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From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 11:17, 20 January 2013 by Willem1 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "De beste manier om uit te vinden hoe dit moet, is door de normale ondersteuningskanalen van je distributie te gebruiken, maar hier kun je misschien nuttige informatie vinden: ...")
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Er zijn veel verschillende manieren om mee te helpen in de KDE-gemeenschap, van simpelweg de software gebruiken tot een ontwikkelaar van het platform worden.

Deze sectie van KDE TechBase is bedoeld om je te helpen aan de slag te gaan met meedoen aan de technische kant van de KDE-gemeenschap. Er wordt uitgelegd hoe KDE-software gestructureerd is, hoe het wordt gecompileerd, en hoe je kunt meedoen door KDE zelf te compileren.

KDE-software gebruiken

Als je stabiele KDE-software wilt gebruiken voor dagelijks gebruik, dan hoef je KDE niet zelf te compileren. Gebruik in plaats daarvan de methode voor software-installatie die wordt geleverd door je Linux-distributie, om de KDE-pakketten te installeren.

De beste manier om uit te vinden hoe dit moet, is door de normale ondersteuningskanalen van je distributie te gebruiken, maar hier kun je misschien nuttige informatie vinden:

Getting Help

If you are looking for help in using the KDE Workspace or KDE Applications then please visit the KDE UserBase.

If you have any questions or problems with building or developing KDE Software please feel free to ask for help. However, be patient while waiting for a response, and try to work through the problem yourself, we aren't going to do it all for you. Working your way through and understanding why something doesn't work is a good way to learn how to do things the right way.

Browsing the code

The KDE project is all free and open source. You can view its source code and make changes.

http://projects.kde.org hosts the source for many KDE-related initiatives, including KDE itself. Choose a piece of KDE such as KDE Libraries, then click Repository to browse its source. Getting_Started/Sources explains the organization of KDE source code.

There are other utilities to browse the source code:

Building and Running KDE Software From Source

There are several possible ways to build and install KDE software and the method you choose depends on what you want to do with the software. In particular if you are only wanting to build and develop a single application you may not need to build the entire KDE Development Platform to do so. You can read more about this on the Build Methods page.

If you simply want to build one application, the simple tutorial Building an Existing Application might be enough already.

Quickstart: If you are impatient to get started without understanding what you are doing then you can skip straight to using a Build Script, but it is strongly recommended you read this documentation first.

The following sections explain the steps you need to understand and give the instructions you need to follow to successfully build KDE Software from source:

Development Model

TODO: General introduction to the dev model, release cycles, etc.

Development Tools

There are a number of Development Tools that are either required or helpful when building KDE Software. For these you will usually want to use the stable packages provided by your distribution.

You may want to use a graphical IDE for your development work:

Contributing To KDE

Once you have a copy of KDE built you can then start contributing back to KDE. The pages below will help you find out how you can help make KDE even better.