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Projects/Nepomuk/NepomukShow: Difference between revisions

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== Introducing NepomukShow ==
NepomukShow is a debugging tool which can be used to easily view nepomuk data. It currently resides in a scratch repo - git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/vhanda/nepomukshow
NepomukShow is a debugging tool which can be used to easily view nepomuk data. It currently resides in a scratch repo - git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/vhanda/nepomukshow

Using nepomukshow is fairly straightforward.
Using nepomukshow is fairly straightforward.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
$ nepomukshow fileUrl
$ nepomukshow fileUrl
$ nepomukshow resourceUri
        rdf:type            nmm:MusicPiece                                       
        rdf:type            nfo:FileDataObject                                   
        rdf:type            nfo:Audio                                           
        rdf:type            nie:InformationElement                               
        nao:created        2012-10-20T22:41:32.349Z                             
        nao:lastModified    2012-11-07T16:39:56.198Z                             
        nie:url            file:///home/vishesh/Music/thelionsleepstonight1.mp3 
        nie:mimeType        audio/mpeg                                           
        nie:title          The Lion Sleeps Tonight                             
        nie:lastModified    2010-08-25T13:09:05Z                                 
        nie:created        2012-06-08T23:40:08Z                                 
        nfo:averageBitrate  1.2800000000e+02                                     
        nfo:sampleRate      4.4100000000e+04                                     
        nfo:fileSize        2547712                                             
        nfo:fileName        thelionsleepstonight1.mp3                           
        nfo:channels        2                                                   
        nfo:duration        159                                                 
        nmm:performer      nepomuk:/res/d54cbabc-9d14-4a60-8c5f-e85a5401df68   
        nmm:genre          Pop                                                 
        kext:indexingLevel  2                                                   
        kext:unixFileMode  33188                                               
        kext:unixFileOwner  vishesh                                             
        kext:unixFileGroup  users           

It has a bunch of additional options, which can be used to show extra info.
It has a bunch of additional options, which can be used to show extra info.

TODO: Improve this page!
'''TODO: Improve this page!'''

Latest revision as of 12:34, 9 February 2018

Introducing NepomukShow

NepomukShow is a debugging tool which can be used to easily view nepomuk data. It currently resides in a scratch repo - git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/vhanda/nepomukshow

Using nepomukshow is fairly straightforward.

$ nepomukshow fileUrl

        rdf:type            nmm:MusicPiece                                        
        rdf:type            nfo:FileDataObject                                    
        rdf:type            nfo:Audio                                             
        rdf:type            nie:InformationElement                                
        nao:created         2012-10-20T22:41:32.349Z                              
        nao:lastModified    2012-11-07T16:39:56.198Z                              
        nie:url             file:///home/vishesh/Music/thelionsleepstonight1.mp3  
        nie:mimeType        audio/mpeg                                            
        nie:title           The Lion Sleeps Tonight                               
        nie:lastModified    2010-08-25T13:09:05Z                                  
        nie:created         2012-06-08T23:40:08Z                                  
        nfo:averageBitrate  1.2800000000e+02                                      
        nfo:sampleRate      4.4100000000e+04                                      
        nfo:fileSize        2547712                                               
        nfo:fileName        thelionsleepstonight1.mp3                             
        nfo:channels        2                                                     
        nfo:duration        159                                                   
        nmm:performer       nepomuk:/res/d54cbabc-9d14-4a60-8c5f-e85a5401df68     
        nmm:genre           Pop                                                   
        kext:indexingLevel  2                                                     
        kext:unixFileMode   33188                                                 
        kext:unixFileOwner  vishesh                                               
        kext:unixFileGroup  users

It has a bunch of additional options, which can be used to show extra info.

TODO: Improve this page!