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From KDE TechBase

Hello All ! Surprisingly, when I tried to load KDE Tools to see how they would be helpfull for maintenance of webpages, I did not success ! I loaded well the KDE Installer for Windows, but did not find how to Download the Tools themselves ! And No Contact way with People directly shown on the Home Page of KDE Organisation Site ! So, if anyone reading this could send me a link for Downloading, it would be kind ! To introduce myself, after working in Computers Maintenance and Documentation between 1980 and 1996, and various other jobs, I am now in System Sciences in the french association dealing with, specially about questions of Terminology and Ontology ! So, as a Developper, I can Contribute very few, but quite well as Translator ! And, of course in System Sciences, Systemics, about which I a currently building a French Version of the "International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics" !