Panel pieces missing for a proper theming support
- two different svg element should be loaded by SvgPanel if the panel has a 100% width/height or not
- another elementPrefix could be used or simply used the one without prefixes, that will also be used as fallback when north, south etc prefixes are not available
- tasks should draw their background with PanelSvg and there should be some sort of transition effect between two svgs when the task goes active/hovered
- since complex transitions compositions probably are still far two PanelSvg will be needed that blend into each other
- systray should be able to draw a svg background too
- Desktop containment should be able to draw shadows for the panel views
- shadows should not be done with the main panel svg (unlike the applet background we have now)
- still to be decided: using kwin compositing when available?
- how to draw a shadow on the desktop? it should be aware of other views, so maybe it could break the model/view concept :(
- should be used a svg, manually painted with qpainter or used a blurring function?