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From KDE TechBase

KDE attends Linuxtag also in 2007 in Berlin.

The Booth will be located at Hall 12, Stand 70.

The BoothBox is being picked up at credativ on Friday between 13:00 and 17:00 by "iloxx AG Versand und Transport" and will arrive on Tuesday.

To keep an overview over all people who want to help, please insert your Name and eMail address here.

Who EMail Days needs accomodation? Notes
Jörg Hoh joerg@joerghoh all yes wearing the booth manager hat
Adrian de Groot groot@kde all yes -
Daniel Molkentin danimo@kde all yes -
Sebastian Kügler sebas@kde all yes Also giving a talk, couple of meetings
Oswald Buddenhagen ossi@kde all ... likely no no particular role :)
Torsten Rahn rahn@kde weekend + yes -
Tobias Pfeiffer tgpfeiffer at web dot de fr + sa could provide accomodation for 1 person -
Josef Spillner spillner@kde fr + sa no openprinting bof, not much booth time
Franz Keferböck franz.keferboeck@gmail all yes Helped on CeBIT Booth this year, currently working on eigen(2)
Eckhart Wörner kde at ewsoftware dot de fr + sa no helped at Linuxtage Chemnitz last year

The days:

Day Date Note
1 Tu, 29 May Setup
2 We, 30 May Business day
3 Thu, 31 May Business day
4 Fri, 1 June
5 Sat, 2 June