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From KDE TechBase
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{{Note|techbase.kde.org is primarily aimed at '''external developers'''. Here, you can find documentation and help '''to build on or extend KDE products for your own projects'''. 
<br />
If you are looking for '''guidelines and ways to contribute to KDE''' please refer to the [https://community.kde.org Community] wiki.}}

{{Note|Before editing the wiki, look at [[Help:Contribute#Organisation|this page]] to see where to add content.''
<br />
If you want a '''real book''' to learn how to use the Frameworks, please [https://community.kde.org/Books read there], on our community pages!}}
== Still to be moved and organized ==
* [[Special:myLanguage/Development|Develop]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Development/Tutorials|Tutorials]],
== The future page is below ==
{| style="margin: 1em 2.5% 0 2.5%; padding: 0 5px;" cellpadding="5"
{| style="margin: 1em 2.5% 0 2.5%; padding: 0 5px;" cellpadding="5"
| style="padding-left: 35px;" |[[File:Calligra120.png |noframe|left|120px|]] ||
;[[Special:MyLanguage/Development/Tutorials/Calligra Overview|Calligra]]
:Calligra description
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[Image:Action_launch.svg|noframe|left|40px]] ||
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:CMake-logo-48.png |noframe|left|90px|]] ||
;;[[:Getting_Started|KDE Geliştirme Ortamının Düzenlenmesi]]
:KDE'yi nasıl alıp, yapılandırıp çalıştırabileceğinizi öğrenin.
:ECM description
| style="padding-left: 50px;"|[[Image:Action_configure.svg|noframe|left|40px]] ||
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:Konqui frameworks cropped.png|noframe|left|100px|]] ||
;;[[:Development|KDE Ortamında Geliştirme]]
;[[Special:MyLanguage/KF5|KDE Frameworks (KF5)]]
:Documentation concerning the Frameworks
Öğreticiler]] | [http://flossmanuals.net/kde-guide/ e-Kitap] | [http://api.kde.org API Belgelendirmesi] | [[Special:myLanguage/Development/FAQs|
ve daha fazlası.
:''İlgili'' [[Special:myLanguage/Schedules|
Sürüm Zamanlamaları ve Özellik Planlamaları]] | [[Special:myLanguage/Policies|
Kod Paylaşımı ve Geliştirici Kılavuzu]]
| style="padding-left: 50px;"|[[Image:Devices_system.svg|noframe|left|40px]] ||
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:Kipi.svg |noframe|left|100px|]] ||
;[[Special:myLanguage/KDE System Administration|KDE Sistem Yönetimi]]
:KDE dağıtımlarını yöneten sistem yöneticileri için gerekli bilgiler.
:KDE Image Plugin Interface description
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:Mascot_20140731_konqui-app-utilities.png |noframe|left|100px|]] ||
;[[Special:MyLanguage/KDE PIM|KDE PIM]]
:KDE PIM description
| style="padding-left: 50px;"|[[Image:Action_favorites.svg|noframe|left|40px]] ||
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:Kdevelop.svg |noframe|left|100px|]] ||
;<span class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
:Documentation concerning KDevelop plugins and API
KDE Takımına Katılım ve Katkıda Bulunun]]
:Topluluğumuza katılın, topluluktan bilgi alın, yamalara katkıda bulunun.
KDE Proje İlkeleri]] | [http://www.kde.org/support/support.php Bağışta Bulunun]
| style="padding-left: 50px;"|[[Image:Action_contents.svg|noframe|left|40px]] ||
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:Krita128.png |noframe|left|100px|]] ||
;[[Special:myLanguage/ISV|ISV (Bağımsız Yazılım Dağıtıcıları) Bilgisi]]:Geliştiriciler için Bağımsız Yazılım Dağıtıcılarına ilişkin bilgiler.
;[https://krita.org Krita]
:Documentation concerning Krita plugins and API
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:Marble128.png |noframe|left|100px|]] ||
:Documentation of Marble plugins and API
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:Phonon-gstreamer.png |noframe|left|100px|]] ||
:Documentation of Phonon
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:520px-Mascot_20140702_konqui-plasma.png  |noframe|left|100px|]] ||
:Documentation of Plasma plugins and API
=== Outdated products ===
{| style="margin: 1em 2.5% 0 2.5%; padding: 0 5px;" cellpadding="5"
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[File:Sublime.svg  |noframe|left|100px|]] ||
;[[Special:MyLanguage/Languages|KDElibs bindings]]
:Bindings to use KDElibs (KDE4 and 3)
| style="padding-left: 50px;" |[[Image:Action_wizard.svg|noframe|left|40px]] ||
KDE projeleri]]
:Çeşitli KDE Projeleri için geliştirici wiki'leri, görev listeleri vb. gibi bağlantılar.

Revision as of 09:52, 10 February 2019

techbase.kde.org is primarily aimed at external developers. Here, you can find documentation and help to build on or extend KDE products for your own projects.

If you are looking for guidelines and ways to contribute to KDE please refer to the Community wiki.

Before editing the wiki, look at this page to see where to add content.

If you want a real book to learn how to use the Frameworks, please read there, on our community pages!
Calligra description
ECM description
KDE Frameworks (KF5)
Documentation concerning the Frameworks
KDE Image Plugin Interface description
KDE PIM description
Documentation concerning KDevelop plugins and API
Documentation concerning Krita plugins and API
Documentation of Marble plugins and API
Documentation of Phonon
Documentation of Plasma plugins and API

Outdated products

KDElibs bindings
Bindings to use KDElibs (KDE4 and 3)