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(121 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
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==== Hotel  ====
==== Hotel  ====

*HOTEL HELVETIA - P.ZZA DELLA NUNZIATA ,1 - 16124 GENOVA - TEL. 010.2465468 - FAX 010.2470627
*Prize for one night for one single room : 50,00 €
*See [http://www.hotelhelvetiagenova.it/ this url] for details about this hotel.
*There is a [http://maps.google.com/maps?q=hotelhelvetiagenova&hl=it&ll=44.41585,8.926177&spn=0.01922,0.052314&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.443045,107.138672&vpsrc=6&hq=hotelhelvetiagenova&radius=15000&t=m&z=15 Street-View link there] to see the front of Hotel.
*The hotel is quite near Piazza Principe rail station, has a garage but it's better to use public transportation

*Hotel Paul, near Aix en provence city center. Look [http://aix-en-provence.com/hotelpaul at this url for details]
==== Moving in Genova ====

*3 nights have been books to this hotel&nbsp;: Thursday 26/Friday 27&nbsp;; Friday 27/Saturday 28; Saturday 28/Sunday 29.
*We are working on having a little bus to go.
*If you want to stay more time in this hotel to visit Aix en provence, let's me hear.
*There is a [http://maps.google.fr/?ie=UTF8&t=h&layer=c&cbll=43.533328,5.445936&panoid=u7_H9GZ7Jv-Vfn-oafCRVQ&cbp=12,76.99,,1,2.48&ll=43.533217,5.445999&spn=0,0.002064&z=20 Street-View link there] to see the front of Hotel Paul.

==== Coding Place  ====
==== Coding Place  ====
Line 38: Line 37:
! Travel Arrangements  
! Travel Arrangements  
! Travel Costs  
! Travel Costs  
! Hotel Arrangements
! Hotel Arrangements and Costs
! Total Costs
! Room no.
| [http://www.linux.it/~sc/italiano/blog/?page_id=179 Stefano Canepa]
| the man who is taking care of logistics
| sc at linux_dot_it
| (+39).
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -

| Gilles Caulier  
| [https://plus.google.com/109802167766760530845/about Angelo Naseli]
| Developer, hosting event
| anaselli at linux_dot_it
| (+39).
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| [http://www.digikam.org/drupal/blog/3 Gilles Caulier]
| Lead developer, Student mentoring
| Lead developer, Student mentoring
| caulier_dot_gilles at gmail_dot_com  
| caulier_dot_gilles at gmail_dot_com  
| (33).  
| (+33).  
| 12 january
| 12 january (22:00 at Genoa airport)
| 15 january
| 15 january (13:00 at Genoa airport)
| Plane from Marseille France, to Genoa Italia, via Paris
| Plane from Marseille France, to Genoa Italia, via Paris
| 400€
| 330€
| 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15)
| 1 room, 1 person, 3 nights (12/13/14), cost 150€
| 480€
| 226


| Marcel Wiesweg  
| [http://www.digikam.org/drupal/blog/8 Marcel Wiesweg]
| Lead developer, Student mentoring
| Lead developer, Student mentoring
| marcel_dot_wiesweg at gmx_dot_de
| marcel_dot_wiesweg at gmx_dot_de
| (49).
| (+49).
| 13 january
| 12 january (11:20 at Genoa airport)
| 15 january
| 15 january (11:55 at Genoa airport)
| Plane from Düsseldorf Germany, to Genoa Italia
| Plane from Düsseldorf Germany, to Genoa Italia
| 200€
| 214€
| 1 room, 1 person, 3 nights (13/14/15)
| 1 room, 1 person, 3 nights (12/13/14), cost 150€
| 364€
| 553


| Francesco Riosa  
| [https://plus.google.com/113237307210359236747/about Francesco Riosa]
| Lead developer, working on digiKam database interface improvement, especially Mysql support.
| Lead developer, working on digiKam database interface improvement, especially Mysql support.
| francesco at pnpitalia_dot_it
| francesco at pnpitalia_dot_it
| ???
| (+39).
| 13 january
| 13 january
| 15 january
| 15 january
| Car/bus from Torino to Genoa, Italia
| Car/bus from Torino to Genoa, Italia
| 50€
| 50€
| 1 room, 1 person, 3 nights (13/14/15)
| 1 room, 1 person, 2 nights (13/14), cost 100€
| 150€
| -


