Just stumped
- bug #113215 - can't figure this one out. Text does not match in any browser.
- bug #123552 - Change components? If so to what? Nixeagle
- bug #124497 - I don't know what [alt] is even supposed to do. What is the bug?
- bug #123552 - Philrod notes that he has seen something like this: the way to reproduce is you go to a website and open a text file, embedded in konqueror. Then you go to the address bar and enter some actual web site (say, It loads the website in the text component.
Test case needed
- bug #112943 Support of CSS page-context "@page"
bug #115909 -- something that replicates the effect of pushing the "larger" link and makes all text on the page bigger?- As much of a test case as that bug needs has been produced.
- bug #116957 -- Fairly complex, involves js in what appears to be multiple files, as well as running je-debugger,
Can't test
- Can't test due to qt bug which gentoo has not patched yet. This prevents me from testing anything that needs SSL. (anything requiring a login is more or less out).
- bug #112424
bug #116406Moved to "Bugs with step-by-step instructions" Frank78ac- bug #116799
- bug #126345
- Need kmail
- bug #115515 Bug still occurs, folks on that report seem stumped.
bug #124193 XLST not supported by konq, so what do we do with this?- grundleborg recommends asking the devs, so that is where this one goes. Nixeagle