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From KDE TechBase

CeBIT 2009 will take place in Hannover, Germany during March 3-8, 2009. KDE's presence at CeBIT 2009 will be coordinated by Eckhart Wörner.


We have successfully applied for a KDE booth (confirmed on January 20th). Booth is at hall 6, F50.


Name Mail Phone Number Tue 3rd Wed 4th Thu 5th Fri 6th Sat 7th Sun 8th accommodation needed
Eckhart Wörner ewoerner(at)kde.org +49 173 8026512 x x x x x x yes
Stefan Majewsky majewsky(at)gmx.net +49 151 23269700 x x x x x x yes
Felix Lemke lemke.felix(at)ages-skripte.org +49 176 24243528 x x x x x x yes
Casper van Donderen casper.vandonderen(at)gmail.com +31 6 12886411 x x x x x x yes
Alexander Neundorf neundorf(at)kde.org (via mail) - x x x - - yes
Claudia Rauch rauch(at)kde.org +49 69 8700 3230 x x x - - - yes
Jos Poortvliet jospoortvliet(at)kde.org +31 648462950 - x x - - - yes
Patrick Spendrin ps_ml(at)gmx.de (via mail) - - - x x - yes
Bart Cerneels bart.cerneels(at)kde.org +32 496 100 633 - - - x x x yes
Wendy Van Craen wendy.vancraen(at)kde.org call Bart - - - x x x yes


The following reservations are approved:

Bed Mon-Tue Tue-Wed Wed-Thu Thu-Fri Fri-Sat Sat-Sun
1 Eckhart Eckhart Eckhart Eckhart Eckhart Eckhart
2 Casper Casper Casper Casper Casper Casper
3 Stefan Stefan Stefan Stefan Stefan Stefan
4 Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix
5 Claudia Claudia Claudia Wendy Wendy Wendy
6 Jos Jos Bart Bart Bart
7 Alexander Alexander Alexander Patrick Danimo
8 Amarok Amarok Amarok Amarok Amarok Amarok

Accomodation is Altenauer Weg 4 and Altenauer Weg 10.

Accomodation includes breakfast.

Project presentation

Felix, Stefan and Casper will take care of the presentation. Presentation takes place Wednesday, 16:40 - 17:00.


We will get two exhibitor passes and enough free online tickets for everybody. __If you like to have some free tickets, just send Eckhart a mail.__


You can use use your tickets for public transport if you write down the date of validity on the ticket.

Amarok participation

Amarok has its own booth, we collaborate for accomodation and social stuff (Amarok guys are really good at that). Amarok booth planning takes place at http://rokymotion.pwsp.net/wiki/Events/CeBIT_2009