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Projects/Usability/HIG: Difference between revisions

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Htietze (talk | contribs)
Ochurlaud (talk | contribs)
HIG moved to community
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= Structure =
{{ Moved To Community | KDE_Visual_Design_Group/HIG }}
== Conceptual Model ==
<cite>The conceptual model is the most fundamental aspect of the interface, describing the relationship between the interface and the outside world. The purpose of the conceptual model is to draw on the user’s past experiences so they can readily understand basic operations and accurately predict functionality.</cite>
* Real World, Vision
== Task Flow ==
<cite>The task flow is concerned with the manner in which users’ complete specific operations with the system. In contrast to the conceptual model, the task flow is largely dependent on the product’s technical environment.</cite>
* Core usability goals, Use cases / User requirements, Task aggregation
* Personas, Scenarios, Usability criteria, Feature list
== Organizational Model ==
<cite>The organizational model describes how the system’s content and functionality are ordered and categorized. Also known as the information architecture, the organizational model encompasses both the classification scheme as well as the model of association, hierarchy versus index for example. </cite>
* [[Terminology]]
* Information architecture, Interface management, Window style, Basic arrangement, Screen design, Design Pattern
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/CentralConfiguration|central configuration]] (content tbd.)
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/NotificationMechanism|Notification mechanism]] (content tbd.)
*Minimize to tray (perhaps at behaviour>navigation)
= Behaviour =
== Viewing and Navigation ==
<cite>The Viewing and Navigation layer encompasses the wide variety of behaviors and operations that allow users to navigate the interface and effect its presentation. </cite>
=== General navigation ===
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Dialogs|Dialogs]]
* Accordion
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Tabs_Pages|Tabs and Pages in Dialogs]]
* Toolbar
* Status bar
* Paging
=== Access functions ===
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Menu_Bar|Menu Bar]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Buttons|Buttons]]
** [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Toggle_Buttons|Toggle Buttons]]
* Links
* Keyboard Access
** [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Keyboard_Accelerators|Keyboard Accelerators]]
** [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Keyboard_Shortcuts|Keyboard Shortcuts]]
=== Grouping ===
* Group box, Panel
* Splitter
=== Complex views ===
* Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/ListView| List View]] to show some items out of one category.
* Tree view
* Grids
== Editing and Manipulation ==
<cite>The Editing and Manipulation layer contains the behaviors that result in permanent changes to user’s stored information. … Behaviors in this layer can often be recognized by the following traits: they result in permanent, stored changes; they require an implicit or explicit save operation; and they typically require validation of the input data. </cite>
=== Selection ===
* Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Radio Buttons|radio button]] for 1 of a few n selections.
* Use one or more [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Check_Box|check boxes]] for clear options or n of a few m selections.
* Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/ListView|list view]] for one or a few n of some m selections.
* Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Combo_Box| drop-down]] list for 1 of some n selection and a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Combo_Box| combo box]] if users should be able to add items.
* Use the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/SOU_Workspace/Two_Lists| dual list]] pattern for n of m selections.
=== Unconstrained input ===
* To enter one line of text use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/edits| line edit]] and for multiple lines of texts a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/edits| text edit]].
* For complex views with direct input provide [[Projects/Usability/HIG/inline_editing| inline editing]].
=== Constrained input ===
* Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Spin_Box|Spin Box]] for numerical input within a range and with fix steps.
* Use a [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Slider|Slider]] for arbitrary changes within a defined range.
* (Under construction): Numeric input with both large changes and precise control: [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Slider_and_Spin_Box|Slider and Spin Box]]
* Use [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Date_Time_Pickers|Date and Time Pickers]] for formatted input of datum, time of day, or periods etc.
== User Assistance ==
<cite>Interface elements that inform users of the application’s activity and status, as well as elements dedicated to user education, are all contained in the User Assistance layer. This includes online help, error alerts, and status alerts. </cite>
=== User-driven information ===
* Provide [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Tooltip|Tool-tips]] for user driven information.
=== System triggered notification ===
* Provide [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Balloon| Balloon]] to inform users about non-critical problems.
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Notifications|Notification]] is a system-triggered message used to acknowledge about events out of the current context.
* Progress indicator
=== Disruptive messages ===
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Messages|Message dialogs]]
=== Help system ===
* KDE Help
= Presentation =
== Layout ==
<cite>The various design decisions governing the placement and ordering of onscreen elements are expressed in the Layout layer. In addition to providing an ordered visual flow, the Layout layer also supports the Behavior tier by arranging elements in a manner that helps communicate behavior, importance, and usage.</cite>
* Resizing
* Default and minimal size
* Spacing
* Alignment & Placement
** [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Form_Label_Alignment|Forms: Label Alignment]]
* Color
* Icons
== Style ==
<cite>Like many forms of visual design, the Style layer is concerned with emotion, tone, and visual vocabulary. Because it is the most visible and concrete aspect of an interface, it typically accounts for people’s first impression of a product. Paradoxically however, the ultimate effect of style on overall usability or user satisfaction is minimal.</cite>
== Text ==
<cite>Contained within the Text layer are all the written, language-based elements of the interface. This includes the labels used to represent the organizational model, the names of the input and navigational controls contained in the Viewing and Navigation layer, and the alert messages and help text used by the User Assistance layer.</cite>
* Language localizations
* Static text
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Labels|Control Labels]]
** [[Projects/Usability/HIG/KNS|KNewStuff Button Labels]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Wording|Wording]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Ellipsis|Ellipsis]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Capitalization|Capitalization]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Contractions|Contractions (don't, there's, etc.)]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Exclamation_points|Exclamation Points]]
See also:
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Tablet/Index|HIG for Plasma Active]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Netbook/Index|HIG for Plasma Netbook]]
Didn't find what you were looking for?
Our Human Interface Guidelines are a work in progress and we need your help. Visit the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Contributing|Contributing page]] to report problems or get involved.
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Buttons|Buttons]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Capitalization|Capitalization]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Contractions|Contractions (don't, there's, etc.)]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Check_Box|Check Box]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Combo_Box|Combo Box]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Date_Time_Pickers|Date and Time Pickers]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Dialogs|Dialogs]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Ellipsis|Ellipsis]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Exclamation_points|Exclamation Points]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Form_Label_Alignment|Forms: Label Alignment]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/KNS|KNewStuff Button Labels]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Keyboard_Accelerators|Keyboard Accelerators]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Keyboard_Shortcuts|Keyboard Shortcuts]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Labels|Labels]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/ListView|List Views]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Menu_Bar|Menu Bar]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Messages|Messages]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Radio Buttons|Radio Buttons]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Slider|Slider]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Slider_and_Spin_Box|Slider and Spin Box]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Spin_Box|Spin Box]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Tabs_Pages|Tabs and Pages in Dialogs]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Toggle_Buttons|Toggle Buttons]]
* [[Projects/Usability/HIG/Wording|Wording]]
'''Legacy Stuff'''
[[Projects/Usability/HIG/Lists_Rich_Lists|List Views]]
Please add any guidelines questions or requests to the [[Projects/Usability/HIG_Questions|HIG Questions]] page.
Also see the [[Projects/Usability/HIG/SOU_Workspace|Season of Usability HIG & Design Patterns Workspace]].

Latest revision as of 11:26, 4 August 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.