be appropriate to have the same metaphor for this and the games-hint icon (which should be named help-hint-game anyways)] No davigno
status/object-locked (ArtLibreSet) icon to show that an item or ui element is locked and will not move or disappear, such as a toolbar in a fullscreen window Done (copied from actions/document-encrypt)
status/object-unlocked (ArtLibreSet) icon to show that an item or ui element is unlocked and will move or disappear, such as a toolbar in a fullscreen window Done (copied from actions/document-decrypt)
apps/preferences-plugin icon to show that there are plugins to enable, for example in a configuration dialog No davigno
actions/format-list-ordered icon for indicating the creation of an ordered i.e. numbered list. Qt rich-text classes mean this will probably be used more often Done dmiller
actions/format-list-unordered icon for indicating the creation of an unordered i.e. bulleted list. Qt rich-text classes mean this will probably be used more often Done dmiller
actions/object-flip-horizontal (naming spec) icon for flipping an image or object in a drawing/graphics program No
actions/object-flip-vertical (naming spec) icon for flipping an image or object in a drawing/graphics program No
media-optical-video icon for DVDs and video CDs, from HalDevice::icon No

KDE main modules

For apps in trunk/KDE/

Module Application Icon Name Description / Where can be found? Done? Assigned To
kdebase konqueror actions/edit-undo-close-tab konqueror undo closed tab [jpetso says: low priority, has a fallback to edit-undo] No
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-desktop-filetype-association konqueror configuration dialog File Associations Done Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-web-browser-adblock konqueror configuration dialog AdBlock Filters Done Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-web-browser-shortcuts konqueror configuration dialog Web Shortcuts Done Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-web-browser-cache konqueror configuration dialog Cache Done Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-system-network-proxy konqueror configuration dialog Proxy In progress Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-desktop-font konqueror configuration dialog Fonts Done Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-web-browser-stylesheets konqueror configuration dialog Stylesheets Done Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-web-browser-cookies konqueror configuration dialog Cookies Done Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-web-browser-identification konqueror configuration dialog Browser Identification Done 3/4 Pinheiro
kdebase konqueror apps/preferences-desktop-text-to-speech Konqueror text-to-speech plugin Done Pinheiro
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect Generic effect icon In progress Pinheiro
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-desktop-effect Desktop effects config module No
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect-boxswitch Boxswitch (alt-tab) effect (low priority) No
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect-desktop-grid Desktopgrid (desktop switcher) effect (low priority) No
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect-presentwindows Presentwindows effect (low priority) No
kdebase kwin apps/preferences-system-windows-effect-shadow Shadow effect (low priority) No
kdebase kwrite apps/kwrite Previously existed, recently removed from SVN. See Misc requests below for details Still exists (renamed accessories-text-editor)
kdebase kwrite actions/view-top-bottom A "split vertically" action, similar to view-left-right. No
kdebase kwrite actions/window-duplicate An icon to duplicate the current window so that the new window contains the same contents as the current one. Probably keep it visually similar to the "tab-duplicate" icon. No
kdebase kwrite apps/preferences-plugin-insert-file-ktexteditor KWrite insert file plugin I think it's appropriate for KWrite to use the "document-import" icon for this purpose, so, "Done." jpetso
kdebase kwrite apps/preferences-plugin-word-completion-ktexteditor KWrite word completion plugin No
kdebase systemsettings apps/preferences-desktop-color Desktop colour settings configuration module In progress Pinheiro
kdebase systemsettings apps/preferences-desktop-icons Desktop icon settings configuration module Done Pinheiro
kdebase systemsettings apps/preferences-desktop-theme Desktop theme selector module In progress Pinheiro
kdebase systemsettings categories/preferences-desktop Desktop configuration category In progress Pinheiro
kdebase systemsettings apps/preferences-system-network-sharing Network shares config module No
kdebase systemsettings apps/preferences-desktop-launch-feedback Launch feedback config module In progress Pinheiro
kdebase systemsettings apps/preferences-desktop-login KDM/login manager config module Done - named preferences-system-login Djmdave 14:27, 1 November 2007 (CET) Dmiller
kdebase kopete (misc) (various) Emoticons for Kopete, See Projects/Oxygen/Missing_Emoticons No
kdemultimedia kmix kmix icons KMix icons No
kdegraphics okular table-of-contents-ltr / table-of-contents-rtl An icon (in both LtR and RtL versions) representing the table of contents. To be used for indicating the "Contents" tab in the okular sidebar. No
koffice koffice apps (various) See http://wiki.koffice.org/index.php?title=Icons various No
kdeedu kalgebra apps/kalgebra Application Icon kdeedu/kalgebra/icons No
