The current Oxygen style and window decoration for KDE4 can be found in SVN under and
Known Bugs
- tabs are not drawn correctly
- east and west aren't done at all
- too much padding on the sides of the labels
- no drawing of inactive tabs - only their text
- minor glitches with holes
- top color doesn't go around curves
- [assigned: mwoehlke] color choice needs to be reviewed
- with autoFillBackground, corners are overpainted (how to fix this??)
- need to audit color role use (see QA #3)
- reverse layout is broken
- listview,tablevies etc paint the frame in LTR place
- groupboxes draw the heading too far to the right
- scrollbars draw the grove with wrong round ends
- progress bars not done
- [low priority] menus not done
- horizontal scrollbar looking a bit weird
- arrows in eg spinboxes not sharp enough
- windeco - corners ugly non alpha transparent
- should repaint on globalChange signal (how?)
- content padding in combo boxes too small (text/arrow touches left/right border)
- reverse layout
- high-contrast color schemes (i.e. all fg/bg black or white)
- reverse-light/dark color schemes (e.g. light-on-dark buttons with dark-on-light views, etc.)
- tabs, in all directions
- sliders, scrollbars, progress - in all orientations and good cross section of values
- content padding works for all controls, does not break sizeToContents functionality
- controls align nicely and controls that should be the same size, are