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The current Oxygen style and window decoration for KDE4 can be found in SVN under http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/kstyles/oxygen and http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kwin/clients/oxygen
The current Oxygen style and window decoration for KDE4 can be found in kde-workspace git repository (https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdebase/kde-workspace). The relevant subdirectories are:
* libs/oxygen/
* kstyles/oxygen
* kwin/clients/oxygen

== Visitors ==
== Visitors ==
Add new bugs to [[#Incoming_New_Bugs|Incoming New Bugs]], and we (the developers) will move it down and prioritize.
We no longer accept bugs here.

Note: we may move invalid bugs may be moved to the discussion page, along with a reason why they won't be fixed [by us].
Please use bugs.kde.org under Oxygen

<b>DO NOT EDIT OTHER SECTIONS WITHOUT PERMISSION</b>. This page has now been protected due to unauthorized edits. If you need to leave a comment anonymously, do it on the discussion page and/or talk to us on #oxygen.
We strongly suggest that you come to #oxygen on irc first to discuss the bug.
== Incoming New Bugs ==
* When the tabbar has many tabs, so that not all of them can be shown at once, arrow buttons are drawn to navigate to the other tabs. These arrows are painted incorrectly, see [http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=152327 this bug report].
* A QRadioButton in the oxygen style does not report the size of the icon through iconSize() correctly; when using the iconSize() the painted button will be cut off.
* An icon set on a [Q]PushButton is not drawn respecting QAbstractButton::abstractSize() - look at the user pic selector in kcmshell4 kdm->Users.
* On a menu, it is not possible to see which menu is actually active.
::See [http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=152123 this bug report]
* In Beta4, it seems that the WinDeco doesn't yet get the color scheme from the kcm color module. i.e., changing the active/inactive window colors doesn't seem to actually work.
* In (double) spinboxes the font is positioned one pixel too high. Lowering it one makes it baseline-aligned with labels in front. <b>Unfortunately not possible </b>
: what about altering the size hints so the whole widget moves down? Trouble is we want them to be the same size as editable comboboxes and lineedits and buttons so those line up. The 1px wrong placement of text is a qt weirdness that gives visual bugs when we try to work around it - believe me - I've spent several hours on this.
* The ok and cancel buttons on dialogs (so called 'control buttons') don't have the same width. <b>Not a style problem </b>

== Rejected Bugs ==
* In (double) spinboxes the font is positioned one pixel too high. Lowering it one makes it baseline-aligned with labels in front. <b>Unfortunately not possible. We want them to be the same size as editable comboboxes and lineedits and buttons so those line up. The 1px wrong placement of text is a qt weirdness that gives visual bugs when we try to work around it </b>
* Centered group titles pose several problems. Left align group titles instead. See Discussion for more details.
* Centered group titles pose several problems. Left align group titles instead. See Discussion for more details.
* KMenu::addTitle() adds a widget action to display a title in a popup menu. This is not specific to Oxygen, but the widget it creates could use some polishing. (to see this, right click any icon in the system tray)<b>not a style bug report to kmenu maintainer - and don't ever add things to "accepted bugs" below again - this went unnoticed because of that </b>
* "flat" buttons drawn same as regular buttons <b>we may not want flat buttons - considering</b>