kdeedu kig apps/kig Application Icon kdeedu/kig/kig No
kdeedu parley apps/parley Application Icon kdeedu/parley/parley In Progress Leeo
kdeedu parley action/insert-row & action/insert-column Add a new entry in parley In Progress Leeo
kdeedu parley practice Start parley's practice In Progress Leeo
kdepim kmail identity KMail configuration dialog for managing identities Done, as places/contact
kdepim kmail categories/preferences-other KMail configuration dialog for miscellaneous configurations Done jpetso
kdepim kmail actions/mail-mark-important Action to mark one or more already viewed mails as important, can be found by right-clicking a mail message in KMail [jpetso says: high priority, also required by the icon naming spec] No
kdepim kmail actions/mail-mark-read Action to mark all currently unread mails in one folder as read ("Mark All Messages as Read"), can be found in the "Folder" menu of KMail [jpetso says: high priority, also required by the icon naming spec] No
kdepim kmail actions/mail-mark-unread Action to mark one or more already viewed mails as unread, can be found by right-clicking a mail message in KMail [jpetso says: high priority, also required by the icon naming spec] No
kdepim kmail actions/mail-mark-new Action to mark one or more already viewed mails as new, can be found by right-clicking a mail message in KMail No
kdepim kmail actions/mail-mark-task Action to mark one or more mails as to-do ("Mark Message as Action Item"), can be found by right-clicking a mail message in KMail No
kdepim kmail places/folder-sent-mail Icon for folder where successfully sent mails are stored, as found on the left pane in KMail. No
kdepim kmail places/folder-inbox Icon for folder where received mails are stored by default, as found on the left pane in KMail. No
kdepim kmail places/folder-outbox Icon for folder where queued mails (waiting to be sent) are stored, as found on the left pane in KMail. No
kdepim kmail actions/mail-reply-custom Reply to the currently selected message with a custom (user-created) template message. Found in the "Message->Reply Special" menu entry in KMail. [jpetso says: low priority, mail-reply already exists as fallback.] No
kdepim kmail actions/mail-reply-all-custom Reply to the currently selected message with a custom (user-created) template message, and send the message to every addressee (All which are in To, From and CC headers). Found in the "Message->Reply Special" menu entry in KMail. [jpetso says: low priority, mail-reply-all already exists as fallback.] No
kdepim kmail actions/mail-forward-custom Forward the currently selected message, using a custom (user-created) template message. Found in the "Message->Forward" menu entry in KMail. [jpetso says: low priority, mail-forward already exists as fallback.] No
kdepim kmail actions/mail-message-new-list Creates a new message, which will have the mailing list of the current folder as the recepient. Can be found in the context menu of a folder in KMail, but only after activating "Folder->Mailing List Management". [jpetso says: low priority, mail-message-new already exists as fallback.] No
kdepim kmail actions/mail-send "Send Queued Messages Via", sends all mails which currently are queued in the outbox, but pops up a menu first asking the user which of his outgoing accounts (SMTP servers) he wants to use. Can be found in the "File" menu of KMail. Done, use "mail-send-via" for this (which falls back to the existing "mail-send"). jpetso says: I can't think of *any* reason that would warrant a different icon than "mail-send" for this action. If there is a compelling case for a seperate icon, please state it here and rename the icon to mail-send-via.
kdepim kalarm apps/kalarm System tray icon, indicating alarms are enabled. Current icon is still the hicolor one. No
kdepim kalarm status/kalarm-disabled System tray icon, indicating alarms are disabled. Current icon still is the hicolor one. No
kdepim korganizer actions/view-calendar-time-spent An icon representing the new timespent view. Done dmiller
kdepim korganizer actions/view-calendar-timeline An icon representing the new timeline view. Done dmiller
kdepim korganizer actions/view-pim-journal An icon representing KOrganizer's journal view. Done
kdepim korganizer actions/view-calendar-free-busy An icon representing free/busy time in a calendar. No
kdepim kontact birthday maybe a cake with candles to represent someone's birthday No
kdepim kontact anniversary to represent a wedding anniversary No
kdepim kontact special occassion to represent a general special occassion. examples: holidays, birthdays, graduation, etc No
kdepim kontact holiday a non-religious holiday. examples: independence day, new years, etc No
kdesupport strigi strigi The strigi app icon. It should be an owl. Done. However, it's a flashlight instead of an owl. (A very pretty flashlight too :) Djmdave 17:07, 12 November 2007 (CET)) Pinheiro
kdegames bovo bovo Apps main icon done johann_ol
kdegames katomic katomic Apps main icon No
kdegames kbattleship kbattleship Apps main icon No
kdegames kblackbox kblackbox Apps main icon No
kdegames kbounce kbounce Apps main icon No
kdegames kgoldrunner kgoldrunner Apps main icon No
kdegames kiriki kiriki Apps main icon No
kdegames kjumpingcube kjumpingcube Apps main icon No
kdegames klines klines Apps main icon No
kdegames kmahjongg kmahjongg Apps main icon No
kdegames kmines kmines Apps main icon No
kdegames knetwalk knetwalk Apps main icon done johann_ol & trouvnez
kdegames kolf kolf Apps main icon No
