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Specification compliance of icon names

With MIME types, there is no complete list of icon names in the spec. Therefore, they are divided in categories:

Standard FD.o MIME Types

This is the complete list in the FD.o spec:

 application-x-executable        OK
 audio-x-generic                 OK
 font-x-generic                  (valid? font-* is not in IANA.)
 image-x-generic                 OK
 package-x-generic               OK (valid? package-* is not in IANA.)
 text-html                       OK
 text-x-generic                  OK
 text-x-generic-template         Needed
 text-x-script                   OK
 video-x-generic                 OK
 x-office-address-book           OK
 x-office-calendar               Needed
 x-office-document               OK
 x-office-presentation           Needed
 x-office-spreadsheet            OK

These are included in Tango:


It has not yet been determined which Tango icons we will need to use.

Icons for Standard MIME Types

This is the complete list in the FD.o spec Non-regular files:

 inode-blockdevice               Needed
 inode-chardevice                Needed
 inode-directory                 OK
 inode-fifo                      Needed
 inode-mount-point               Not needed, because it's not
                                 displayed as its own icon
 inode-socket                    Not needed (right?)
 inode-symlink                   Not needed, because it's not
                                 displayed as its own icon

Other MIME types conforming to IANA

 application-xhtml+xml           OK
 text-vcalendar                  OK
 text-plain                      OK

Note for IANA conformity, see: [1]

Other MIME types needed for KDE

 application-x-bittorrent        OK
 application-x-mswinurl          OK
 x-office-contact                OK (should be used as "contact" icon,
                                     that is, someone != actual user)
 x-media-podcast                 -> move to Amarok, or OK