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Documentation for KDE

Project Suggestions: a list of suggestions for future Documentation projects. If you're a documenter, and in need of something to do, pick a suggestion and see what you can come up with!

Documentation Resources

KDE developers and documentors have spent a great deal of time creating resources needed for a new contributor to be able to pick up how things are done with documentation and should answer any question you may have. On top of the documented resources located at Documentation Writing there are also other resources and tools located in the KDE Subversion directories. These tools and resources can be located in the KDE Git repository at KDoctools.

KDE Documentation

With the release of Frameworks, Plasma Workspace and Applications comes a great amount of additions, changes, and fixes in order to provide users with the tools needed in order to maintain their KDE system.

Background and Requirements

With the amount of work required in order to get documentation where it needs to be, there are tasks available for all sorts of skill sets. Whether you are the seasoned technical writer familiar with DocBook and XML or you are someone who just started using KDE and/or Linux, there is a task waiting for you. There are requirements in order to contribute to the base documentation. These requirements are the ability to read and write clearly in English. That's it!

Task List

The available tasks start from typical spelling and grammar checking, all the way up to creating and maintaining documentation for new applications. This document will try to provide available tasks oriented towards the various levels of experience and this document will continue to expand in order to cover every possible task to reach our goal.


The Beginner level will encompass the very basic tasks required in order to assist the KDE Documentation Project. These tasks will normally include spelling and grammar checking/fixing, readability, and if possible technical correctness. Spelling and Grammar checking/fixing is rather straight forward. Readability will require you to read through a document and report back if there are portions that are unclear or confusing. Technical correctness requires a little knowledge with KDE and/or the application documentation you are reviewing. If you are unfamiliar with the technology being covered in the documentation, then it may be easier for you to adopt a task or document in which are more familiar with.

To see a list of Beginner level tasks, please review <INSERT PAGE NAME & LINK>


The Intermediate level will encompass tasks that are a bit more involved than the Beginner level tasks. Of course you will still utilize the requirements and jobs listed above in the Beginner level tasks. The Intermediate level tasks will require you to be a little more familiar with Git (anonymous unless you have an account) as well as DocBook and XML. A great tool for the Intermediate level to utilize, as well as the Beginner level, is the English Breakfast Network or EBN[1] for short.

To see a list of Intermediate level tasks, please review <INSERT PAGE NAME & LINK>


The Advanced level will encompass tasks such as creating a document from scratch utilizing the DocBook/XML DTD and have full understanding of the KDE Style Guide as well as the community itself. Contributors that fall under the advanced level will also help those contributing at both the Beginner and Intermediate levels. A contributor in this level should be able to answer a majority of the questions asked by the previous 2 levels or should be able to locate an answer easily within the community.

To see a list of Advanced level tasks, please review <INSERT PAGE NAME & LINK>

KDE Tasks

A list of KDE documentation tasks are listed HERE.

A docbook health table can be found HERE.