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How to report a bug

Go to bugs.kde.org and choose plasma-nm product. If your bug is related to the applet (e.g. some information is not displayed correctly) then select "applet" component, if your bug is related to the editor (e.g. you are unable to save your connection or edit some option) then select "editor" component, otherwise choose "general" component if you are not sure where your issue should belong. When providing description, try to provide as much information you can. This should include plasma-nm and NetworkManager versions, because this is typically our first question. Also, if your issue is similar/related to the ones mentioned below, provide please information as described below.

Plasma-nm doesn't remember my password

  • (Plasma 5) Check whether plasma-nm kded module is running
if `qdbus org.kde.kded5 /kded org.kde.kded5.loadedModules | grep networkmanagement > /dev/null`; then echo "running"; else echo "not running"; fi
  • (KDE 4) Check whether plasma-nm kded module is running
if `qdbus org.kde.kded /kded org.kde.kded.loadedModules | grep networkmanagement > /dev/null`; then echo "running"; else echo "not running"; fi
  • Provide NetworkManager log and don't forget to add it as an attachment, nobody want's to read full log as a comment
journalctl -u NetworkManager --since today
  • Use nmcli to get information about your connection (replace your_connection_name by an actual name)
nmcli connection show your_connection_name
  • (Plasma 5) Check whether NetworkManager is asking plasma-nm to store/load secrets. Open konsole and run the command below, then restart kded5 from the same shell and try to re-save your connection and open it again. You should see output starting with "plasma-nm: ...." which is exactly what we need so save it and add it to the bugzilla.
export QT_LOGGING_RULES=plasma-nm*.debug=true
  • (KDE 4) Check whether NetworkManager is asking plasma-nm to store/load secrets. Open kdebugdialog and enable plasma-nm debug. Open konsole and restart kded there, then try to re-save your connection and open it again. You should see output starting with "plasma-nm: ...." which is exactly what we need so save it and add it to the bugzilla.

My connection in the applet shows wrong information

This includes wrong connection state (e.g. the connecting indicator keeps spinning), wrong information in the connection details, wrong icon and so on. This is usually caused by NetworkManager which either sends us a wrong information over DBus or it doesn't send it at all, but it may be also an issue in plasma-nm, where we don't react on this change properly. Here are few useful information which should help us to debug this issue.

  • Get output from dbus-monitor, run the command below in konsole and keep it running, then from another shell restart plasmashell (plasma-desktop in case of KDE 4) and do all actions leading to your issue (wrong behaviour of plasma-nm). After you manage to reproduce your issue save the output from dbus-monitor and add it as an attachment to the bugzilla.
dbus-monitor --system "type='signal',sender='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager'"
  • (Plasma 5) Get debug output from plasma-nm. Open konsole and run the command below, then restart plasmashell from the same shell where you executed the command and try to reproduce your issue. You should see some output from restarted plasmashell including lines starting with "plasma-nm: ....." which is exactly what we need so save the whole output and add it to the bugzilla.
export QT_LOGGING_RULES=plasma-nm*.debug=true
  • (KDE 4) Get debug output from plasma-nm. Open kdebugdialog and enable plasma-nm debug. Then from konsole restart plasma-desktop and try to reproduce your issue. You should see some output from restarted plasma-desktop including lines starting with "plasma-nm: ...." which is exactly what we need so save the whole output and add it to the bugzilla.

Plasma-nm fails to activate my connection

Mostly this is a NM issue, but it might have a cause in plasma-nm as well. In most cases you should get a notification with information what is wrong or whether something is missing.

  • The most useful information in this case is NetworkManager log
journalctl -u NetworkManager --since today