| Zhang Jie
| [https://plus.google.com/109282675370620103497/about Benjamin Girault]
| GoSC - digiKam Clone tool  
| GoSC - Kipi-plugin Panorama tool
| zhangjiehangyuan2005 at gmail_dot_com
| benjamin_dot_girault at gmail_dot_com
| ???
| (+33).0X.XX.XX.XX.XX
| 11 january
| 12 january (22:00 at Genoa Airport)
| 15 january
| 16 january (13:30 at Genoa Airport)
| Plane from ShangHai China, to Milan Italia + Bus to come at Genoa
| Plane from Paris France, to Genoa Italia
| 950€ with Visa
| 138€
| 1 room, 1 person, 5 nights (11/12/13/14/15)
| 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15), cost 200€
| 338€
| 222


| Benjamin Girault
| [https://plus.google.com/112704180165376149546/about Łukasz Spas]
| GoSC - Kipi-plugin Panorama tool
| SoK - Photo Layouts Editor
| benjami_dot_girault at gmail_dot_com
| lukasz_dot_spas at gmail_dot_com
| (+33).
| (+48).725.972.566
| 12 january
| 12 January (11:20 at Genoa Airport)
| 16 january
| 15 January (11:55 at Genoa Airport)
| Plane from Paris France, to Genoa Italia
| Plane from Cracow Poland to Genoa Italia via Monachium
| 300 €
| 300€
| 1 room, 1 person, 5 nights (12/13/14/15/16)
| 1 room, 1 person, 3 nights (12/13/14), cost 150€
| 450€
| 223


| Supreet Pal Singh
| [https://plus.google.com/102278849478968549402/about Dhruvkumar Patel]
| SoK - digiKam Presentation mode
| SoK - digiKam Presentation mode
| supreetpal at gmail_dot_com
| dhruvkumarr_dot_patel51 at gmail_dot_com
| (+91).
| (+91).
| 12 January (19:20 at Genoa Airport)
| 16 January (9:45 at Genoa Airport)
| Plane from Ahmedabad India to Genoa Italy via New Delhi India and Rome Italy
| 800€ (including European Visa)
| 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15), cost 200€
| 1000€
| 447
| [http://martys.typepad.com Martin Klapetek]
| Nepomuk Persons integration with face recognition
| martin dot klapetek at gmail dot com
| +(42).
| 12 January (around 15:00 at Genoa main station)
| 15 January (around 16:00 from Genoa main station)
| Plane from Berlin, Germany to Milan, Italy and then train, back to Czech republic
| ~100€ (tbd exactly)
| 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14), cost 150€
| 250€
| -
| [http://blogs.fsfe.org/drdanz/ Daniele E. Domenichelli]
| Nepomuk Persons integration with face recognition, KIPI Plugin for Telepathy
| daniele dot domenichelli at gmail dot com
| +(39).349.320.49.81
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| [https://plus.google.com/106373262168025221888/about Zhang Jie]
| GoSC - digiKam Clone tool
| zhangjiehangyuan2005 at gmail_dot_com
| (+86).15.268.566.953
| 12 january
| 12 january
| 15 january
| 16 january
| Plane from Chandigarh India, via New Delhi, to Genoa Italia
| Plane from ShangHai China to to Milan Italy
| 900€ with Visa - must book by Kde-ev
| 950€
| 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15)
| 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15), cost 160€
| 1110€
| -


| Amey Dharwadker
| [https://plus.google.com/108817970507534438439/about Amey Dharwadker]
| SoK - Face Recognition
| SoK - Face Recognition
| ameydhar at gmail_dot_com
| ameydhar at gmail_dot_com
Line 120: Line 206:
| 15 January
| 15 January
| Plane from Goa India, to Genoa Italy
| Plane from Goa India, to Genoa Italy
| 980€ with Visa - must book by Kde-ev
| 980€ including European Visa (*)
| 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15)
| 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15), cost 160€
| 1140€
| -


| Dhruv Patel 
| SoK - digiKam Presentation mode
| dhruvkumarr_dot_patel51 at gmail_dot_com
| (+91).
| 12 January
| 15 January
| Plane from Ahmedabad India, to Genoa Italia
| 950€ with Visa - must book by Kde-ev
| 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15)

