Konqueror bugbusting during GCI2010 1st task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the Konqueror section of bugzilla.
- 140290 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 204817 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 204612 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed, marked as a duplicte of bug 204817
- 177626 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 252691 - tested against 4.5.4 and it's no more a valid bug, assigned to khtml image part, can eventually be closed
- 137934 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 183083 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 148819 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 73880 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 108149 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 186888 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 119937 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 65722 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 153573 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 120497 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 54844 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 242235 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed, assigned to khtml svg
- 190698 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed, assigned to khtml svg
- 197322 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed, assigned to khtml svg
- 176977 - assigned to khtml svg
Konqueror bugbusting during GCI2010 2nd task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the Konqueror section of bugzilla.
- 47320 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 24820 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 19250 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 37007 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 37876 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed, changed from wish to bug, testcase attached
- 40116 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 40328 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 256954 - tested against 4.5.4, marked as NEW and assigned to searchbarplugin
- 256759 - tested against 4.5.4, marked as NEW and assigned to khtml
- 255623 - tested against 4.5.4 and assigned to tabbing
- 248730 - tested against 4.5.4, marked as NEW and assigned to khtml
- 248600 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 248252 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 50688 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 54696 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 58111 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 57501 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 58432 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 61426 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 62072 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
Konqueror bugbusting during GCI2010 3rd task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the Konqueror section of bugzilla.
- 94867 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 136463 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 188073 - updated version because of several comments telling the bug is recent
- 188477 - marked as Waiting for info
- 96312 - marked as Waiting for info
- 96781 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 96935 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 98631 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 149388 - marked as a duplicate of 99043
- 100647 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 100774 - fixed because of silence and no response of the reporter
- 100850 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed, added "[testcase]" in the title bar
- 101279 - marked as Waiting for info
- 102443 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed, added "[testcase]" in the title bar
- 103250 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 104297 - marked as Waiting for info
- 104358 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 129328 - marked as Waiting for info
- 129581 - marked as Waiting for info
- 129620 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
KDE bugbusting during GCI2010 1st task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the KDE section of bugzilla.
- 256133 - identified as downstream
- 233465 - assigned to KWin
- 231549 - assigned to Nepomuk
- 231420 - confirmed in 4.5, updated version, set component to clipboard
- 228641 - assigned to KWin
- 228268 - marked as waiting for info
- 38845 - changed component to clipboard
- 78955 - changed component to clipboard
- 152256 - marked as waiting for info
- 152903 - changing component to dualhead, asking for new info
- 152288 - marked as a duplicate of bug 83481
- 177733 - closed
- 185408 - closed after trying to reproduce it
- 201036 - asked for new info
- 202759 - tested against 4.5 and closed
- 204856 - marked as downstream
- 205689 - closed
- 210283 - tested against 4.5 and closed
- 212568 - assigned to artwork, updated version to 4.5
- 215607 - marked as downstream
Konqueror bugbusting during GCI2010 4th task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the Konqueror section of bugzilla.
- 23981 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 33210 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 30846 - tested against 4.5.4 and changed from wish to bug
- 30774 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 30954 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 28918 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 27308 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 32897 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 33993 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 34050 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 34316 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 36067 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 39248 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 41845 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 43264 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 43273 - closed
- 44557 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 45882 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 46129 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 47001 - marked as wontfix due to its age and a quite similar solution thats implemented yet
Konqueror bugbusting during GCI2010 5th task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the Konqueror section of bugzilla (khtml).
- 23315 - asked for validity due to age of the bug
- 24121 - added a testcase for this report
- 102100 - assigned to khtml ecma
- 102284 - assigned to New plugin wishes
- 103846 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and changed title according to the slightly changed bug
- 105505 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 105723 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 106386 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and assigned to khtml ecma
- 106407 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 106674 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and assigned to khtml svg
- 106806 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 109497 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 93235 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 92142 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 99043 - assigned to khtml ecma
- 100805 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and attached a testcase
- 130531 - assigned to khtml ecma
- 133827 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and assigned to khtml forms
- 135739 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 136278 - closed
Konqueror bugbusting during GCI2010 6th task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the Konqueror section of bugzilla.
- 26022 - closed as wontfix
- 190071 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 190113 - tested against 4.5.4 (couldn't reproduce), asked for confirmation, changed title and marked as waitingforinfo
- 190109 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and assigned to khtml forms
- 190160 - closed
- 190499 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 190663 - assigned' to nspluginviewer
- 191043 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed, assigned to khtml and changed title
- 191266 - marked as waitingforinfo
- 191317 - closed
- 191686 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 191891 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 192011 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and assigned to khtml ecma
- 192260 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 192351 - closed
- 192526 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and added "[site-issue]" to the title
- 192783 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and added "[testcase]" to the title
- 193077 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 193358 - tested against 4.5.4 and asked for confirmation
- 193484 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
Konqueror bugbusting during GCI2010 7th task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the Konqueror section of bugzilla.
- 66781 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 67148 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and added "[testcase]" to headline
- 67313 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and attached a new testcase
- 67843 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 67859 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 68429 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 68526 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 79492 - updating version to 4.5.4
- 79897 - closed as wontfix
- 80304 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and changed from wish to bug
- 153576 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 153722 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 154889 - asked for more info
- 155176 - assigned to nspluginviewer
- 155247 - identified as outdated and closed
- 155551 - asked for more info and assigned to khtml forms
- 155861 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 156192 - tested against 4.5.4, could not reproduce and asked for confirmation
- 157483 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 157757 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
Konqueror bugbusting during GCI2010 8th task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the Konqueror section of bugzilla.
- 139059 - assigned to nspluginviewer
- 139082 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 139122 - assigned to sidebar
- 139648 - assigned to kjava
- 139700 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 139838 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 140524 - assigned to kjava
- 140664 - assigned to khtml forms
- 140754 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 140801 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 140925 - assigned to kjava
- 141093 - assigned to khtml ecma
- 141596 - asked for confirmation
- 141810 - assigned to khtml ecma
- 141846 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 141920 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 142001 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 142445 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 143045 - assigned to khtml svg
- 143127 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
Konqueror bugbusting during GCI2010 9th task
Task: cleanup of 20 bugs in the Konqueror section of bugzilla.
- 143213 - asked for confirmation
- 143699 - could not reproduce and asked for confirmation
- 143819 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 143830 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and assigned to nspluginviewer
- 143972 - closed
- 144172 - asked for confirmation and assigned to khtml ecma
- 144308 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 144489 - tested against 4.5.4, confirmed and assigned to khtml forms
- 144707 - marked as waitingforinfo
- 144751 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 144775 - asked for confirmation
- 144909 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 145380 - closed
- 145634 - asked for confirmation
- 145680 - asked for confirmation
- 145738 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 146123 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed
- 146508 - marked as waitingforinfo
- 146609 - tested against 4.5.4 and closed
- 146643 - tested against 4.5.4 and confirmed