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From KDE TechBase

A quick intro for potential plasma contributors

  • Plasma uses kdelibs coding style. there's a file in svn that makes vim follow this automatically: kde-devel.vim
  • nontrivial patches should be reviewed before committing. depending on the content of the patch, this could be as simple as getting someone on irc to do a quick sanity-check, or it could turn into a full discussion about the pros and cons of various ways of implementing something. :) we have a review board to post patches to (sadly it only works in firefox), and a script to easily post patches. the original script and instructions for using it are on aaron's blog. note that the reviewboard url and path have changed since that post; here's an up-to-date sample .reviewboardrc. if you're using git-svn, you will want the updated script, plus this script for producing compatible diffs.
  • our mailing list is plasma-devel (archives). the old mailing list was panel-devel. bugs go to a separate list, plasma-bugs.
  • of course, the rest of techbase has lots of important information about contributing to kde in general; you've read that stuff, right?