TOTAL COST : 3972 €

=== Preparation  ===
=== Preparation  ===
Line 153: Line 234:
=== Common Topics for Discussion and Coding  ===
=== Common Topics for Discussion and Coding  ===

*Model / View (Gilles, Marcel)
**CameraGui icon-view port.
**Preview and Image Editor canvas factoring.
**Complete Qt4 port everywhere. Remove Qt3 transition classes.

*Clone Tool for Image Editor (Gilles, Marcel, Jie)
**To have a compilable, distributable, and ready to use code.
**Complete all production tests of tool.
**Plan to integrate tool in git/master ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=132483 BKO #132483]).
*Face recognition (Marcel, Amey)
**Implementation in libface, feasibility of task.
**libkface interface.
**UI drafts for integration.
*Panorama Tool (Gilles, Benjamin)
**First users feedback analysis.
**Find right solution to fix Hugin tools detection ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=283650 BKO #283650]).

*Database (Marcel, Francesco, Gilles)
**[http://community.kde.org/Digikam/GSoC2010/ReverseGeocoding Reverse Geo-coding] ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=150981 BKO #150981] and [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=182110 BKO #182110]).
**Improving current implementation of MySQL interface.  
**OpenStreetmap ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=206133 BKO #206133]), Wikimapia ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=233848 BKO #233848]), Google Maps API v3 ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=236533 BKO #236533]), Nokia Ovi.
**Share common widget to a dedicated library, suitable in digiKam and Kipi-plugins.
*Image Versioning
**[http://community.kde.org/Digikam/GSoC2010/NonDestructiveEditing Non destructive editing].
**A format to describe and store editing operations ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=142056 BKO #142056]).
**Storage in database and metadata ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=125387 BKO #125387]).
*Face detection
**Existing solutions / libface, feasibility of task ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=146288 BKO #146288]).
**UI drafts for integration ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=146337 BKO #146337]).
** libkface interface to include in kdegraphics/libs.
*Scripting Capability
**[http://community.kde.org/Digikam/SoK2010/QtScriptIntegration QT-Script integration] (based on Amarok interface).
**First implementation and test ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=146866 BKO #146866]).
*Model / View
**CameraGui icon-view port.
**Preview and Image Editor canvas factoring.
**Complete Qt4 port everywhere. Remove Qt3 transition classes.
**Improving current implementation for MySQL.
**[http://community.kde.org/Digikam/GSoC2010/DatabaseChanges Validate new changes in schema introduced with GOsC contributions].  
**Talk about the future&nbsp;: Postgresql support ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=127321 BKO #127321]).  
**Talk about the future&nbsp;: Postgresql support ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=127321 BKO #127321]).  
**Removing old SQlite2 source code from digiKam core ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=237037 BKO #237037]).
**XMP sidecar support for read only files ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=220545 BKO #220545]).  
**Fix Database schema upgrading v4 to v5 or v5 to v6 ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=277928 BKO #277928] and [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=283502 BKO #283502]).
**Background processing in digiKam ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=173632 BKO #173632], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=227814 BKO #227814], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=222401 BKO #222401]).  
**Fix thumbnail database ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=277242 BKO #277242])
**Introduce Video files support ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=164442 BKO #164442]).
**Fix MySql user privilege ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=262321 BKO 262321])
**Middle-level photo info computation and factoring ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=180322 BKO #180322], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=199461 BKO #199461], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=151685 BKO #151685], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=203733 BKO #203733], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198406 BKO #198406])
**Fix versioning bugs ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=278927 BKO 278927] and [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=287772 BKO 287772])
*Flickr and PicasaWeb tools
**Use Multithreading ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=194811 BKO #194811]).  
*Metadata (Gilles, Marcel)
**Share common implementation between tools in libkipiplugins.
**Completing XMP sidecar support for read only files. ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=220545 BKO #220545]).
**Background processing in digiKam ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=173632 BKO #173632], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=227814 BKO #227814], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=222401 BKO #222401]).
*Photo Layout Editor (Gilles, Łukasz)
**First users feedback analysis ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=283321 BKO #283321]).
**Talk about future functionalities ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=149936 BKO #149936]), and [https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&product=digikamimageplugins&component=Super-Impose&long_desc_type=substring&long_desc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&field0-0-0=noop&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0= Superimpose tool integration].
*Presentation Mode for Album-View (Marcel, Patel)
**To have a compilable, distributable, and ready to use code.  
**Complete all production tests of mode.
**Plan to integrate tool in git/master.
*Nepomuk PIMO:Person integration (Martin, Marcel, Daniele, anyone)
**Integrate PIMO:Persons with DigiKam's face recognition and add semantic capabilities around that
**Related [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=279404 bug 279404]

