User:DarioAndres/Old/Bug Triage of Common Issues in kdelibs
BKO "Group" Listing
This is a list of related bug reports that can be marked as duplicate to another one in the same category.
Samba CRASH in Dolphin
- (maybe MAIN) bug #163824 :: Dolphin crash clicking on "samba shares" from "folders" panel :: KDirListerCache::slotUpdateResult (4.1.x & old svn)
- bug #168332 :: Crash when browsing a smb:// share :: KDirListerCache::slotUpdateResult
- bug #168050 :: Dolphin crashes when cancelling the password prompt for smb:/ shares :: KDirListerCache::slotUpdateResult :: KDirLister::Private::redirect (4.1.x & old svn)
- bug #173008 :: crash after samba login with dolphin
- bug #173096 :: Dolphin crashes when accessing Samba shares from windowsXP :: (QUrl::operator=) KDirLister::Private::redirect
- bug #175513 :: Dolphin crashes on samba login :: Assert in KDirLister::Private::redirect
- bug #176696 :: dolphin crash on windows share login (4.1.3)
- bug #176137 :: Crash when opening share with passwordless user
SMB:/ errors relating to encoding of files
triaged by FiNeX
- (MAIN) bug #158639 :: SMB KIO can't work with non-ascii file names
- bug #172840 :: dolphin and konqueror from kde4 don't open russian smb shares (it say's - file does not exist!)
- bug #173358 :: smb characters with accent
- bug #171819 :: Konqueror/Dolphin can't browse folders/windows shares/smb shares with characters other than a-z 0-9
- bug #168481 :: Dolphin cannot open folders whose name includes an accent on Samba shares
- bug #170213 :: Dolphin can not access files named with special characters in a samba share
- bug #171742 :: File or folder don't exist then browsing Samba share with Dolphin.
- bug #169781 :: samba filename with special characters access error
- bug #176486 :: Failure when opening a SMB folder
triaged by FiNeX
- (maybe MAIN) bug #165044 :: Dolphin can't handle well files/folders with wrong encoding
- bug #162009 :: wrong encoding in message saying that file does not exist
- bug #175764 :: not deleting files with unknown encoding
- bug #159241 :: dolphin can't handle files with its filename not correctly encoded with current locale
- bug #165400 :: UTF-8 incompatibility issue with KDE4 / Dolphin
- bug #160072 :: handle invalid encoding can't open read directory file
- bug #167097 :: Dolphin can't manipulate files that have names incorrectly encoded
- bug #178927 :: files with strange characters in name not accessible
- bug #183040 :: not utf8 file names don't exists to kde
- bug #168219 :: Copying files with special / non-ascii characters (e.g. ö, ë and ø) fails in 4.1
Toolbars errors (states not saved/ icon size and position changes) in KDE 4.0.x/4.1.x
- bug #158698 :: Text Toolbars drift toward left and cover main toolbar :: MAIN - Moving toolbars after reload app
- bug #152266 :: toolbar icon size gets lost
- bug #168480 :: MAIN applications do not respect the size of icons in toolbars
- bug #167280 :: toolbars of kde4 applications don't remember settings (icon size)
- bug #155889 :: Toolbar icon size doesn't persist
- bug #164555 :: toolbar is misplaced (regression)
- bug #165499 :: (korganizer) Position of the "Views" toolbar is not saved
- bug #167451 :: Configuring toolbars results in Orientation, Text Position, & Icon Size reverting to global default
- bug #168581 :: Unwanted address toolbar resize when opening a new tab in konqueror :: location toolbar moves to the right
- bug #170120 :: konqueror cannot remember user's placement of toolbars
- bug #176149 :: Location bar on different toolbar is lost after restarting konqueror :: different issue '
- bug #167389 :: location bar keeps moving over icons even after locking and saving web browsing profile
- bug #165205 :: MAIN Toolbars unlock while application is used
- bug #166815 :: locking the main toolbar not sustained in kate
- bug #175609 :: Toolbars always unlocked when restoring session :: seems to be a different bug still reproducible in 4.2svn
- bug #167659 (dupe) :: Konqueror Location toolbar position not saved
- bug #166984 :: akregator's kontact plugin doesn't save position of browser toolbar
- bug #171815 :: Secondary toolbars don't respect global text position setting
- bug #166202 (dupe):: Location toolbar slowly takes over all horizontal space
- bug #163772 :: Toolbar with textfield pushes toolbars with deactivated text out of the window :: seems to be a different bug, already fixed
- bug #170353 :: Location toolbar gets partly out of the window
- bug #169282 :: The toolbar disappears arbitrarily
- bug #164500 :: Only location toolbar is displayed when sessions are restored
- bug #179797 :: crash after waking from systray
- bug #178570 :: Plasma random crash (related to notifications, I suppose)
- bug #177945 :: random plasma crash after starting an application via alt-F2 that goes to systray
- bug #176270 :: krita, crash, calligraphy, pan
- bug #175289 :: kontact crash on systray update
- bug #181095 :: plasma crash while copying file
- bug #182010 :: Couple of Plasma Crashes through a course of two weeks
- bug #182884 :: Panel stops to update and then Plasma crashes
- bug #183798 :: KDE's GUI Keeps Crashing after random use
- bug #184481 :: Plasma crashes when clicking on a taskbar entry that had no window associated with
- bug #184695 :: Plasma crash with prior "artifacts" (SIGSEGV)
- bug #185668 :: KWIN Crash in Client::updateDecoration()
- bug #186119 :: The application Plasma Workspace (plasma) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).
- bug #187799 :: New: Plasma Workspace (plasma), signal SIGSEGV