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| = Introduction =
| | {{ Moved To Community | KDE_Visual_Design_Group/HIG }} |
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| Human interface guidelines (HIG) are software development documents that offer
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| application developers a set of recommendations. Their aim is to improve the
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| experience for users by making application interfaces more consistent and
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| hence more intuitive and learnable.
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| [[/About|Learn more about the philosophy behind the KDE HIG]]
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| = Structure =
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| == Conceptual Model ==
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| * Have a clear [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Vision|vision]] what your application will achieve and what not.
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| * Meet the needs of KDE's [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Persona|personas]] in your application.
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| * Define a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Scenario|scenario]] where persona(s) interact with your application.
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| * Specify requirements considering [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Destinata|destinata]] and [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Animata|animata]] of users.
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| == Design Vision and Principles ==
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| * Get to know the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Presentation/DesignVisionPrinciples|design vision and principles]] for KDE Applications and Workspaces.
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| == Task Flow ==
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| * Users should be able to complete tasks in natural [[Projects/Usability/HIG/WorkFlow|work flow]].
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| * Carefully consider [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Layout/CommandPatterns|command structure]] of the application.
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| == Organizational Model ==
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| * Carefully consider the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Layout/CommandPatterns|content structure]] and select an appropriate navigation pattern for the application.
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| * Central configuration
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| * Notification mechanism
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| * Minimize to tray
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| * Processing of passwords
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| = Pattern =
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| == Use-case based ==
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| == Widget based ==
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| * Implement a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/SearchPattern|search]] as common pattern.
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| = Controls =
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| Baxley calls this section 'behavior'...
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| == Viewing and Navigation ==
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| === Access functions ===
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| * Apply a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Menu_Bar|menu bar]] to every standard application.
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| * Try to omit the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/StatusBar| status bar]] from your application.
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| * Provide a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/ContextMenu|context menu]] for controls with implicit functions.
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| * Provide a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Toolbar|toolbar]] for frequently used functions.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Buttons|push button]] to initiate an action when the user clicks it.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Toggle_Buttons|toogle button]] to indicate a state, preferably in toolbars only.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Command_Link|command link]] to navigate between pages.
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| * Support keyboard access by [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Keyboard_Accelerators|accelerators]] and [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Keyboard_Shortcuts|shortcuts]].
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| * Follow the guidelines for [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Dialogs|dialogs]] for secondary windows.
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| === Grouping ===
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| * Arrange associated controls by using a labeled [[Projects/Usability/HIG/GroupBox| group box]] or an unlabeled [[Projects/Usability/HIG/GroupBox| frame]].
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| * Allow users to resize aligned groups by placing a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Splitter| splitter]] between the groups.
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| * Use [[Projects/Usability/HIG/TabControl|tabs]] to show related information on separate pages.
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| * Provide an [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Accordion|accordion]] (aka tool box) for different views to content.
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| === Complex views ===
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/ListView| list view]] to show some items out of one category.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/TreeView| tree view]] to show items with a single, natural, hierarchical categorization.
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| * If you really need to create your own widget follow the guidelines for [[Projects/Usability/HIG/CustomControls| custom controls]].
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| * Double check the guidelines about plotting [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Diagram|diagram/charts]].
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| == Editing and Manipulation ==
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| === Selection ===
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| * Use [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Radio Buttons|radio buttons]] for selection of 1 out of a few items.
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| * Use one or more [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Check_Box|check boxes]] for clear options or to select items out of a small number of options.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/DropDown| drop-down]] list for selection of 1 out of a small number of items.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Combo_Box| combo box]] to select 1 out of a small number of items where users should be able to add items.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/ListView|list view]] to select 1 singular item out of a potentially big list.
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| * Apply the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/DualList| dual list pattern]] for several selections out of a large number of (multiple) items.
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| === Unconstrained input ===
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| * Provide a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/LineEdit| line edit]] to enter one line of text.
