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Development/Architecture/KDE3/Library Structure/pt-br: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Aracele (talk | contribs)
Created page with "; [http://api.kde.org/3.5-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/index.html kdeui] : A biblioteca kdeui fornece muitos widgets e diálogos padrões que o Qt não tem ou quem tem mais ..."
Aracele (talk | contribs)
Created page with "; [http://api.kde.org/3.5-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kio/html/index.html kio] : A biblioteca kio contém facilidades para asynchronous, network transparent I/O e acesso à manipulaç..."
Line 12: Line 12:

; [http://api.kde.org/3.5-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kio/html/index.html kio]
; [http://api.kde.org/3.5-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kio/html/index.html kio]
: The kio library contains facilities for asynchronous, network transparent I/O and access to mimetype handling. It also provides the KDE file dialog and its helper classes.
: A biblioteca kio contém facilidades para asynchronous, network transparent I/O e acesso à manipulação de mimetype. Ela também fornece the KDE file dialog and its helper classes.

; [http://api.kde.org/3.5-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kjs/html/index.html kjs]
; [http://api.kde.org/3.5-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kjs/html/index.html kjs]

Revision as of 20:49, 29 August 2014

A lista a seguir dá uma visão geral da estrutura de biblioteca.

Bibliotecas por nome

A biblioteca kdecore é um framework de aplicativo básico para todo programa baseado em KDE. Ela fornece acesso ao sistema de configuração, manipulação de linha de comando, manipulação e carregamento de ícone, alguns tipos especiais de comunicação inter-processo, manipulação de arquivo e várias outras utilidades.
A biblioteca kdeui fornece muitos widgets e diálogos padrões que o Qt não tem ou quem tem mais recursos que suas contrapartes Qt. Ela também inclui vários widgets que são subclasses do Qt e são melhores integradas com o KDE desktop por respeitar as preferências de usuário.
A biblioteca kio contém facilidades para asynchronous, network transparent I/O e acesso à manipulação de mimetype. Ela também fornece the KDE file dialog and its helper classes.
The kjs library provides an implementation of JavaScript.
The khtml library contains the KHTML part, a HTML browsing widget, DOM API and parser, including interfaces to Java and JavaScript.

Grouped Classes

Core application skeleton - classes needed by almost every application.* KApplication - initializes and controls a KDE application.

Configuration settings - access to KDE's hierarchical configuration database, global settings and application resources.* KConfig - provides access to KDE's configuration database.

File and URL handling - decoding of URLs, temporary files etc.

  • KURL - represents and parses URLs.* KTempFile - creates unique files for temporary data
  • KSaveFile - allows to save files atomically.

Interprocess communication - DCOP helper classes and subprocess invocation.* KProcess - invokes and controls child processes.

  • KShellProcess - invokes child processes via a shell.* PtyProcess - communication with a child process through a pseudo terminal.
  • KIPC - simple IPC mechanism using X11 ClientMessages.* DCOPClient - DCOP messaging.
  • KDCOPPropertyProxy - a proxy class publishing Qt properties through DCOP.* KDCOPActionProxy - a proxy class publishing a DCOP interface for actions.

Utility classes - memory management, regular expressions, string manipulation, random numbers * KRegExp - POSIX regular expression maching.

Keyboard accelerators - classes helping to establish consistent key bindings throughout the desktop.

  • KAccel - collection of keyboard shortcuts.* KStdAccel - easy access to the common keyboard shortcut keys.
  • KGlobalAccel - collection of system-wide keyboard shortcuts.

Image processing - icon loading and manipulating.

  • KIconLoader - loads icons in a theme-conforming way.* KIconTheme - helper classes for KIconLoader.
  • KPixmap - a pixmap class with extended dithering capabilities.* KPixmapEffect - pixmap effects like gradients and patterns.
  • KPixmapIO - fast QImage to QPixmap conversion.

Drag and Drop - drag objects for colors and URLs.


Widgets - widget classes for list views, rules, color selction etc.* KListView - a variant of QListView that honors KDE's system-wide settings.

  • KListBox - a variant of QListBox that honors KDE's system-wide settings.* KIconView - a variant of QIconView that honors KDE's system-wide settings.
  • KLineEdit - a variant of QLineEdit with completion support.* KComboBox - a variant of QComboBox with completion support.
  • KFontCombo - a combo box for selecting fonts.* KColorCombo - a combo box for selecting colors.
  • KColorButton - a button for selecting colors.* KURLCombo - a combo box for selecting file names and URLs.
  • KURLRequester - a line edit for selecting file names and URLs.* KRuler - a ruler widget.
  • KAnimWidget - animations.* KNumInput - a widget for inputting numbers.
  • KPasswordEdit - a widget for inputting passwords.

Dialogs - full-featured dialogs for file, color and font selection.* KFileDialog - a file selection dialog.

Actions and XML GUI

  • KAction - abstraction for an action that can be plugged into menu bars and tool bars.
  • KActionCollection - a set of actions.* KXMLGUIClient - a GUI fragment consisting of an action collection and a DOM tree representing their location in the GUI.
  • KPartManager - manages the activation of XMLGUI clients.

Plugins and Components

Initial Author: Bernd Gehrmann [email protected]