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From KDE TechBase

Just like every year, KDE will have a booth at the world's largest Linux conference and exposition event, which is LinuxTag from May 3-6 in 2006. After Karlsruhe during the previous years, it has now moved to Wiesbaden.

NEWS (27.04.)

KDinner planned for May 4 (thursday) at Italian restaurant. This clashes with Social Event. Anyone desperately wants to go to the Social Event? In this case, we need alternative KDinner offers.

The KDE booth has got the number #937 and is located in hall 9, as can be seen on the booth plan.

For accomodation, a gym hall will be available. No guarantees can be made at all at this point for lodging of KDE booth staffers, but an arrangement similar to the one last year will be tried to be made.

KDE booth staffers will receive exhibitor passes. In addition, a two-digit number of visitor 1-day tickets can be given away to KDE fans and contributors. We should find a way to distribute them according to who needs some.

So, what is needed?

  • If you're interested in helping, contact Josef Spillner (josefde) or Torsten Rahn (tackat). We urgently need people for some tasks!
  • In any case, if you plan to staff the booth, write your name in the list below, together with the days you're on the booth, and your email address.
  • If you've got cool hardware to lend, let us know.

Booth staffers

Name Email Mobile Days Remarks
Konqui konq@kde.org - 3,4,5,6 I'm a stuffed animal!
sebas sebas@kde.org - 3,4,5,6 none
Josef Spillner spillner@kde.org - 3,4,5,6 need lodging (transportation organised now)
Martin Pfeiffer hubipete@gmx.net - 6 no needs
Jörg Hoh joerg@joerghoh.de - 3,4,5 no needs
Stefan Werden stefan.werden@gmx.de> - 2,3,4,5 no needs, booth installation
Torsten Rahn rahn@kde.org 01608430843 2,6 booth installation
Thomas Zander zander (at) kde org - * ---
Matthias Kretz kretz@kde.org - 5,6 no needs
Dominik Haumann dhdev@gmx.de - 5,6 no needs
Chris Schlaeger cs@kde.org - 4,5 no needs


Name Email Days Remarks
Will Stephenson wstephenson (at) kde org 4,5,6 openSUSE
Jonathan Riddell jriddellATubuntu.com 6 Kubuntu Meetings
Stephan Binner beineri * opensuse org 4,5,6 openSUSE
Duncan Mac-Vicar duncan (at) kde.org 4 openSUSE
Daniel Molkentin molkentin (at) kde.org 2,4,5 OSP, LinuxEvents, booth installation
Cornelius Schumacher schumacher@kde.org 3,4,5 also openSUSE
Tina Trillitzsch t.trillitzsch (at) gmx.de 2,3,4,5,6 OpenUsability
Florian Grässle holehan (at) gmx.de 2,3,4,5,6 OpenUsability
Ariya Hidayat ariya (at) kde.org 3,6 KOffice talk
Frank Osterfeld frank.osterfeld (at) gmx.de 6 none

I want to bring some (networking and misc booth) equipment with me. I will also try to send the box directly to the linuxtag so we can decide what happens next with it. -- Jörg Hoh

If it works out, I will bring my PC and Monitor at Tuesday. A vanilla SUSE 10.1 factory is preinstalled (with Xen and working Xgl), but we can install any other distribution (as DomU or on the second HD, I don't care). -- Daniel Molkentin