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Projects/Documentation/KDE: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Yurchor (talk | contribs)
m Remove obsolete parts
Lueck (talk | contribs)
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=== System Settings ===
=== System Settings ===
* '''Location:''' trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace
* '''Location:''' usually in subdir doc/kcontrol of a module (kdeadmin, kdebase/workspace, kdebase/runtime, kdegraphics, kdepimlibs, kdeutils, exceptions of that rule are dolphin/kxkb/kscd/kdm and some more)
* '''Status:''' Needs a lot of work
* '''Status:''' ·~85% up to date in 4.4
* '''Info:''' Refer to http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=120612209307666&w=2 for the work that needs to be completed.
* '''Info:''' Missing / outdated docs:
** ""Service Discovery"" (kcmshell4 kcm_kdnssd) - missing
** ""Network Settings"" (kcmshell4 kcm_knetworkconfmodule) - outdated
** ""Size & Orientation"" (kcmshell4 randr) - outdated
** ""Multiple Monitors"" (kcmshell4 xinerama) - missing
** ""Input Actions"" (kcmshell4 khotkeys) - missing
** ""Printer Configuration"" (kcmshell4 system-config-printer-kde) - missing
** ""Audio CDs"" (kcmshell4 audiocd) - opens kioslave/audiocd - wrong
** ""Samba"" (kcmshell4 kcmsambaconf) - missing
* '''Document writer:''' ''Richard Johnson (nixternal) <nixternal AT kubuntu DOT org>''
* '''Document writer:''' ''Richard Johnson (nixternal) <nixternal AT kubuntu DOT org>''
** '''Joystick''' nosrednaekim on IRC - DONE
** '''SplashScreen''' annma - DONE
** '''About Me''' nosrednaekim on IRC - DONE
** '''Fonts''' to update - annma - DONE
** '''Icons''' to update - annma - DONE
** '''Window Decoration''' to update - annma - DONE
** '''System Settings''' convert from KControl - nixternal - DONE
** '''Appearance -> All''' to update - nixternal

=== KMail ===
=== KMail ===

Revision as of 09:32, 8 January 2010

KDE 4 Documentation Tasks

The following task list is broken down by experience as closely as possible. It is recommended that you join #kde-docs on IRC (Freenode) and coordinate with the other members as to not create any problems or duplicate work. Currently the channel is quite slow and quiet.

If you choose to work on any of the following documents, please add your name, IRC name, and email address for communication purposes.

If you haven't yet subscribed to the KDE Documentation mailing list, please do so now at https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-doc-english and say hello. Maybe provide a little bit of information as well as your experience.

NOTE: Please use the English Breakfast Network while working on documentation.



EBN, or the English Breakfast Network, is a utility that both developers and documentation writers use to make sure they have created perfection for KDE. For documentation, there is are 2 utilities which will make your work easier:

  1. Documentation Sanitizer - this utility within the EBN scours the trunk of the subversion repository checking the format of the documentation, discovering typos, grammar, markup, and more. This is a perfect utility for beginners looking to contribute as this tool pretty much tells you how to fix the issues.
  2. Just In Time - this utility allows you to check your code/documentation and it will provide the same information that the sanitizer above produces. Use this before committing your patches or committing to subversion.


  • Location: trunk/extragear/graphics
  • Status: Needs updating and new material
  • Info: Should be a fairly straight forward process with the updating and new material addition.
  • Document writer: TimS on IRC, or via the mailing list.


  • Location: trunk/KDE/kdegraphics
  • Status: Needs updating
  • Info: Documentation is based on the KDE 3 release, needs to be updated to match the KDE 4 release.
  • Document writer: Henry de Valence: hdevalence (at) gmail (dot) com



  • Location: trunk/KDE/kdeedu
  • Status: Needs updating and new material
  • Info: Many parts of the Kalzium document needs to be updated and there are yet many parts that haven't been documented.
  • Document writer: Karthik Periagaram (karthikp on IRC, karthikp AT gatech DOT edu)


  • Location: trunk/KDE/kdeedu
  • Status: Needs updating and new material
  • Info: There are quite a bit of KDE 3 and KVocTrain references still in the documentation.
  • Document writer: Stephanie Whiting stephaniewhiting on IRC, [email protected]


  • Location: trunk/KDE/kdeedu/doc/step
  • Status: Examples need to be documented, a template is started as examples.docbook - Index.docbook can be improved.
  • Info: You need to be good in Physics - coordinate with annma
  • Document writer:



  • Location: trunk/KDE/kdelibs
  • Status: Needs a lot of work
  • Info: There is a TODO file located in trunk/KDE/kdelibs/doc/ - refer to this for more information.
  • Document writer: Richard Johnson (nixternal) <nixternal AT kubuntu DOT org>

System Settings

  • Location: usually in subdir doc/kcontrol of a module (kdeadmin, kdebase/workspace, kdebase/runtime, kdegraphics, kdepimlibs, kdeutils, exceptions of that rule are dolphin/kxkb/kscd/kdm and some more)
  • Status: ·~85% up to date in 4.4
  • Info: Missing / outdated docs:
    • ""Service Discovery"" (kcmshell4 kcm_kdnssd) - missing
    • ""Network Settings"" (kcmshell4 kcm_knetworkconfmodule) - outdated
    • ""Size & Orientation"" (kcmshell4 randr) - outdated
    • ""Multiple Monitors"" (kcmshell4 xinerama) - missing
    • ""Input Actions"" (kcmshell4 khotkeys) - missing
    • ""Printer Configuration"" (kcmshell4 system-config-printer-kde) - missing
    • ""Audio CDs"" (kcmshell4 audiocd) - opens kioslave/audiocd - wrong
    • ""Samba"" (kcmshell4 kcmsambaconf) - missing
  • Document writer: Richard Johnson (nixternal) <nixternal AT kubuntu DOT org>


  • Location: trunk/KDE/kdepim
  • Status: Needs a lot of updating and new material
  • Info: Check with Allen Winter (winterz) on IRC and Projects/Documentation/KDE4/kdepim/kmail
  • Document writer: Manfred Mislik (tictric) on IRC


  • Location: trunk/KDE/kdepim
  • Status: Needs a lot of updating and new material
  • Info: Check with Allen Winter (winterz) on IRC
  • Document writer: Vikram Dhillon <dhillonv10 AT lavabit DOT com>