kdegames konquest konquest Apps main icon No
kdegames kpat kpat Apps main icon No
kdegames kreversi kreversi Apps main icon No
kdegames ksame ksame Apps main icon No
kdegames kshisen kshisen Apps main icon No
kdegames kspaceduel kspaceduel Apps main icon No
kdegames ksquares ksquares Apps main icon No
kdegames ksudoku ksudoku Apps main icon done johann_ol
kdegames ktuberling ktuberling Apps main icon No
kdegames kwin4 kwin4 Apps main icon No
kdegames lskat lskat Apps main icon No
kdegames libkdegames games-config-options Old ChooseGameType action, used in configuration panes, to specify game types, variations or options Done piacentini
kdegames libkdegames games-solve Solve action for games, used to be a wizard's wand Done piacentini
kdegames libkmahjongg games-config-tiles Configuration pane icon, used to select the tileset in kmahjongg and kshisen. Could be possibly created from the tilesets SVG graphics in kdegames/libkmahjongg/tilesets Done piacentini
kdegames libkmahjongg games-config-background Configuration pane icon, used to select the field background in kmahjongg and kshisen. Could be reused by other games as a generic background icon Done piacentini
kdegames libkmahjongg games-config-board Configuration pane icon, used to select the board layout in kmahjongg and kshisen. Could be reused by other games as a generic configure levels/boards icon Done piacentini
kdegames libkdegames games-config-theme Configuration pane icon, used to select the KGameTheme to be used Done piacentini
kdegames libkdegames games-config-custom Configuration pane icon, used to configure custom game options, or complex settings Done piacentini
kdegames libkdegames games-endturn End turn checkmark Done piacentini
kdenetwork krdc krdc-viewonly Toggles the remote view viewonly / view-control mode. Viewonly means, that the remote desktop shows all updates, but the client does not send actions back to the server. At the moment the kgpg-sign-kgpg is used there. --Uwolfer 23:11, 28 October 2007 (CET) No
kdenetwork kget status/network-connecting Shown while trying to connect to a server. --Uwolfer 21:05, 29 October 2007 (CET) No
kdenetwork kopete status/user-online Icon representing an IM contact in an online state. Used full size in the contact list, and as overlay for user and protocol icons. As every contact gets one of those status icons and overlays are pretty tiny, this should be rather simple - for the online icon, we might standardize on simple green circle which Pidgin and Adium are using. No davigno
kdenetwork kopete status/user-away Icon representing an IM contact in an away state. Used full size in the contact list, and as overlay for user and protocol icons. As every contact gets one of those status icons and overlays are pretty tiny, this should be rather simple - for the away icon, the Kopete developers would prefer a 1/4 dark clock. No davigno
kdenetwork kopete status/user-away-extended Icon representing an IM contact in an extended away state. Used full size in the contact list, and as overlay for user and protocol icons. As every contact gets one of those status icons and overlays are pretty tiny, this should be rather simple - for the extended away icon, the Kopete developers would prefer a 3/4 dark clock. No davigno
kdenetwork kopete status/user-offline Icon representing an IM contact in an offline or busy state. Used full size in the contact list, and as overlay for user and protocol icons. As every contact gets one of those status icons and overlays are pretty tiny, this should be rather simple - for the offline icon, the Kopete icons would prefer a "one way" sign... in fact, the one inside printer-error would probably be perfect for this purpose. Only covering the whole canvas in the smaller versions probably, but we should use that one. No davigno
kdenetwork kopete status/user-unknown-state Icon representing the user in an unknown state. Used full size in the contact list, and as overlay for user and protocol icons. As every contact gets one of those status icons and overlays are pretty tiny, this should be rather simple - for the unknown state icon, there's no preference for a specific look, but should probably be gray. Pidgin uses a gray "X" icon very similar to our own "window-close". No davigno
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-desktop-user-privacy Configuring privacy settings No davigno
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-plugin-text-effect-kopete Configuring text formatting special effects No davigno
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-text-autocorrection Configuring text autocorrect rules No davigno
kdenetwork kopete apps/preferences-text-highlighting Configuring text highlighting - icon exists but only in a low resolution No davigno
kdenetwork kopete status/kopete-dock-flashing icon flashed in system tray when new messages are received No davigno
kdenetwork kopete actions/view-statistics A general icons for a statistics view, used in Kopete for the statistics plugin. KTorrent also has a (download) statistics plugin that would use such an icon, at least it does in its 3.x version. Done pinheiro
kdeutils kwalletmanager status/wallet-open kwalletmanager system tray icon when a wallet is open Done
kdeutils kwalletmanager status/wallet-closed kwalletmanager system tray icon when a wallet is close Done
kdeutils kwalletmanager apps/kwalletmanager kwalletmanager application icon Done
kdesdk kapptemplate app icon generates KDE 4 templates to start programming No