*Telepathy KIPI Plugin (Daniele)
**Write a KIPI Plugin to send images to Telepathy contacts

=== Food  ===
=== Food  ===
Line 210: Line 303:
| Gilles Caulier  
| Gilles Caulier  
| None
| None
| Supreet Pal Singh
| Vegetarian Food

Line 223: Line 311:

| Amey Dharwadker
| Francesco Riosa
| Vegetarian Food
| Local Food

Line 233: Line 319:

*Only travel costs and hotels can be reimbursed, through KDE-ev sponsorship. Take a look on [http://ev.kde.org/rules/reimbursement_policy.php this page to know the policy].  
*Only travel costs and hotels can be reimbursed, through KDE-ev sponsorship. Take a look on [http://ev.kde.org/rules/reimbursement_policy.php this page to know the policy].  
*The form to be reimbursed can be [http://ev.kde.org/resources/expense_report.pdf downloaded there].
*The form to be reimbursed after the event can be [http://ev.kde.org/resources/expense_report.pdf downloaded there].
*Sent filled form plus all bills by post to [http://ev.kde.org/contact.php Kde-ev office].

=== Sponsorship  ===
=== Sponsorship  ===

*http://www.digikam.org/files/images/ev_large.thumbnail.png The event will be sponsored be [http://ev.kde.org KDE-ev].  
*http://www.digikam.org/files/images/ev_large.thumbnail.png The event will be sponsored be [http://ev.kde.org KDE-ev].  
*Donations from: http://www.marenvandenberg.de/spb/images/english/logo_stockbox.jpg marenvandenberg, [http://www.marenvandenberg.com a photo agency from China].

*To become a sponsor, please make a donation following [http://www.digikam.org/drupal/donation this page...]
*To become a sponsor, please make a donation following [http://www.digikam.org/drupal/donation this page...]

Latest revision as of 20:34, 18 January 2012

KDE Graphics Coding Sprint 2011

The KDE Graphics coding sprint 2011 will take place at Genoa, Italia, from January 13h to 15th 2012. It's organized by Gilles Caulier and Angelo Naseli.



  • HOTEL HELVETIA - P.ZZA DELLA NUNZIATA ,1 - 16124 GENOVA - TEL. 010.2465468 - FAX 010.2470627
  • Prize for one night for one single room : 50,00 €
  • See this url for details about this hotel.
  • There is a Street-View link there to see the front of Hotel.
  • The hotel is quite near Piazza Principe rail station, has a garage but it's better to use public transportation

Moving in Genova

  • We are working on having a little bus to go.

