< Projects
Plasma Planning for 4.4 (June 27, 2009)
- Aaron Seigo
- Chani Armitage
- Rob Scheepmaker
- Sebastian Kügler
- David Bettio
- Jeremy Whiting
- Marco Martin
- Ivan Čukić
- Nuno Pinheiro
- Richard Moore
- Alessandro Diaferia
Talking Points
plasma netbook
- work started and good progress made on newspaper layout and SAL
- shell actually loads and essentially works, so "first draft" is there
- Artur and MM will tag team on it at Akademy
- AS: the ARM CPU arch and plasma: get hardware to the people working on this
notification queuing and logging
- SK: queuing is something Canonical might be able to implement
- SK: display needs polishing (white space in there, too much info)
- AS: only show N max per application, log the really old ones, and alow expanding of recent items that exceed N
- AS: ability to separate new items from existing ones .. so .. two extenders? or switching what the extender is showing based on interaction context?
full featured JavaScript API (binding Qt+KDE libs in full)
- RM will catch up on what the status of the generator is, fire back report
- RM will coordinate with amarokers
- Goal: get a set of generator-created bindings for 4.4
further extension of the Simple JavaScript API
- Implement Keyboard status widget
- Implement video driven "welcome" plasmoid
- SoC project?
- use it for our layouts as standard, or would that be overkill?
- replace existing clunky animation code (see battery.cpp f.e.)
remote widgets/engines/services
- RS Currently working: publishing/accessing remote Plasma::Services, including public key authentication, setting and testing rules for access, and now remote dataEngine access starts to basically work
- RS DataEngine::serviceForSource is not async, though it needs to be. Add serviceReady() signal to Service.
D'n'D of remote content / remote content on canvas
- fetching remote mimetype (half ready patch on sebas' disk)
- actually getting at the file using KIO: needs some applets fixed probably (frame has patch on sebas' disk
- CA: it's on target for 4.4
- CA: UI is finally coming along with user testing:
- and the plugins CA will be implementing are listed in the proposal:
add widget dialog
- Ana's SoC project has it as subject
- IC is scheduling meeting for this
- AS has concerns about design, ability to integrate with panel workflow and visual elegance
improvements to ZUI (finally nail that crap)
- shadows around containments, non-checkerboard
- see what can be done about performance
- meet up @ Akademy about this, Chani's missing brain dump email?
- also provide a context menu plugin for this
window slide in/out in KWin
- implement a desktop effect to replace plasma's window-sliding antics for hiding panels and windows to/from widgetsin panels
social desktop
- move engine into kdebase
- OCS lib should probably move to workspace/libs/ until we can trick, er, convince others into using it in apps and then into kdepimlibs or kdelibs
- OCS lib isn't ready for BC yet (dptrs, API review, etc), however
- SK: akonadi features pending, but planned
- AS: consider making it a part of the default desktop layout? encourage users to sign up
- MM: add user's activities
- need to schedule another meeting for this one
moving system tray from experimental to fd.o standard
- MM is working on specification (RM volunteered to assist)
* * ItemWatcher and Host are todo's in the spec * needs proofing and review, then send to fd.o
- porting target: all apps in kde main modules that use ksystemtray: (not counting extragear)
- move it into libkdeui
krunner magic
- basics are in place, now lets take it to school!
developer documentation, website
- J. Janz is working on JavaScript tutorials
- really, really need to do something about plasma.k.o
kuiserver and plasma job display
- S. Reich has worked on turning it into a store-and-forward multiplexing system
* multiple visualizations can be connected * if plasma crashes, jobs are still there when it comes back * provides own UI if plasma not available or turned off * apps won't block and plasma and vice versa (just on kuiserver ;)
- work ready for review and merge
autoupdating / checking of plasmoids
- Assigned to: AS / RS(?)
- JP: GHNS2 provides a way to autoupdate packages
- JP: in 4.4. dialog will have an update tab
- AS: request non-dialog, direct API access
- JP: still some decision work needed in GHNS community, will keep us informed
- Signing of plasmoids/engines/services needed
- Tie that level of trust into capabilities offered the plasmoid
- Needs more definition and research, see document in design/
PIM / Akonadi
- Lion Mail probably ready for "simpler" cases for 4.4, but pending:
* features in akonadi (searching, sorting) * data actually being in akonadi (4.4 material for the PIM team)
- interaction with contacts (akonadi contacts support is in the data engine), contacts applet? What role does telepathy play here?
Desktop settings
- Assigned: Davide Bettio
- Icon view for wallpapers / themes
- Separate out plasma global settings from it
- Explore possible ways to remove some of the wallpaper plugin settings dupes?
Plasma D-Bus access
- IC is working on finalizing the design, will implement for 4.4
Multimedia components
- AD: finishing the basic api
- AD: now we have a media browser, a working playlist applet, some useful dataengines and a weird-not-working playback control applet
- first draft should be ready to go with 4.4