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Projects/Oxygen/KDE4 Missing Icons

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 09:07, 20 December 2007 by Finex (talk | contribs)

List of KDE4 missing icon on applications with screenshots.

The old list of icons reported by FiNeX is still on: http://www.finex.org/missing_icons. On that list, icons will not be added anymore. Only fixed icons will be removed. Please use this wiki page for report new missing icons!

Kwin File:Missingkwin1.png
Kwin File:Missing kwin2.png
Kaddressbook -> Edit contact -> Misc File:Missing kaddressbook.jpg
Konqueror, Settings -> Configure toolbars File:Missing konq toolbar4.jpg
Sweeper, app icon 300x300
Kpatience, toolbar 300x300
Kalzium, toolbar 300x300
Kstars, menu 300x300
kalzium, element informations 300x300
Knode "new message" icon missing when knode is embedded in kontact 300x300
Ligature, menu: help 300x300
Ligature, menu: settings 300x300
Ligature -> app icon 300x300