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Getting Started/Build/Windows/emerge: Difference between revisions

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emerge is a tool to build the KDE sources and its third party requirements on MS Windows. It is the '''easy''' way to build KDE on MS Windows.
{{Moved To Community|Guidelines and HOWTOs/Build from source/Windows}}
== Set up ==
Create a directory if possible in your harddrive's root e.g. C:\kderoot or D:\kderoot (You will need this PATH later). This directory will contain the whole kde installation later.
emerge.bat invokes an emerge.py script written in Python, so you first need to [http://www.python.org/download/ install a Python Interpreter].
The latest source code for windows emerge and the rest of KDE is stored in a [http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion] repository. You need a subversion client for the first checkout. Command line client is available at [http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91 subversion.tigris.org].
Check out the sources from the svn-directory of emerge into a new directory, which in this example we will call ''kderoot''.
If you have command-line tool], you can accomplish this with the following command:
<pre>svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdesupport/kdewin32/emerge
*NOTE from a user: On Jan 13, 2008 when I tried this, the above path seemed to NOT work. I neeeded to remove the kdewin32 part in the string
*Note from another user: I needed to checkout the emerge directory from svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdesupport/emerge.
*Note from this same last user: The downloaded (HEAD) emerge was buggy, failing to download anything with wget. I had to replace line 175 of emerge\bin\base.py with: return utils.getFiles( self.SRC_URI, self.downloaddir ). It looks like the call to kdesettings is path dependant, so I also had to add the following in the kdeenv.bat file (I'm calling etc\kdeenv.bat): call etc\kdesettings.bat
*Note from new user: I also used svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdesupport/emerge for checking out. Could not download anything with wget. But I have downloaded a couple of files manually and located to /download/ directory. It worked for me!
Alternatively, you can checkout the sources using a program like [http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ TortoiseSVN].
Be sure to use a copy of Subversion that was built on Windows so that checked-out files do not use UNIX line endings.  If you check out with UNIX line endings, the ''patch'' program will fail when attempting to apply a patch whose line endings don't match the system's.
After checkout you need to have directory ''kderoot\emerge'' else you can copy your emerge directory to that location.
Create the directory kderoot\etc.  Copy the file '''kderoot\emerge\kdesettings-example.bat''' to '''kderoot\etc\kdesettings.bat''' and change it according to your [[#emerge_commandline_options_.2F_emerge_settings|needs]].
Then run it.
'''Be sure that you neither have the msys/bin nor the cygwin/bin in your path. If so you have to definitely remove it.'''
=== Compiling ===
emerge uses either the MinGW ("Minimalist GNU for Windows") GCC compiler and tools to build Qt and KDE from source code or one of the Microsoft Compilers (> Visual Studio 2003).
Currently, there is no dependency on the compilers in any of the packages.  So, unless you call '''emerge mingw''' manually, have the compiler installed and in your path or alter the environment configuration scripts to add your existing MinGW bin directory to the ''PATH'' variable, compiling anything will choke.  If you run '''emerge mingw''', you will not need to modify the environment configuration scripts to point to a custom location.
NOTE from a user:
When I tried to do emerge qt, I ended up getting an error  about mingw-make not being in the path, thereby forcing me to do an 'emerge mingw' because of that
/end note
If you see an error about ''cc1plus'' not being found, either add MinGW's ''\libexec\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5'' to your ''PATH'' (in command line set PATH=%PATH%;path\to\directory) variable or copy the contents of this directory to MinGW's ''bin'' directory.  The prior is preferred.
Everything applies to MS Visual Studio Compilers in a similar manner. Note however that for debug builds MS Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 is required due to the use of manifest files and using pre-built packages for some dependecies.
In vista, the mingw directory may need to be moved to c:\ in order to compile properly.
== Running emerge ==
Start a console window and run
Check your path (run: <tt>echo %PATH%</tt>), it should have python and various directories within kderoot in it.
You can get 'some' help if you run:
C:\kderoot\emerge\bin>emerge --help
Below the directory '''kderoot\emerge\portage''' are subdirectories for categories as subdirectories which contain the instructions for individual packages.
The emerge script automatically handles package dependencies (except for the compiler, see [[#Compiling]]).
To build every required package for e.g. '''kdebase''' enter '''emerge kdebase'''.
If you want to make a dry run, add the option '''-p''' to it.
Start with '''emerge qt''' and if that completes successfully, run '''emerge [TARGET]''' where [TARGET] has to be replaced with the target you want to build.
== What emerge does ==
emerge will fetch Windows versions of numerous UNIX-like utilities and libraries from the Internet, putting them in '''kderoot\bin''', then get the Win32 support files, then Subversion, then Perl and the Qt libraries, etc.
Then emerge compiles the Qt libraries, this takes hours.
'''emerge ''package'' ''' performs the separate actions <tt>--fetch</tt>, <tt>--unpack</tt>, <tt>--compile</tt>, <tt>--install</tt>, <tt>--manifest</tt>, and <tt>--qmerge</tt>.
== emerge commandline options / emerge settings ==
There are some options that can be used when building with emerge.
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|This option augments the verbosity level - currently the highest verbosity level is 3 (<tt>-v -v -v</tt>). A verbosity level of 0 should give no output and equals to <tt>-q</tt>. You can set <tt>EMERGE_VERBOSE=3</tt> instead in the environment of the commandline or within your '''kdesettings.bat''' file.
|This very useful option suppresses copying the sources from the local subversion tree to a directory within the build directory. It shouldn't be used while packaging; in the other cases it reduces the amount of harddisk used though and removes the copying time.You can set <tt>EMERGE_NOCOPY=True</tt> or <tt>=False</tt> instead.
|This option suppresses the update step of the local tree - which needs some time. Be aware though that you have to have existing sources already if you want to use this option.
|This option enables or disables KDE4 buildtests for KDE modules. Other packages will not change. Use <tt>EMERGE_BUILDTESTS=True</tt> or <tt>=False</tt>.
== Notes ==
emerge is mostly usable together with the [[Projects/KDE_on_Windows/Installation#KDE_Installer_for_Windows|kdewin-installer]] but we're currently still working on some packages which are packaged in a wrong way.
It is not recommended to use another layout then '''installer''' for '''directory_layout''' in the '''kdesettings.bat''' anymore (see that file for more detailed information).
emerge creates lots of files in '''\kderoot\tmp''' during build.
After a package is successfully installed
(check '''\kderoot\etc\portage\installed''' or the directory '''\kderoot\manifest\'''), you can delete its temporary directory.
Windows emerge is derived from the Gentoo portage system, but we are currently not enforcing compatibility. If you have questions about that please contact us at the channel #kde-windows on irc.freenode.net.
===Vista issues===
*[[User:Jstaniek|jstaniek]] 12:02, 15 January 2008 (CET): UAC has infamous heuristics that make programs like patch.exe treat as installers and try to run them with admin rights (!). This heuristics can be tricked by renaming patch.exe to something like pch.exe ([http://nevali.net/2007/01/update-workaround-for-the-cygwin-uac-problem/ example]) but we did not want to add item to our infrastructure. Instead it is possibleto turn off the heuristics (see the screenshot [http://theinvisiblethings.blogspot.com/2007/02/running-vista-every-day.html here in the security blog calling the heuristics 'severe hole in the design of UAC']). If you happen to disable the UAC, patch.exe should already work for you as in older Windows.
[[Category:MS Windows]]

Latest revision as of 19:13, 10 March 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.