Other 3rd party Application Icons

For all the other applications

Application Icon Name Description / Where can be found? Done? Assigned To
KSystemlog KSystemLog icon App icon - Made by a non-graphic designer developer ;-) Done (utilites-log-viewer) dmiller
Tagua apps/tagua Tagua logo Done dmiller
Tagua tagua-movelist toggle movelist Done - use actions/history
Amarok apps/amarok

App icon. Needs Oxygen colors, we don't really want to change design.

Amarok status/media-track-repeat An icon for the "repeat the current track" state. No
KPlayer, Amarok status/media-playlist-repeat

Option to loop through the current playlist. See screenshot, it's the next-to-last button in the second row.

KPlayer, Amarok status/media-playlist-shuffle

Option to shuffle the current playlist. See screenshot, it's the last button in the second row.

Kind of... copied the "dice-roll" icon to that location
KPlayer status/audio-volume-muted

This icon already exists in Oxygen, but in only one size, 22x22 I believe. Would like to have a scalable version. [note from jpetso: please also a scalable version for the other audio-volume-* icons]

KPlayer video-contrast

Button that pops up the slider that lets you change the video contrast. See screenshot, it's the fourth-to-last button in the first row.

KPlayer video-brightness

Button that pops up the slider that lets you change the video brightness. See screenshot, it's the third-to-last button in the first row.

Firefox apps/firefox Firefox logo No
GIMP apps/gimp GIMP logo No
kopete-cryptography badsignature An icon like the 'signature' icon, but it indicates that a digital signature cannot be verified. See websvn for a quick version that I made. This icon is intended to be displayed at 16x16, so I think the red color alone isn't enough to made it's intention quickly obvious, it should have more distinction from 'siganture'. No
ktorrent start-all and stop-all For starting and stopping torrents we want to use media-playback-start and media-playback-stop, so we would like some matching icons to start and stop all torrents. No
ktorrent apps/preferences-system-network-ip-filter-ktorrent Icon for KTorrent's IP Filter plugin. This is a blocklist for bad peers. No
ktorrent apps/preferences-plugin-scan-folder-ktorrent Icon for KTorrent's folder scanner plugin. This plugin monitors directories for torrent files, and when a new one is detected, it is loaded into ktorrent. No
ktorrent apps/preferences-system-network-upnp-ktorrent Icon for KTorrent's UPnP plugin. No
ktorrent apps/preferences-system-network-discovery Icon for KTorrent's zeroconf (DNSSD) plugin, also used by the "Network Discovery" page in the System Settings (which makes for the slightly different icon name). No

Misc Icon Requests

Update:Thanks Djmdave, for moving this here. Now the KWrite icon is totally missing. See: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/pics/oxygen/128x128/apps/kwrite.png?view=markup and other corresponding directories (scalable 64x64 etc). My request for two distinct icons for Kate and KWrite stands. Please see bug for more details and discussion.

  • Partly fixed in svn commit r733637 (fabo), missing all unmount icons and some others (MO Device and ZIP Device) used in *.desktop files:
