Translations:Development/KDevelop-PG-Qt Introduction/25/en

From KDE TechBase
  • --namespace=namespace - sets the C++ namespace for the generated sources independently from the file prefix. When this option is set, you can also use / in the --ouput option
  • --no-ast - don't create the ast.h file, more to that below
  • --debug-visitor - generates a debug visitor that prints the AST
  • --serialize-visitor - generates code for serialization via a QIODevice
  • --terminals - all tokens will be written into the file kdev-pg-terminals
  • --symbols - all possible nodes from the AST (not the leafs) will be written into the file kdev-pg-symbols
  • --rules - all grammar rules with informationen about their syntactic correlations will be written into a file called kdev-pg-rules. useful for debugging and solving conflicts
  • --token-text - generates a function to map token-numbers onto token-names
  • --help - print usage information