Coding Place


Name Project E-mail Phone Arrival Departure Travel Arrangements Travel Costs Hotel Arrangements and Costs Total Costs Room no.
Stefano Canepa the man who is taking care of logistics sc at linux_dot_it (+39). - - - - - - -
Angelo Naseli Developer, hosting event anaselli at linux_dot_it (+39). - - - - - - -
Gilles Caulier Lead developer, Student mentoring caulier_dot_gilles at gmail_dot_com (+33). 12 january (22:00 at Genoa airport) 15 january (13:00 at Genoa airport) Plane from Marseille France, to Genoa Italia, via Paris 330€ 1 room, 1 person, 3 nights (12/13/14), cost 150€ 480€ 226
Marcel Wiesweg Lead developer, Student mentoring marcel_dot_wiesweg at gmx_dot_de (+49). 12 january (11:20 at Genoa airport) 15 january (11:55 at Genoa airport) Plane from Düsseldorf Germany, to Genoa Italia 214€ 1 room, 1 person, 3 nights (12/13/14), cost 150€ 364€ 553
Francesco Riosa Lead developer, working on digiKam database interface improvement, especially Mysql support. francesco at pnpitalia_dot_it (+39). 13 january 15 january Car/bus from Torino to Genoa, Italia 50€ 1 room, 1 person, 2 nights (13/14), cost 100€ 150€ -
Benjamin Girault GoSC - Kipi-plugin Panorama tool benjamin_dot_girault at gmail_dot_com (+33).0X.XX.XX.XX.XX 12 january (22:00 at Genoa Airport) 16 january (13:30 at Genoa Airport) Plane from Paris France, to Genoa Italia 138€ 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15), cost 200€ 338€ 222
Łukasz Spas SoK - Photo Layouts Editor lukasz_dot_spas at gmail_dot_com (+48).725.972.566 12 January (11:20 at Genoa Airport) 15 January (11:55 at Genoa Airport) Plane from Cracow Poland to Genoa Italia via Monachium 300€ 1 room, 1 person, 3 nights (12/13/14), cost 150€ 450€ 223
Dhruvkumar Patel SoK - digiKam Presentation mode dhruvkumarr_dot_patel51 at gmail_dot_com (+91). 12 January (19:20 at Genoa Airport) 16 January (9:45 at Genoa Airport) Plane from Ahmedabad India to Genoa Italy via New Delhi India and Rome Italy 800€ (including European Visa) 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14/15), cost 200€ 1000€ 447
Martin Klapetek Nepomuk Persons integration with face recognition martin dot klapetek at gmail dot com +(42). 12 January (around 15:00 at Genoa main station) 15 January (around 16:00 from Genoa main station) Plane from Berlin, Germany to Milan, Italy and then train, back to Czech republic ~100€ (tbd exactly) 1 room, 1 person, 4 nights (12/13/14), cost 150€ 250€ -
Daniele E. Domenichelli Nepomuk Persons integration with face recognition, KIPI Plugin for Telepathy daniele dot domenichelli at gmail dot com +(39).349.320.49.81 - - - - - - -

TOTAL COST : 3972 €


To bring

  • Wifi will be available at Alid Association. For non-wifi computers plan a Network gateway and ethernet cables.
  • Plan a video-projector.
  • Digital Still Camera (of course).
  • Tea and coffee for working hours.

To book

  • Food for Mid-day lunch.
  • Restaurant for 14 january, Saturday evening.

Common Topics for Discussion and Coding

  • Model / View (Gilles, Marcel)
    • CameraGui icon-view port.
    • Preview and Image Editor canvas factoring.
    • Complete Qt4 port everywhere. Remove Qt3 transition classes.
  • Panorama Tool (Gilles, Benjamin)
    • First users feedback analysis.
    • Find right solution to fix Hugin tools detection (BKO #283650).
  • Presentation Mode for Album-View (Marcel, Patel)
    • To have a compilable, distributable, and ready to use code.
    • Complete all production tests of mode.
    • Plan to integrate tool in git/master.
  • Nepomuk PIMO:Person integration (Martin, Marcel, Daniele, anyone)
    • Integrate PIMO:Persons with DigiKam's face recognition and add semantic capabilities around that
    • Related bug 279404
  • Telepathy KIPI Plugin (Daniele)
    • Write a KIPI Plugin to send images to Telepathy contacts


My suggestions:

  • There is many possibilities in Genoa town (pizza, baggels, sushi, sandwich, etc.)
  • Last year in France we went to a restaurant for dinner Saturday evening, I enjoyed that quite much. I would suggest us we continue in this tradition this year as well. We need to find a not too expensive restaurants in Genoa city center.
  • Anyway, let's me hear your food preferences below:

Name Food Preference
Gilles Caulier None
Dhruv Patel Vegetarian Food
Francesco Riosa Local Food



  • To become a sponsor, please make a donation following this page...