* Window decoration scales the menu icons down resulting in the icons blurring. Interestingly in the kwindecoration kcmshell the preview shows the 16x16/mimetypes/unknown.png icon at its correct 16x16 size, but as soon as the use the deco for real, it starts blurring them. (This is also true for KDE4's Plastik deco). [[User:Djmdave|Djmdave]] 22:26, 28 October 2007 (CET)
== Things we'd like to do ==
* If a menu has all of its options disabled, then pressing the right key does nothing.  Here is a small test app to expose the problem:
#include <QtGui>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QMainWindow w;
    QMenu *m1 = w.menuBar()->addMenu("&File");
    QMenu *m2 = w.menuBar()->addMenu("&Edit");
    QMenu *m3 = w.menuBar()->addMenu("&Action");
    QAction *a1 = m2->addAction("Bar");
    QAction *a2 = m2->addAction("Boo");
    return app.exec();
Save this in its own folder, and run with qmake -project && qmake && make
If you run qtconfig and select Oxygen, the bug appears - you cannot press right to scroll through the menus.  It works with other styles however.
== Known Bugs ==
* tabs
** east and west aren't done at all <span style="color: orange">priority</span>
** small glitches in filling inactive tabs <span style="color: orange">priority</span>
** tab bar edge should extend full length of widget <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
* Dockers
** frame when floating should have rounded corners <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
* KHTML integration
** khtml makes illegal assumptions about buttons. Awaits patch review by Maxim <span style="color: red">showstopper</span>
* "flat" buttons drawn same as regular buttons <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
* KLineEdit
** stylesheets ruin the look. Aseigo says to wait for qt fix <span style="color: red">showstopper</span>
* Holes in general
** need bigger margins so shadow/glow are not lost?
** fix non-rounded corners when filling (at least) lineedits <span style="color: orange">priority</span>
** with autoFillBackground, corners are overpainted (how to fix this??) <span style="color: orange">priority</span>
* QToolBox not drawn <span style="color: red">showstopper</span>
* need to audit color role use (see QA #3) <span style="color: red">showstopper</span>
* Reverse layout is broken
** listview,tablevies paint the frame in LTR place Qt issue 137304 <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
* progress bars still not like the artist wants <span style="color: orange">priority</span>
* progress bars still not like the artist wants <span style="color: orange">priority</span>
* menus not done <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
** KMenu::addTitle() adds a widget action to display a title in a popup menu. This is not specific to Oxygen, but the widget it creates could use some polishing. (to see this, right click any icon in the system tray)
* windeco
** corners should really be alpha transparent <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
* should repaint on globalChange signal (how?) <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
* should repaint on globalChange signal (how?) <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
** this seems to only be a problem for the colors kcm, may not even be a style bug
** this seems to only be a problem for the colors kcm, may not even be a style bug
*headers in tables
*headers in tables
**not really done - but the plain color look is acceptable for now <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
**not really done - but the plain color look is acceptable for now <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
* checkboxes in Q3ListView (Kontact-ToDo) are broken <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
* Rounded corners of floatables (windows,menus dockers) should be done with alpha
* Groupboxes
* Windeco should use alpha for corners (need kwin improvements?)
** does not report a minimum size that allows it to show the text on the box. I.e. a groupbox with no contents, the groupbox-title is clipped. <span style="color: green">releasable</span>
* groupboxes
* Buttons on KNewStuff download dialog do not appear
** make flat more homogeneous in look with normal (very short regular?)
* docked dockers might need a nicer frame

== QA ==
== QA ==
This is helpful checklist to use when looking for bugs in a style:
* reverse layout
* reverse layout
* high-contrast color schemes (i.e. all fg/bg black or white)
* high-contrast color schemes (i.e. all fg/bg black or white)
* reverse-light/dark color schemes (e.g. light-on-dark buttons with dark-on-light views, etc.)
* reverse-light/dark color schemes (e.g. light-on-dark buttons with dark-on-light views, etc.)
* tabs, in all directions
* [http://pastebin.ca/803298 QA color scheme]
* no gray space between scrollbar and the text area it controls.
* sliders, scrollbars, progress - in all orientations and good cross section of values
* sliders, scrollbars, progress - in all orientations and good cross section of values
* content padding works for all controls, does not break sizeToContents functionality
* content padding works for all controls, does not break sizeToContents functionality

Latest revision as of 09:03, 18 May 2011

The current Oxygen style and window decoration for KDE4 can be found in kde-workspace git repository (https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdebase/kde-workspace). The relevant subdirectories are:

  • libs/oxygen/
  • kstyles/oxygen
  • kwin/clients/oxygen


We no longer accept bugs here.

Please use bugs.kde.org under Oxygen

We strongly suggest that you come to #oxygen on irc first to discuss the bug.

Rejected Bugs

  • In (double) spinboxes the font is positioned one pixel too high. Lowering it one makes it baseline-aligned with labels in front. Unfortunately not possible. We want them to be the same size as editable comboboxes and lineedits and buttons so those line up. The 1px wrong placement of text is a qt weirdness that gives visual bugs when we try to work around it
  • Centered group titles pose several problems. Left align group titles instead. See Discussion for more details.
  • KMenu::addTitle() adds a widget action to display a title in a popup menu. This is not specific to Oxygen, but the widget it creates could use some polishing. (to see this, right click any icon in the system tray)not a style bug report to kmenu maintainer - and don't ever add things to "accepted bugs" below again - this went unnoticed because of that
  • "flat" buttons drawn same as regular buttons we may not want flat buttons - considering

Things we'd like to do

  • progress bars still not like the artist wants priority
  • should repaint on globalChange signal (how?) releasable
    • this seems to only be a problem for the colors kcm, may not even be a style bug
  • headers in tables
    • not really done - but the plain color look is acceptable for now releasable
  • Rounded corners of floatables (windows,menus dockers) should be done with alpha
  • Windeco should use alpha for corners (need kwin improvements?)
  • groupboxes
    • make flat more homogeneous in look with normal (very short regular?)
  • docked dockers might need a nicer frame


This is helpful checklist to use when looking for bugs in a style:

  • reverse layout
  • high-contrast color schemes (i.e. all fg/bg black or white)
  • reverse-light/dark color schemes (e.g. light-on-dark buttons with dark-on-light views, etc.)
  • QA color scheme
  • sliders, scrollbars, progress - in all orientations and good cross section of values
  • content padding works for all controls, does not break sizeToContents functionality
  • controls align nicely and controls that should be the same size, are
  • no obvious glitches in uidemo