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| * Provide a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/TextEdit| text edit]] to enter multiple lines of texts.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/TableView| table view]] to arrange data in rows and columns with inline editing feature.
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| === Constrained input ===
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Spin_Box|spin box]] for numerical input within a range and with fix steps.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Slider|slider]] for arbitrary changes within a defined range.
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| * Apply the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Slider_and_Spin_Box|slider and spin box pattern]] for numeric input with both large changes and precise control.
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| * Use [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Date_Time_Pickers|date and time pickers]] for formatted input of datum, time of day, or periods etc.
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| == User Assistance ==
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| === User-driven information ===
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| * Provide [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Tooltip|tool-tips]] for user driven information.
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| * Provide [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Callouts|callouts]] for user driven information coming from desktop widgets.
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| === System triggered notification ===
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| * Provide a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/MessageWidget| message panel]] to inform users about non-critical problems.
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| * Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Notifications|notification]] as system-triggered message to inform about events out of the current context.
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| * Show a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/ProgressIndicator| progress indicator]] for lengthy actions.
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| === Disruptive messages ===
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| * Show a modal [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Messages|message dialog]] if the processing has reached an unexpected condition that needs interaction.
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| === Help system ===
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| * Support the user by an elaborated interface or per [[Projects/Usability/HIG/HelpSystem|help system]].
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| = Presentation =
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| Become familiar with [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Presentation/DesignVisionPrinciples|design vision and principles]] to understand how the visual design plays its role in fulfilling them.
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| == Style ==
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| The following style elements provide a palette to express your own unique vision while preserving the shared design vision.
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| * Use [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Color|colors]] consistently.
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| * Ensure [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Style/Backgrounds|backgrounds and edges]] honor the design vision.
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| * [[Projects/Usability/HIG/IconDesign|Icon design and use]] should be consistent throughout the interface.
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| * Use low level [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Animations|animations]] to support usability.
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| * [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Layout|Layout]] visual elements by considering both application function and content.
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| * Treat [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Style/Typography|typography]] with the same care as any other aspect of the visual design.
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| ** Keep [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Wording|wording]] consistent and easy to understand.
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| ** Understand when and where to apply [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Capitalization|capitalization]].
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| ** Apply standard [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Labels|control labels]] in your app.
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| ** Use [[Projects/Usability/HIG/StaticText|static text]] for main instruction and supplemental information.
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| ** Account for [[Projects/Usability/HIG/localization|localization]] of your project.
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| == Building blocks ==
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| * [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Style/BuildingBlocks|Building blocks]] help make it easier to design applications that satisfy the design vision without needing to always create your own custom UI elements.
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| == Visual Design Tools and Resources ==
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| * Try the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/MockupToolkit|mock-up toolkit]] which includes UI controls stencils, color swatches and fonts to help create the visual design your application.
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| * Ask for help and share your visual design ideas on the [http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=285 KDE Visual Design Group forum].
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| =Contributing=
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| Didn't find what you were looking for?
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| A guide to the guide can be found at the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/About|about page]].
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| Our Human Interface Guidelines are a work in progress and we need your help. Visit the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Contributing|Contributing page]] to report problems or get involved.
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| = See also =
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| *[[/MockupToolkit/|The mockup toolkit]] provides each Building Block UI element and sample mocked applications
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| * [http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Usability/HIG/Tablet/Index KDE HIG for Plasma Active]
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| * [http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Usability/HIG/Netbook/Index KDE HIG for Plasma Netbook]
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| * [http://hcibib.org/sam Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software (Smith & Mosier, 1986)]
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| * [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa511258.aspx Microsoft Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines]
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| * [https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AppleHIGuidelines/Intro/Intro.html Mac OS X Human Interface Guidelines]
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| * [https://developer.gnome.org/hig-book/stable/ GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (v2.2.3)]
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| * [http://elementaryos.org/docs/human-interface-guidelines elementary OS HIG]
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| * [http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/index.html Android User Interface Guidelines]
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| [[Category:Usability]]
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